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Born to Run

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Posts posted by Born to Run

  1. Lots of people die from the flu. 4,000 kids a year die of strep throat. I didn’t say what you are responding to- read that again. My response was a hypothetical to his hypothetical which was presupposing that spread of Covid after immunizations roll out would totally decouple from hospitalizations and deaths (aka our worst possible outcomes). Shit dude, before telling me to fuck off feel free to read what I said. 
    Alright my bad boo. I'm a little agro today.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. Fuck me. I still haven't been vaxxed.  I try so hard to be careful but the grocery stores are going to get more dangerous. Maybe I should start going to Target since they will still have a mandatory mask requirement to enter their store. 
    I heard HEB is going to request a mask but not require it and I don't know what Randall's will do. Fuck me. i started going to Artemis outdoor patio to dine. I am going to stop doing that until I get vaxxed now. 
    He could have waited until a majority of us are vaxxed, fucking asshole. Governor Hot Wheels needs to roll under some sickly Post Oaks. I hope I get out of this year without getting sick.  Mask wearing is the biggest safety tool we had. He threw me under the bus. I fucking will take this personally and make sure he loses the governorship. Fuck his cripple ass.
    Artemis is owned by a known progressive, I'd be shocked if they get sloppy with mask policy.
  3. Serious question, but do we actually give a fuck?  If this thing isn’t sending people to the hospital why should we think of this as anything different than flu or strep throat or whatever that sucks when you catch it but nobody gives a shit about?
    will we even really still be tracking this when the death number goes to .2 or .3 and if so why so?
    This isn’t argumentative as a question/it’s not a well thought out post. Change my mind. 
    My niece has nuerlogical damage from covid- can't drive, had to suspend college, facial tics.

    Lost several friends from Covid

    Fuck you and your "it's the flu"
    • Hook 'Em 2
  4. Oh thanks CDC for that jewel of guidance. Docs have been doing that in lounges at work since day 1 of vaccinations. 
    With forward looking guidance like this, it’s no surprise the Big Guy doesn’t think things will be normal until next spring. 
    Oh thanks GRHorn for this jewel of a post.

    Weak sauce.
    • Like 1
  5. I wasn’t sure where to post this. My friend is trying to buy a house. This is the first one we looked at. Georgetown 
    I see several items that will show up on the inspection report with one picture.
    Plus, gross
    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. tenor.gif?itemid=12717995
    Curbside man. 
    yeah this

    But the whole crowning them king of Texas because they are competent vs our state government and still a wholly capitalistic machine that quietly cut hero pay to workers and now are further fucking those heros...
    yeah fuck that

    Heb won't even let tip cashiers . They won't take a 20 for fear of being fired.
  7. Just makes me want to explode everytime I see people say masks don't work for reducing the spread of a respiratory virus. I hate stupid people so much. 
    But did you do your own research? Bro
    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. Yeah I lied too. I felt a bit guilty, but the Abbott going full "every man for himself" has obliterated that. 
    I didn't lie for me, but stretched the truth for my GF who has a big old booty and a little extra covid chub and used to smoke for years before me. Got text for Appt in Houston and pulled the trigger.

    Throwing some Swangers on the family whip and heading home to H Town Friday for round 1.

    Spoke to one of my buddies down there who is obese, smokes and should get the shot- not even signed up. WTF.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. You are so right.  Here are some literal quotes from my neighborhood Facebook page in the Dallas suburbs about Abbott stopping the mask mandate.  There were some arguing how dumb this move is by Abbott but of course below is the other side.
    "I love it...but then again I love science and breathing and stuff.  God Bless Texas"
    "Fauci ignored the science. At least Abbott follows the science and is doing what's right for us"
    "pretty sure you can still wear your muzzle if you choose...the way it should have always been.  #mybodymychoice"
    "This is long overdue as masks don't work.  Jesus will take care of those of us that believe in him"
    "I am over 65 and won't get the vaccine. You all can have mine.  It will cause more harm than good and I am not afraid of Covid.  It made Trump stronger"
    "This is why Texas won't become a socialist/communist state like the Democrats want the US to be.  We believe in freedom"
    I would unfollow that shit or move. ignorance is bliss.
  10. HEB to no longer require customers to wear masks.  I'd hate to be a cashier. They are going to be exposed to people who don't wear masks for eight hours per day.

    Well it is Trader Joe's for me then. More enjoyable experience anyway.
  11. I wonder if they will make all those college age legislative interns/pages wear masks while the legislature is in the building?  
    Ha ha ha. The Leg is all vaccinated I'm sure and could give two shits.
    • Rage+1 2
  12. Why are you asserting there is not sufficient contract tracing within the schools? You're going to have to cite your source on that.
    In my experience for my kids' schools, it's completely opposite.
    We do not have adequate contact tracing in this country. Without that and a shitload of testing its impossible to make statements like "it doesn't really spread through schools" or "teachers only get sick from bars".

  13. CDC study says about 3-4% of student cases coming from in school spread and near zero to staff/between staff
    Without robust contract tracing, that study is rather useless. Throw in kids largely being asymptomatic and how the hell can glean anything meaningful.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  14. This is an extremely cunty post. Teachers should have been prioritized without question. 
    Yeah that dude clearly has to all the contact tracing to prove this bs. Oh yeah we have almost no contract tracing to prove how teachers get infected, and they are getting infected despite extraordinary measures.
  15. Temp checks aren't really a good screen, but mask wearing in my experience has been worst with the the SA area teams (looking at you Boerne in particular). 
    Yeah SA in general has been more careful than I would expect. Maybe all the obesity.

    Boerne/ New Braunfels don't give a flying fuck.

    We skipped the tourney in late Jan in Houston because I know the good conservative people of Montgomery Co, and fuck that noise.
  16. The Spanish used to be the greatest military force on the planet, until the Comanche kicked their ass and left them to their forts. The New World out Old World-ed the Old World.
    A multi-racial group won Texas, from Mexico, and then, finally, from the Comanche. As underdogs.
    The New World gods favored the Texicans. 
    The Comanche only lost because the repeating rifle was invented.
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