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Everything posted by Alvin89

  1. Not that it's 100% similar since we still don't know the details in this case but several people in Ferguson witnessed Michael Brown with his hands up and pleading to not be shot. Of course that wound up being completely false. If Shaun King of all people is questioning the time lines then I'm sure a lot more info is about to come out.
  2. I can fully understand the victims misidentifying a person while being shot at but it seems like they were very detailed in their description including his eye color. What a strange and tragic story.
  3. https://mobile.twitter.com/ABREG_1/status/1081753924477112321
  4. Gonna give the non alcoholic beer a shot. Appreciate the advice
  5. Got a quick quick question for you folks. I’ve always had labs but we are thinking of getting a second dog. I’ve always liked Huskies but I’ve never got one because we live just outside of Houston and it seemed like a hot climate for a husky. However, there is now a great looking husky at our local animal shelter up for adoption. We live on a bunch of acreage and exercise our current dog on a daily basis so that’s not a problem. Anyone have experience with raising a husky in a warmer climate and how to get its exercise in without a heat stroke?
  6. Awesome, read the article and downloaded the app it said to help out. Appreciate it!
  7. This is pretty much where I’m at. I’ve tapered off my drinking substantially this last year and hit the gym pretty hard. When I do tie one on with friends I’m pretty much useless for the next full day because the hangovers are miserable now. I know I don’t have a real problem that’s effecting my life in major ways but I also know I’m not letting myself grow as much as I want. Not to pass the blame but my friends drink a ton and a lot of my drinking tends to be social drinking. I’ve been the goofy fun drunk with these guys for the better part of my adult life but the fun doesn’t out weigh the hangovers anymore. I can’t think of the last week where I didn’t drink at some point with dinner or after work even if I didn’t get drunk. I think I’m gonna give a month with 0 alcohol a shot starting in January. Any tips on staying straight for a full month?
  8. Lazenby lying about the movies he had acted in was hilarious. Guess there wasn't much of a way to double check everything back then
  9. Our local movie theater played Goldfinger a few years back. When Connery slaps the girls ass and gives the man talk line the entire theater busted out laughing. Way less egregious then what's said or done in most rap songs/videos.
  10. Alvin89

    NCAA Week 12

    Just started betting on a few games for fun but do have one question. Has anyone had any problems cashing a check from Bovada or any of the other gambling sites? Just wondering how that works before I throw more money at it.
  11. MSNBC calls it for Cruz
  12. I don't remember why she brought Scott into it either other then just throwing everything out there to create more doubt.
  13. You mean, Brian "the astros will never sign Justin Verlander" McTaggart? I honestly do not believe he has any inside information.
  14. Jeff is finally going outside...with protective goggles.
  15. Second the Union Oyster House for the chowder. Sam Adams brews a special colonial ale specifically for Union Oyster House that's worth a try.
  16. ABC Houston just tweeted it as well....
  17. Major announcement at 2:30.....What could this be?
  18. In Alvin about 10-15 minutes from the school. We use to do some work with SF High School a few years back and it's pretty much like every other small town high school in Texas. Awful Awful Day
  19. Nick Wright would be the other guy....Total race baiting douche. Matter a fact Nick Wright was the radio guy that Tom Herman got into a piss match with in Houston and declined a lunch date to bury the hatchet.
  20. Houston team being picked as an underdog against a California team....Feels like the World Series all over again.
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