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Born to Run

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Posts posted by Born to Run

  1. You should’ve sent him naked pics of your wife with her face cropped out. 
    He was from the deep south
    I was trying to discourage that behavior to begin with
    They would have gone up in his garage.

    See also EX wife
    See also I have no pics you animals
  2. Is your user name an homage making fun of Beto? That's hilarious, if not, on a Beto thread.
    No my father is from the future. My birth name was Bourne 2-Run.
    It was an awful movie my Father Bourne 1 traveled back from the future to destoy and save the reasonable Bourne Identity Series amid his real mission to save us all from hideous AI army rebellion of 2026
    I think he lost : (
    Haven't heard from him in years so we are likely fucked but I missed the film I was named after. I later took on the name of the Bruce Springsteen Autobiography whilst living in a small Berkeley Book Store to get chicks with hairy armpits .
    That didn't go too well
    only several years later learning it was a popular American music song that some babes dug
    When I let em know
    " Tramps like us babe "
    Then handed over our Greyhound tickets

    Aww yeah
  3. I personally managed the removal of about 125 of them in a past life.  I understand plenty about the economics of offshore platforms from preFID all the way to when the hit the train to be melted.  Pipelines too.   I don’t know shit about land based windmills, tho. My only experience is they made turkeys disappear off a ranch I used to hunt but made the guys neighbor rich(er).  
    ETA: can you direct me towards your link. I’m not finding it. 
    Also Turkeys are a horrible harbinger of land manangement just in general ..

    They are crazy birds . And drive grown men straight ass crazy.

    I wouldn't assign policy to thier vagurities nor land manangement
  4. I personally managed the removal of about 125 of them in a past life.  I understand plenty about the economics of offshore platforms from preFID all the way to when the hit the train to be melted.  Pipelines too.   I don’t know shit about land based windmills, tho. My only experience is they made turkeys disappear off a ranch I used to hunt but made the guys neighbor rich(er).  
    ETA: can you direct me towards your link. I’m not finding it. 
    Second try


  5. Wanna know what the GOP is dealing with, and why they will cave?
    Here ya go, from a Trumpkin:
     I didn’t write this. I copied it from a GAB post. I put it in the notes on my phone. Every GOP rep will get it posted in their comments:
    An open letter to House Representatives #KevinMcCarthy and #MattGaetz
    I hope you will forgive my lack of an introduction. While my name is not important to the conversation, stating it publicly will only invite insult and attack.
    With the recent news that President Trump will remain a member of—and continue to support—the Republican Party, I would like to convey to you my stance on the matter. I am only one Trump supporter, but I feel my view on this matter is common among my fellow voters.
    In 2016, and again in 2020, I voted as a Republican to support Donald J. Trump for President. In both of those election periods, support for Donald Trump by the Republican party was, at best, tepid. Few Republicans in Congress threw their full support behind my candidate, even though I was a voting member of their party. Adding in the 75 million additional voters that supported President Trump, I feel it safe to say that Republicans, by and large, ignored the will of their party majority. This did not go unnoticed.
    Today Mr. McCarthy announced that he reached an agreement with President Trump to help the Republicans win back the house and senate in 2022. Let me be clear, gentlemen. My support as a voter—and my financial contributions—are 100% loyal to President Trump and his vision for America. I have no interest in supporting the Republican Party. I have no desire to vote for any Republican in the 2022 or 2024 election cycle. I will not contribute to any campaign, cause, or fundraiser announced by the Republican Party. Your lack of support—and dare I say, overt betrayal—as a party to myself as a voter, and to President Trump, will not be forgotten or forgiven. Bluntly speaking, gentlemen, your party fucked itself.
    Because of your betrayal of the American people, the future of my children and grandchildren is in question. The liberty and freedoms we enjoy as Americans are now in dire straits because Republicans lacked the backbone to save our country, instead choosing to save their own political careers. Although you, as individuals, may not carry the full burden of guilt, you are members of the party that does, and—in my view—just as guilty.
    You may regard my vote and campaign contributions as too small to be of concern. However, I feel it a safe bet that there are 70+ million fellow voters nodding their heads in agreement with everything I stated here.
    As I have said, my support is with Donald Trump. If he asks me to donate or to support a particular candidate, I will consider it because the man I fully support has asked it of me. But if President Trump fails to ask, I will fail to deliver, both at the ballot box and the donation box. This is my solemn promise to you both.
    I have no interest in your response. I have no interest in your television interviews, your speeches, or your promises to do right by America. When I needed you, your party wasn’t there. That tells me everything I need to know.
    A proud Trump supporter
    (bolding is mine).
    That’s not an outlier.  It’s the bulk of the GOP voting base.  You think we’re nuts for continuing to discuss Trump.  We’re not, and this is why.  The GOP adopted a platform of “whatever Trump says,” and the base enthusiastically agreed.  Trumpism.... which is a nihilist death cult/grift/fascist movement….is the only thing that the GOP is anymore.  And the GOP better bend and bow for him, or else -- see the bolded text.  If they want those votes, they have to do whatever Trump says, whatever Trump wants.  Rest assured, they will do just that.  Trump is either the king or the kingmaker, for as long as he lives.
     Look at this insanity.  Don’t look away.  This is the horror we will continue to face, every day.  Sleep tight!
     Meanwhile, I’ll still be out here on the ledge.  It's the only rational place to be.
    I used to enjoy small town newspapers when travelling throughout this great state.
    That's sounds like the exact shit youd see now in the Dolphin Talk or the Fredericksburg Fuck you snow flake knewspsperz or whatever they call it now. They all snort it like coke.

    My small town mom is already on to how Biden has destroyed the economy in Houston with his climate positions. Yeah the industry was great pre 1-20....
  6. I didn’t vote for Cruz because anything Beto did wrt gun control. At that point, he was still telling us he was a 2nd A guy.   I held my nose and voted for Cruz because I’m not interested in Texas being a blue state.  I’d prefer it to be center right. It may be heading blue with demographic shifts, but I didn’t see any reason to contribute to it. 

    See the article I posted earlier. Beto ran on some pretty serious gun control policies in 2018.
    He didn't run as a 2a guy at all.

    What I did see was him go into small towns and engage with locks and listen on real issues and start a dialogue instead of Tea party foolishness. You may be cynical but is that so scary vs Ted Cruz and Dana Goebe?

    You may fear Texas turning Blue, but you don't state why? What's the fear? Honest ?

    Because the market is driving the Blue Shift, not democrats in Texas. Hippies and Beto didn't get all those windfarms built, and all the oil and gas platforms like Tequila (rip) torn down- that was straight capitalism.
  7. I also think gun laws should be more strict. We need to take a serious look at how simple they are to acquire. 
    Now show me that part where they’re cool with someone coming and removing particular guns from them. Because I’m pretty fucking sure that’s going to be an issue with lots, and lots of folks of all colors. 
    Getting existing guns seized is never happening so sleep well. It's not feasible.
    It's like banning all abortions
    Just not happening
    If you get wound up about it you are getting played by someone with other intent. Like having you vote for Ted Cruz despite your lying eyes watching him be a reptile constantly.

    Ted cruz is a reptilian piece of shit freak whose children are repelled by him
    And he represents zero Texas values
    /Sees Pandering bacon video with guns/
    - Votes cruz and donates
    • Hook 'Em 1
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  8. It's not about the majority, it's about the margin.  For example, on the issue of more strict background checks, 54% of hispanics are in favor (that's good)....but 28% want them to stay the same, and 12% want them to be LESS strict (with the remainder having no opinion.  So, 54 to 40.  We don't need 54% of hispanics.  We need around 66% of hispanics.  So, go get me another 12% from the group that OPPOSES more strict background checks.  And do that while spouting anti-gun rhetoric.  Good luck.
    While you have spotted some misreading of the electorate, you continue to misread it in other ways.
    Texas hispanics aren't Los Angeles or Chicago hispanics.  Being seen as a strident white liberal gun control dude gets you some votes....but it also causes some other votes to shy away.  And those are votes that we need.

    And I would wager the percentage of Texas Latinos that enjoy guns and the whole gun culture is only increasing.
  9. His position changed after a mass shooting targeting Mexicans in El Paso. It's not that hard to follow.
    Not really, no. His language got more direct in one soundbite.


    2018 (remember vegas shooting?) Total assault rifle ban, mag cap restrictions, raise the min age to purchase, ban bump stocks....

    I'm fine with all that personally. But you need to come across as genuinely enjoying guns, and not wanting to seize All guns. Plenty of reasonable gun owners are turned off by the freaks who open carry ARs on city streets, but they are also turned off by " hell yeah I'm gonna take your gun" as meaning siezing all your guns.

    It's realistic to restrict guns reasonably.
    No one is coming to seize All your guns. We have data base. I don't own any guns that I purchased, all were gifts, inherited or won at informal group hunts. But that kind of rhetoric will cost him some winnable votes.
  10. It probably helps Beto that Texas won't have a US Senate race in 2022 since it's highly unlikely Texas Dems will field a candidate that helps the ticket. 
    Republicans are going to portray him as anti-gun no matter what so he might as well own what he said and clarify that he's only talking about AKs and AR-15s.
    Edited to add that if you go hunting for a photo op, you'd better be someone that can sell it.  John Kerry wasn't helped by his goose hunt.  Same for John Mackovic with the turkeys.  
    You can't go hunting for photo ops, outdoorsman will smell the fraud a mile away. You have to start enjoying the sport, then have the photo ops.
  11. His biggest challenge, imo, is going to be walking back his impassioned speech about taking away guns.  Saw on the DC news a few mins ago that he's eyeing a run for the governor.  I understand he was hurting, and upset, and was trying to make a point at that debate.  And that people are allowed to change their viewpoint.  But that said, it'll be something he's going to have to walk back to have a shot in Texas.  
    I don't know the right answer for the D's in Texas.  I was only commenting as someone who is center right, not a "Trumper", and who thought for a bit that Beto would be good for Texas.  Probably a centrist hispanic, which is going to not be good enough for the progressives, but baby steps will be needed to have any long term success imo.  
    I know your pov and that's cool. I'm agreeing that Beto screwed himself and I don't see how he recovers from those comments in this state as a candidate - ever. I think he could do the most good in organizing. Someone who follows his path with energizing suburban white voters while also connecting more with rural texans could win as a Democrat.
    At all the town halls I attended he connected well with voters, it was gun rights questions that turned the crowd.

    Beto 2.0 , whomever that is has to be reasonable on guns. And pick up some of the folks out at the ranch, and the deer lease.

    Other than my total impatience with humanity I'd be an ideal candidate. Hunt, fish, backpack, snowboard, surf, mountain bike,: cooks great Cen Tex Bbq, Crawfish, Cajun food, and I'm tall fit and handsome. Alas I'd last a day I politics...

  12. A lot of rural and suburban olds to die? I honestly have no answer to that. If Beto couldn't beat Cruz, I just don't know how you can get any success statewide.
    Only option is to build off what he did right, and avoid what he did wrong (guns 18, and any shift left in the pres primary) that and figure out the valley with a big ass Beto 2.0 cast and blast fishing tourney in the valley with Barbacoa, Tripe in the discada, menudo, maybe a fish fry too.
    Jam some Doug Sahm and Freddie Fender and Flaco and Augie and get right.
    • Hook 'Em 2
  13. No. But I’m center right, and you asked what stuck with people like me, or how to turn folks like me, who for a minute thought he might be good for the country.   This was before he got emotional about guns. I’m a fan of whataburger, so that shit was cool.  Driving a truck around was pretty cool.  Upthread y’all spoke of “regular” folks taking the spot and leading.  “Regular” folks don’t stand to inherit a billion dollars. Is what it is, good for him for it, but he’s not a “regular guy”. 
    I think what would help would be taking an interest in what Texans do on thier terms.

    It can look like pandering but if done correctly it's the best goverance.

    If I was running as a Democrat for Senator as Beto did, I would do the full ever county town hall your, but also do several hunt, fish, outdoors gatherings to meet constituents. Get different perspectives.

    One of my buddies is a CEO of a good sized company. He took golf lessons for client meetings and weekends, and he enjoys it fine, so it's not bullshit. But he'd rather surf. Beto 2.0 should hunt and fish, or at least shoot sporting clays.

  14. General James has already gotten two favorable rulings about discovery on Trump/family/org. already.  I think at this point, she'll hang back and wait for the Impeachment Trial as a courtesy to the Senate and House Managers.  One of the kids or Jared is going to have take a serious fall for this, as in probably jail time.  But no way President Trump ever gets arrested or sees the inside of a jail, the country can't handle losing faith in free elections and the judicial system (the two hallmarks of America) in one year.  
    I think it's a game of musical chairs at this point.  But I don't see anything serious happening until March at the earliest.
    I didn't lose faith in elections, I learned despite fuckery we can prevail. Get active where it matters and take shit back
    • Hook 'Em 2
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