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Born to Run

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Posts posted by Born to Run

  1. I literally posted on this thread today about a track meet I attended in Killeen yesterday.  Stands and fence were packed, and mask usage was sporadic at best.
    I probably attended 15 soccer matches Fall 2020 . . . same.
    Kid had a soccer game in SA over the weekend. All parents wore mask the entire time and temp checks at the gate. I'm fine with it. It's weird arriving early and wearing a mask in an empty field, but worth it to not freak people out.
  2. Lol. fuck that. You aren't "normal" if you are sucked in.  You had issues already
    Yeah he already had ptsd from he and his girlfriend getting hit by a car and her dieing.
    That plus covid related business shut down and plenty of free time....
    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. I mean, has she ever been in a women's softball locker room at a midwest college or university?  There's more testosterone in there than in most men's golf club locker rooms.
    You can't deny that scientific fact, 99.9% of us are born XX or XY, either you were born with egg cells already inside your reproductive system or you weren't.  However, everything beyond that is a fluid spectrum.  From how much estrogen is in your body, to gender roles, sexual orientation, to cross-dressing, to trans feelings, societal norms, everything.  some XY alpha males have multiple times more estrogen in their bloodstreams than some women.  And vice-versa for the XX spectrum.  Every single man has a little femininity in him and every woman has some masculinity in her.  It's just to varying degrees.  
    Nobody is actually Left-Handed or Right-Handed.  It's a spectrum.  (unless you actually only have the one hand from birth or an accident, in which case I'm sorry).  You might be significantly more right-hand dominant but you still use your left hand for things.  You might be much more male-dominant but you still have feminine traits and tendencies.  
    Anyway, I don't know how somebody against LGBTQ+ rights can watch that video of Rep. Newman and still walk away with hate in their hearts.  
    Very well said. Concise as always, but agreed.
    • Haha 2
  4. I don't know if it's the way he edits his interviews or if it's live, but he comes across as incredibly non-conversational.  A good interviewer stitches together an answer to the next question, maybe not with meat on the bone, but perhaps just a little verbal flow.  Trey usually comes across as if he didn't listen to the last answer and he just reads the next question off his notecards.  It's incredibly disjointed.
    I should have stated "pretty dang well for the low bar that Austin radio sets"
  5. Interesting thread bump.
    In the past week I've noticed (a) Deb got fired from 101X and (b) something happened on KLBJ's FM drive-time show.  Sounds like Matt Bearden and a new chick, no Dale, etc.  The less time Dale Dudley spends on the radio the better, he is so absolutely mind-blowingly awful it strains credulity.
    I heard Trey actually have an intelligent conversation with Jeff Ward yesterday, I guess Chad was off with covid.  The problem with Trey isn't that he's stupid, he's not, he's just not compelling.
    BK remains a star on the rise.  I called that one right.
    Chad actually knows quite a bit about music, which I didn't realize.  He's grown on me.  He's still a dorky Aggie, though.
    KD is approaching middle age with the maturity of my 17 YO son.  
    Trey does pretty dang well with interviews and enjoy the longer interviews discussing someone's book etc.
    His takes are laborious and often wrong headed as well. He also says "as well", and a few other phrases way to much as well.
  6. Where I stand on trans people is this.  I do not understand what they are going through, but ultimately, they are entitled to the pursuit of happiness, and if this makes them happy and it doesn't hurt anyone else, who the fuck gives a shit?  
    My stance on the whole thing is people's private parts and sex life are none of my business. Full stop.

    I know some really cool trans people.
    I know some women who have more traditional masculine qualities than men and would kick a lot of guys assess.

    The right getting all worked up about this is just more grievance bullshit. "We can't say the n word aby more and now we can't say tranny."

    FFS I was using coed bathrooms in gay bars in the early 90s. NBD

    The continued assault on this community is sad.
    • Hook 'Em 2
  7. Appreciate the clarification.  
    This loophole used to be available to me, and was the only way we got to fish many of the shitty Wx years.  It no longer is, but now we have a large enough Wx window to get a few trips in, even in the terrible Wx years.
    I'd still rather the people pay $15 more at the restaurant the 3x a year they eat snapper and have a healthier population offshore.   
    *Full Disclosure* - I am hypocritical and shouldn't preach on the issue, and would like to see the snapper population rebound for EVERYONE.  In a past life, I removed more of their gulf habitat than I care to admit.  Maybe if they rebound I'll forgive myself for blowing up 10's of thousands of them (literally) and removing the home of who knows how many more.  So basically, over about 10 years, I did the damage one of those comm boats does in a season.   I'll slink back to my bay hole, where you'll never be able to convince me bay shrimpers are a net positive. 
    Platform demolition?

    We rolled up to my favorite snapper right after it had been loaded on a barge. The amount of dead snapper was astounding.

    I wish they at least coordinated with a commercial boat to fish them heavily prior but that's obviously impossible to coordinate and oversee.
  8. It literally took MANY (thousands?) rec snapper fisherman openly defying the law to get a tiny bit of leeway tossed their way over the last several years.  Gulf coast states (AL and LA iirc) publicly stating they wouldn’t require their rec fisherman to follow the federal seasons.    Many many years of 14 day rec snapper seasons while the commercial guys get 150.  95% of season catch allotment allocated to the comms.  14 days in June when you might get 3 days of good Wx gtfo.   If you’ve ever had a comm boat pull up near you and watch them longline thousands of snapper in an afternoon, sickening.   Don’t get me started on bay shrimpers.  Raping the bay for fucking bait ffs. 
    I worked a bayshrimp boat one summer as a kid. The amount of bycatch is staggering. Maybe 1 basket of shrimp per 8 of bycatch. You can imagine the survival rates on a hot deck in July. Lots of random weird fish like pufferfish, sea Robin's, tons of small flounder and reds. Just shocking. The liscence buy back program was a great use of funds.
    We need to do buy backs on oysters.
    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Like 1
  9. I mean yeah he’s a gigantic asshole but a good friend. He and my dad are long time friends and they refuse to let politics get in the way of an otherwise good friendship. 
    Good on you. I have a no political discussion at all rule with my conservative friends. The ones that can't stfu have to gtfo. I can't stomach it.

    • Hook 'Em 2

  10. Yes sir. Upper Trinity, Brazos, Navasota, Neches, Sabine and Red rivers all have gators.

    SE Oklahoma and all the way to NC, as well.

    Do a video or image search for “alligator snorkeling”. During cold snaps like last weeks, they have the same hypothermic sleep state as sea turtles, but they instinctively snorkel their snouts should ice form on the surface.
    And they are ornery because they have all them teeth and no toothbrush.
    • Like 3
    • Haha 2
  11. There's no historical or scientific evidence proving that Jews exist....WTF?  I mean, like....there's a synagogue right down the street from me.  I promise, it's not imaginary.  So....seems there's a LITTLE bit of evidence that Jews exist.
    Assuming that goes for all descendents of Abraham and thus Christians and Muslims don't exist either?

  12. Wrong.

    You must hang with some geriatric suburban peepers. Once you get a little ways up the mountain or deep in holler you’ll find that having a daddy who ran whiskey in a big block dodge is a prereq for true preparedness.
    Preppers I've known my whole life have been mostly older and affluent in Houston and Austin.

    folks my age that fit that profile are generally just self reliant for economic reasons and grow/brew what they consume to save dough

    most of the peppers I know are dead of natural causes having never needed the multi decades worth of worry not even once
    their kids trashed just trashed the reserves and moved on

    • Hook 'Em 1
  13. You know, there's going to be sex, drugs, rock-n-roll... chips, dips, chains, whips...  your basic Trumper orgy type of thing.  I mean, uh, I'm not talking candlewax on the nipples, or witchcraft or anything like that, no, no, no.  Just a couple of hundred "Meal Team Sixers" and "Pota-triot" types at any given time running around in their camo underwear, acting like complete animals.
    *poetic license.
    judgment free zone brother
    • Hook 'Em 1
  14. Guns should be viewed in the same light the country has come to see cigarette smoking. It’s legal and all but not in any way cool.
    might be a fair point
    I will on occasion have a smoke after a whiskey. I quickly wash my hands off and feel gross later, but that smoke...

    I really enjoy shooting. but I also know more than two hunting lodge owners who dealt with catastrophic gun injuries. That's harder to wash off. just the stories third hand...
  15. So many good guys with guns.

    Too many dead bodies.

    ah yes good guy with gun has a bad day and shoots other good guys with and without guns and is shot (sadly) but also patriotically by other good guys with guns who also shot patriots who died without guns to prove we need more guns buy also good guys with guns who turned bad and proved we need guns for protection. Authorities hope more guns will be present at respective funerals to shoot bad mourners not shooting others for infringing freedom and gun rights but also to shoot those not shooting bad guys who are not shooting first.
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