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Born to Run

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Posts posted by Born to Run

  1. I heard on NPR that 10k will take care of 80-90% of the people who are most in danger of defaulting. They are mostly people who started but didn’t finish vocational schools or associate degrees. Their debt to income ratio is truly crippling, and they need the most help, and need it yesterday. Personally I would be ok with 20K forgiveness across the board but I really don’t see bailing out professionals with more debt than that, and I have little sympathy for anyone who went into >50K worth of debt for a degree in a low paying field. For folks who fall into those categories I would tie any forgiveness to working in their respective fields in underserved areas for 12 months per 20k forgiven. 
    Thats my sweet spot on this issue. 10-15k.
    i have zero debt, but the 90s were sweet
    i got through undergrad by working
    thats not possible now

  2. I liked Obama but thought the country was not ready for a black President.
    It takes a brave man to admit to a mindset this fucking awful.

    I was ready, the black community deserved as much, but clearly a lot of white people were not and became unhinged when Obama was elected.
    • Like 1
  3. My bad boo. I voted for McCaine. I liked Obama but thought the country was not ready for a black President. Boy was I sadly correct, but I expected violence at the time, not 8 years of passive aggressive bullshit that lead to a nerdy lawyer, do gooder former first lady that wanted everyone to have health insurance being cast as a satanic murdering baby eater that compelled me to somehow literally vote for Gary Johnson in protest.

    I'll never vote GOP again.

    I still like regular hamburgers, but will do a deconstructed burger on occasion to stay svelte.

  4. Wow, that was a lot funnier than I thought it'd be.  The reaction of the old woman in the foreground trying to turn around and then the look on the guy's face like "Are we not in the Trust Tree?  I thought this was a safe space?!?" 
    I'm assuming that's the guy's "wife" on his left (right on the film).  She looks like 300 pounds of shit stuffed in a 295 pound bag with a catcher's mitt for a face.  Why do the hardcore MAGA guys always have the fattest wives?  I guess we're spoiled in Austin, the 4 pro-Trump women on my street are fit and attractive MILF's, but then I see the rest of the country grows 'em a little more for comfort rather than speed.  I think there'd a lot less racism in this country if the most MAGA females weren't about the same weight and attractiveness as Trump himself.  
    Also---was that guy in the video ever outed/doxxed/whatever?  It'd be fun to ruin his financial wellbeing while we're stuck inside.  
    Maga guys have fat wives because they are also fat fucks who haven't seen thier dicks in decades. Why would thier women even try? They like to act tough, outdoorsy and preach an ethos of self reliance and rugged individualism.
    Cut off the power for a week, or take away thier beetus/ heart meds and they'd all die quickly.
    Hell deport all the brown people and watch the earth swallow up thier trailer or shitty homestead because they sure as shit can't push mower or repair something.
  5. Discrimination, racism and immigrant-shaming is conditional to you. I think it should be an unconditional. That said, I could not care less about Melania's personal feelings about this and I would imagine she doesn't care about this either.
    I'm more offended that Rogue
    Melania is stale, boring and not funny.
    • Hook 'Em 3
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    • Haha 2
  6. Didn't say it was.  Said it feels like it.  I love Alpine.  Doesn't feel like a trumpkin-ville, even if it is.
    Agree. Was out there for Thanksgiving. Most places were strict about masks, but that whole area is a magnet for contrarions, libertarians also socially odd people. Real weird but fun mix of preppers, hikers, gun nutters, geology buffs, dweebs, tweekers, greasers and what have you
    • Hook 'Em 2
  7. In all the footage of the rioters grabbing the barricades and trying to pull them from the officers, I wonder why you don't see the police smashing the fuckstain's hands holding the rails with their police batons.  
    That's what I would have been doing.  Hard to grab things with a broke hand.
    I'd have shot the people trying to violently overthrow our democracy in the fucking face until they stopped or I ran out of ammo as would have been my duty.
    (You know- what would have happened if they werent white)
    • Hook 'Em 4
  8. I think the idea was based on Micron's presence in Boise.  And Micron has suffered what TI suffered a couple of decades earlier, in finding out that DRAM is more about manufacturing than cutting-edge technology.
    SLC had attained whatever status it had by the late 80s, early 90s.  There were a couple of pretty prominent IP firms in SLC back then.  The "winning" combo there was Utah + BYU law, which are above average science/enginering and law schools, respectively.  I think SLC lost a lot of its mojo.  
    It's also a cool as town trying to be like the People's Republic here in Austin. I looked into relocating there- amazing national lands, snowboarding, fishing- just too far to the beach for me.
  9. I kind of feel bad for you.  I don’t have many trumptards in my life but I have a few.  Unloading on them is actually therapeutic and I let loose from time to time.  

    The last one was a few weeks ago in Miami.  The bet amongst our friends was the next time he mentions a right wing talking point we dump an entire bucket of ice on his head.  Of course this was an inside joke. Also keep in mind this bastard is notorious for not chipping in on tabs etc.  
    We didn’t even make it to appetizers and I had to pull the champagne off ice to seal the deal.  He just sat there like someone shot his dog.  Everyone was either laughing or had a holy shit look on their face.  Some of you may think that’s over the line but I’m an admitted asshole and I did give a sorry speech the next day - I apologized there wasn’t more ice in the bucket.  
    Some proof since it sounds over the top:
    Bravo sir. Bravo.

  10. The Industrial Revolution to me is just like a story I know called "The Puppy Who Lost His Way." The world was changing, and the puppy was getting... bigger.
    So, you see, the puppy was like industry. In that, they were both lost in the woods. And nobody, especially the little boy - "society" - knew where to find 'em. Except that the puppy was a dog. But the industry, my friends, that was a revolution.
    Still more convincing and lawyerly than this shit.
    • Hook 'Em 1
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