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Born to Run

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Posts posted by Born to Run

  1. Glad to see that Joe is bringing back the CCC.  It needs to be permanent imo.  

    Biden’s new conservation corps stirs hopes of nature-focused hiring spree

    A 1930s initiative that tackled environmental woes and unemployment could inspire the new administration’s plans to confront the climate crisis



    Going to enjoy my conservative mother attempting to gin up outrage over this considering she used to love state and national parks, and her father joined the CCC and ended a cycle of share cropping poverty.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. They don't read papers, and the radio stations and tv channels they pay attention to beat the same drum she does.
    Besides, none of the above compete with their main source of news: FB and Twitter echo chambers.
    Even worse all these freaks spent weeks telling us the were going to overthrow the government, and posted to social media encouraging others to do so. Trump and his crew filmed themselves inciting insurrection and cheered it on. Then the freaks filmed themselves storming the capitol and then bragged about it on social media.

    They only began to distance themselves from the very movement they championed went people started getting arrested.

    All this bullshit is easily proven by thier own words and actions.

    Yet the incredibly stupid spin done after the fact will work on plenty of mush brains.
    • Hook 'Em 1
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  3. source.gif
    I spent two weeks surfing Santa Cruz last February as all this covid shit was just hitting and that shit was awesome.
    The shit since 1-20-21 is almost better. Maybe even better than that. I can't fly back out, but all the tattered Trump 2020 flags around rural Texas that are barely readable on the way to the coast, the FAFO. It's a pretty tasty wave.
  4. I find they don't teach that at UT.  Or most law schools for that matter.  Kinda have to figure that one out for yourself.
    I did one year at UT law in the 90s and that exactly how it went down. It was a bit tongue and cheek but also a very pragmatic start and a solid lesson.
    Took a hiatus after year 1 -a family matter I had to attend to and never went back. Don't regret not being a lawyer. 30k for some basic law background plus an extra year on the 40 was kinda nice After I paid off that debt with time to reflect, conflicted.
  5. No I haven't, but I will now. Yowza.
    Chicks dig this dude? Guess everyone has thier type. Rock on ladies.
    My lady is all about Chris Helmsworth, whom I have a mildly similar resemblance to, but a much more svelty physique at 6-1 180. So more Dr Strange in practice I guess than Thor.

  6. "Me and you, out by the lake,
    You in them jeans, our favorite song comes on,
    Rifle comes out, plinking cans...
    Shit, I'm ready to make my millions.  I can do this all day.  And the demand is clearly there.  Guess we just have to write a lot of lyrics that include "bigger" so we can get our rhyme on.

    ...Puerto Ricans and Africans with yooouuu.

    • Hook 'Em 1
    Fucking lawyers will argue about anything.
    Fruit- Mature ovary of a flowering plant. Like, for example, a tomato.
    Vegetable- The edible part of a plant. Like, for example, a tomato.
    Shrimp are the fruit of the sea.
  8. Y’all really will just stick your dicks anywhere and then when then inevitable crazy comes home to roost you’ll be all “Bitches Be Crazy”, huh?

    Men are dumb.

    I would hard pass with this lady in any scenario. I will, however, almost always buy a a nice dinner for a smart gal with a bit of booty, even if it's clearly ill advised.
  9. I'm all for means-testing the military career.
    You were in the shit? Pension for you.
    You played pilot at Ramstein for a few years? Hit the bricks pal.
    Lol at this govt system parsing out who gets what. Both parties - spend moar; support the troops. Forever
  10. Agreed with all this. If I were magically appointed to be in charge of Dem policy on jobs, I'd definitely look at broadband/infrastructure. Longer term, I'd like to see government sponsor and/or subsidize capital expenditure of CNC milling and 3D printing. In the mass production age, it made sense for a factory to be single-purposed (i.e. pump out steering wheels all day). Now that the internet and computer automation have taken over consumer logistics (i.e. shopping, delivery), and we have technology that can produce whatever components the computer tells it to produce (with no changeover time), there's a real opportunity in front of us. Imagine placing an order for, say, a toaster on Amazon on Monday, a nearby plant worker printing out all the components and assembling them on Tuesday, and the toaster being delivered to the customer's hands on Wednesday.
    This would be a big win for the consumer, because it would strip the inventory cost from the product's entire lifecycle and eliminate having to sometimes wait for backorders. The worker would frankly enjoy their job a lot more, because there would be a lot more variety (they get to assemble anything that customers purchase), and because they're adding more value, their compensation would rise. Good for the planet, too. Where I suppose the government could help is funding research in developing these fabrication technologies to make them cheaper and more broadly available. There's also a green play, too -- if your shit is assembled at a nearby plant from raw materials, the nearby plant becomes an attractive place to dispose of shit you don't want anymore (by turning it back in to raw materials, we conserve resources while lowering the bottom line even further).
    Of course, this is just naive, pie-in-the-sky dreaming.. the batshit insane QAnon conspiracy theory will see to it we never get a break..
    I agree with this. Odd pandemic fueled shortages like bicycles and bike parts are ripe for high margins and very easy manufacturing. All sorts of niche markets...
  11. The thing about MGT....I'm sure some of y'all remember those "Post of a Photo/Video of an Irishman!" threads on Shaggy, where one of us would run up to an Irishman, take his photo, and then yell "I JUST TOOK A PIECE OF YOUR SOUL" and then we'd film them trying to chase us down in the vain hope that somehow they could (in their minds) reclaim that little piece of their soul that we stole with our photograph.
    The reality/irony was that none of us took a piece of their soul, because you can't take a piece of a soul from somebody who doesn't have a soul in the first place.  The Irishman never could understand that they were just an empty vessel shaped by the forces around them.  Because the Irish have no soul, they couldn't feel whether a piece of it was actually stolen or not.   All they had to go on was our telling them that we had just captured a piece of their soul.   
    MGT is the same way - she lacks the same kind of self-awareness that those Irish had - she's got Trump telling her she's doing a good job, she's got twitter people telling her she is, she's got Gym Jordan and Matt Gaetz telling her.  
    That vote in support of Liz Cheney should have caused her a lot of concern, because Liz Cheny had very publicly sided against Trump, but MGT is going off of what people who support her are saying.
    The only thing MGT has in her favor is that this vote will be public, and that plenty of House Rs are scared shitless of Trump's base.
    Did some Irish bloke fuck your wife or something?

    Unless I'm conflating you with someone else who takes every opportunity to use "bog jumper"even if it's only tangently related to the subject at hand.

    Is it a bit that I'm unaware of, self deprecating humor, " a jew broad prejudiced against Italians?"
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