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Born to Run

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Everything posted by Born to Run

  1. My 18 year old son a few days ago. "But does any of the Trump stuff effect your life directly." His whole peer group is completely ignorant to anything political. My brother today. "Biden had no impact on your life and neither will Trump. " Talk about white male privilege. Holy fuck. And typical conservative dumbfuck both sides notion and spewing some folksy platitude that you forever accept as truth despite all evidence to the contrary. We are going to have to all suffer until the fuckers learn, if they ever learn, and I'm not sure they will. My son will, but my brother is a lost cause. He can support my mom when her SS is gone, and retirement is shit. I hope he was dumb enough to not touch his 401k because "it matters little to the markets which man is in office."
  2. Slicing up eyeballs
  3. Great point. I was the only non parent at my Maga Brother's wedding on his side. He literally has zero friends.
  4. Can it be permanent? That dude's brain either broke or he's suddenly a more vocal piece of shit. Either way his bullshit is at best a waste of time.
  5. Correct. Includes aid already promised under Biden
  6. Kind of fitting that Americans voted for the one candidate most fitting of proving that democracy no longer works, because we are terrible enough to vote for that guy, and it ceded all power to all the "democracy doesn't work" tech bros mafia They didnt even have to wait a month. We have a serious problem with CEOs and politics. Even generally, before these times. Everyone knows someone that was at a company that got a shitty CEO that ran it into the ground for no reason except they were shitty, made cruel shitty decisions and then golden parachuted out with zero consequences. Break laws, polllute, kill people, -if you are a CEO type- no consequences. It breeds such a pathology of entitlement. Rule with an iron fist and then some "dumb" regulation hinders you getting your every whim and you get angry. I feel we are far too late for the guillotines. By a decade or more.
  7. Yeah two semesters of Texas History really pivoted my belief in Texas Exceptionalism. Often Exceptionally shitty behavior, greed and corruption. Disgusting
  8. Abortion was fucking banned. I know people that had to go to New Mexico to get an abortion. Nearly 70% of Americans believe abortion should be legal in first tri- mester. You wanted Dems to ignore that? Women are fucking dieing.
  9. Wrong kid died! But, Maybe he will get halved soon.
  10. Have Willie spearhead this Or Mellencamp if he's not to busy sucking on a chili dog.
  11. And that bird happens to ride goofy foot.
  12. Fucking A you have the worst pull out game ever. Get your shit fixed and leave your poor wife alone. Weirdo
  13. Yeah i have people all over the state, and I've spent a lot of time just about everywhere; and that looks pretty fair with how those areas generally vote. VS Texas
  14. Mike Johnsonian Behavior? Completely lie, debase yourself without zero shame or morals. Make it so Mirrian Webster
  15. I mostly listen to relax with subjects like fishing, but I speed all of them up at least 1.5x. I'm from Houston but the vast majority of the world talks way too fucking slow.
  16. I thought that was an important piece, pretty accurate and worth a more intelligent discussion. But i was at the game in Columbus, so your post tracks.
  17. I took "History of Being Cool" to fulfill an elective via American Studies. It was a fun class if a little goofy and filled with quite a few unserious people looking for an easy class. But that's exactly it. Cool is basically having a solid self esteem and personal ethos. You are unbothered by rejection and resilient in the face of insult. Unreactive, "Zen", introspective, unflappable in the face of chaos. Musk is hyper reactive, manic, unsure of what is going to happen to him next. He's moody, hyper reactive, and unable to have any introspection and thus course correct. He can pay for a bunch of surgeries to look less dorky but then he skips the gym, dresses like a fool and gets made fun of. Which hurts his feelings; which makes him further escalate his behavior to further prove his worth in more pathetic ways. Vicious cycle and less cool with every iteration. Also less masculine so he will need to artificially impregnate yet another woman to feel cool and manly. This man is going to go through things.
  18. One of my close friends is standing on the corner of 620 and 71 with a Ukraine flag because she doesn't know what else to do. I know it doesn't make a shit. And talking to various people including my 18 year reveal how very few people even care to look around
  19. Tiny broken penis that requires IVF for his non alpha seed to even take purchase. Prove me wrong fat boy. And man boob's. And effeminate features for a tough guy? Can't dance; can't fuck as the hot women will tell you And a fat gut and high BMI. And I bet he can't bench 100lb (not that it's a useful metric but bros know bros) And he is running his companies in the ground despite being shielded by the US government. Has Elon ever pleasured a female? Has Elon brought any joy to the planet excepting his helping EVs gain critical mass; something I did a project on in 5th grade nerd summer school in the 80s that concluded it was the way once batteries got there. I mean I'm a dumb mofo but I knew that Evs were beating dragsters way back in the day. My electric RC car ripped off the line back in the 80s. I was a Tesla ( the man) nerd before Tesla the band got pissed about excess signage. Can Elon run anything anymore?
  20. Well let's get some fucking popcorn before it's $57 a lb
  21. Maybe he has cooked his brain enough to convince himself this is a good idea and people will like him even more.
  22. But with power. Lots of power. Which isn't really aggy.
  23. There was no winning that PC. That Vance was present and had his talking points loaded is all the proof you need. it was a hatchet job to get the compromised GOP to have cover to fall in line. Nothing more. Having the Joe Rogan sphere fall in line immediately via Theo Von is a tell. We threw every advantage away for a shitty hucksters to obtain more wealth. Weird dumb butterfly effect. Dumbass Joe Rogan starts a love affair with Elon Musk, gets manipulated by RW propagandists he has no power against intellectually, all his dipshits trying to ride his wave of fame follow suit, a bunch of young bros follow along whilst parroting Russian propaganda they are too stupid to reject. Republic Toppled by the eat gross bugs guy and the "your fired" clown. We deserve it; the world doesn't.
  24. Yeah we fuck over everyone and abandon allies the second our political whims change. People had to pay more for eggs so lets all turn a blind eye to war crimes if it's convenient for us. And all the dedicating thier lives to intelligence work or aid work or medical research. Poof gone. Should have gotten in on Keptocracy vs Democracy. Spoiled, petulant selfish. As Americans we are exceptional at being just that.
  25. I am not answering that question truthfully today.
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