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Born to Run

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Posts posted by Born to Run

  1. Caught on February 1st at that spot by my fishing buddy 
    Awesome man, thank you again. I'm pretty sure I have that same reel as a back up 5wt. I really like it just fine. Drag is smooth, only beef is the increments of drag pressure kinda go from free spool to way to much drag with only a few clicks. My kiddo cranked it up a few too many and lost a nice trout on Sat. (my fault for not managing that more with instruction)
    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. I've never fished the Narrows, but have heard good things.  I fished Shafer Bend last year and caught several female whites and some largemouth.  It was nice because there weren't any people fishing.
    Yesterday, I went out to The Steps on the San Gabriel above Lake Granger.  Didn't catch anything and didn't see any fish caught.  There were some whites running early a couple weeks ago, but I think the two days of cold weather cut off the run.  This weekend should be okay with the increasing temps this week.
    I only fly fish and have no problems catching fish if they are there.  I use minnow patterns like shallow water clousers and bc streamers.  For conventional tackle, I would use white, white/blue, white/silver crappie jigs.  I prefer 1/32 oz., but 1/16 should work as well.  Fish the jigs right off of the bottom.  You can also drift the jigs under a bobber, just make sure they are deep enough.
    I try to find a concentration point as opposed to open water.  Once I locate the hole, I'll fish it over and over.  Eventually, a school will hit the hole and I can catch several in a row.
    Good luck and be sure to give a report - good or bad.

    Eta - looking at the aerial, I'm not sure the spawning whites can make it up to Shaffer Bend this year. The Narrow might not work either. The Slab at Kingsland might be a better bet.

    Thank you for this detailed advice, much obliged. I definitely prefer fly myself, but with noobs I'm bringing an ultra light spinning set up with 6lb.

    The park at The Narrows is closed indefinitely so I'll look at the San Gabe or upper LBJ. Travis is too low still.
  3. What's the catch on them listing Prop 3 for E-Verify? It has wide support on both sides of the aisles, but I feel like it's been buried from the top for years now. What's different now?
    That feels like a dog catches car situation for the GOP. Wealthy donors will have unintended consequences coming.
  4. Mom is in town this weekend.  Took the girls to HEB to buy something to grill.  My oldest, following in my wife's Catholic footsteps, tells her they can't buy any meat to eat...only fish.  My mom smiles and says she'll eat whatever the munchkins want tonight.  Other daughter suggests a porkloin.  Wife says that's not okay because it's meat.  Oldest chimes in "Jesus can't eat pork so we can."  I've never been so damn proud.  My mom asks, "Wait, why?"  I never get tired of seeing people learn in real-time that the guy was a Jew.  And what do you fucking people eat to commemorate the resurrection of the most famous Jew in history?  The one food he despised.............SMOKED HAM!
    See you at the fish fry in hell, fuckers!  
    I prefer to reflect on the sacrifices that the Lamb of God made for us, by roasting a delicious leg of lamb.
    • Haha 1
  5. Over 60% of Russians spend half their salary on food.  Sounds great.  Also, you can deliver food real cheap when you don't have to worry about food safety or paying people.
    I'm sure it's all a coincidence that the Tucker interview happened the same time Trump threatened to pull out of NATO, the House refusing to vote on Ukraine aid, and Russia wanting nukes in space.  I'm sure all of those happening within 2 weeks is just random, right?
    It's almost like a significant portion of one of our political parties may have a shit load of kompromat from a country and dictator with a heavy background in the matter. I'd be unsuprised if, someday, it comes out that a former lobbyist for Russia infiltrated certain groups of that party and maybe ran a honey pot scheme and got rewarded with a job in Parliment.

    I mean it's going to be hard to figure out and untangle, it's not super fucking obvious- it's very sophisticated and discreet, this assault on out democracy. It's really hard to pin down who may even be compromised.
    • Hook 'Em 4
  6. She’s not getting paid to attend football games.
    I think his point was wealthy people never stop making money, and any attention is an opportunity to make new fans, get more streaming dollars, sell more merch, and continue to spread her witchcraft that is dividing our country.
  7. If there could be a guarantee of Russia leaving all of Ukraine alone in exchange for Ukraine not joining NATO, I could almost see that working.
    Almost is the key word, because the only way to guarantee Ukraine’s safety is if other countries come to Ukraine’s aid if Russia invades again, a security agreement of sorts if you will. In other words, NATO.  Putin creates the need for the very thing he hates.
    To this day, Putin continues to order missiles to be launched at civilian buildings - apartments, restaurants, schools, hospitals. That tells you everything you need to know about his mindset towards Ukraine.  Sure, he says they are Russians by another name, but his actions show otherwise.  Ukrainians are as disposable to Putin as his own troops.
    To be fair, Putin treats Ukranians the same as he treats Russians.
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