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Born to Run

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Posts posted by Born to Run

  1. I don’t buy the kompromat speculation because these guys have consistently proven they’re not vulnerable to shame or laws. If anything, they’re compromised by a terrorist Trump cult and if that’s true, they have no business in public office. 
    Timing of statements after the election looks to my eyes like Kompromat on Lady G, Cruz and a few others sufficient enough to warrant excessive risk of supporting sedition rather pissing Trump- it's like they got reminded. Instead of letting things cool down like Mitch has done and staying silent, they got poked into the same old shit.

    Gun Tits and Crazy lady have to make thier mark right now and are true believers not craven operatives.

    Cruz and Graham have secure senate seats for 4 and 6 years respectively. Why the pivot and orange fellacio?
  2. My understanding is citizenship to Canada is actually very difficult, time consuming, and flat out expensive. You have to cut a check to buy into their healthcare system. Canada is not on my list, I’m not wealthy enough to sniff citizenship there. Hope someone here tells me I’m flat out wrong. 
    I've heard as much about Canada.
    Short list for us is Costa Rica, Portugal, Ecuador, and Uruaguay.

    At min I want some exit strategy for Trump 2 or Pandemic 2 way the fuck away from here. We've proven ourselves as craven fuckheads
    I'll take my chances with the Ticos in the middle of nowhere

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. I really hope I find a nice country to move to when Hawley becomes President and Greene is his Vice President.  Maybe a place in Vancouver and then a winter home in Belize or Costa Rica.  The dumb in this country ain't going away anytime soon.  I predict it will actually get worse.
    BC and CR is an excellent strategy. Fuck Belize as place for being an expat.

    Wanna go havies on some land ?
  4. I think there should be a set of standards that have to be met in order for anything to advertise itself as "news". Fox News, OAN, and Newsmax would be less attractive to old people if they couldn't call themselves news.
    Calling Cocaine Blow or Heroin "H" doesn't really reduce demand
    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. Thank God my R dad is now a biden republican never trumper and all he forwards to me is porn. I hated all his emails from the Obama presidency though.
    Somehow that's not exactly better

    Although my ex FIL used to send me emails of naked chicks
    Found that weird
    Like you want me to bail on your daughter for tits McGee pops? Wut?
    • Haha 2
  6. One initiative that we really need to protect this country's future is intensive education of school children - in, say, junior high - about media propaganda, bias, reliable and unreliable sources, and how to research facts and consume news critically. 
    Don't see it being part of the prescribed curriculum in an age where people can't agree on what facts are, but barring that, teachers should take it upon themselves. 
    LiBeral EdyucatiUn!
    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. fox parental lock for parents is great.  facebook is heroin.  at least there is a methadone for it (shut it off).   the fwd fwd fwd emails are silent/boomer fentanyl.  full aggy deathspiral.  no recovery unless you can edit your parent's email.
    Tried after she spent a month in the hospital. Just to be a good son. Do you really need to get the Micheal Barry daily email, Rush? But also Bealls, Southern Recipes. Com, your old power provider that doesn't serve where you live now? Need these?

    "Yes I like to recieve those; I need those"

    /Gives up/ pass the turkey
  8. She's city council material at best.  She could take a page from fitlump's book.
    Id hook up with her after a night in a coastal bar say Madden's in Poc or that joint in Seadrift, like a lemming enthusiastically leeping off the cliff.

    But options for women with all thier teeth are rather limited down thier, and I was going through a divorce, and I felt great shame the next day, and much brown water was consumed.
    Sadly her constituents wake up with that and say "fuck yeah!
    • Haha 2
  9. Rubio is a fucking moron.
    Him and Lady G are clearly compromised with some serious shit. Add Cruz and a few others.

    I don't know wtf trump has been up to these days, but squeezing these vermin has been a big part of his many calls and meetings from early in the morning /sniff/ to late at night / snort/
  10. this is not shocking at all.  Terrio is a felon who should be precluded from owning guns,  but yet he still does.  It's these rat motherfuckers that get all the good treatment because they roll over on everyone they know, but they're the sneakiest,  worst mitherfuckers on the planet. 
    This is the worst.  A piece of shit rat gets to influence a ton of buckshot freely, while all the people that had any actual standards gets completely fucked. 
    Terrio is the worst.  They work their way out of consequences by being a fucking rat,  and keep on doing these fucked up crimes because the governed let them off. 
    You have no idea how many snitches continue to perpetuate heinous crimes while the government gives them a fuckload of cover because they turn other people in. 
    It's sick
    One of the reporters for Brietbart ( mostly on border issues last I looked a few years ago) was a former " radical leftist" turned informant that entrapped a bunch of kids and basically encouraged them to plan for violence then sold them out.

    You know, deplorables.
    Was dating a Fox news chick as well. Weird dude
    Used to hang around Austin.
    FBI was def keeping ears on him and people he contacted. No comment how I fucking know.

  11. Beto had a better % with natives vs. new people. 
    This. People keep acting like all new Texans are liberals. People move here for a variety of reasons including lower taxes, jobs in oil and gas, etc.

    I would say the majority of non natives I know are conservative.

    Also not acknowledging that plenty of young people from this state will continue to carry whatever politics they were raised with, is a foolhardy endeavor. See any small town or TexAgs.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  12. we have a million 2-man HVAC businesses in the US that should never be in business in the first place.  the barrier to entry is way too low.  get a license, get a truck, yee haw.
    And they are in short supply and make great money (100k plus a year.) The smaller two man to maybe 12 man companies are always the most reliable in my experience. The larger companies are complete shit and subcontract everything to very low skilled labor, zero quality control, sloppy reckless installs. At least from my experience in Austin and on the coast.

    Every mechanic I know is way understaffed. Especially boat mechanics. Thier only pipeline to new employees and even helpers that can turn a wrench is former military.

    Perhaps licensing or more stringent trade certification would help with bettor QC but that's only reinforces my opinion that stronger trade programs are needed.

    Tangental, buy home builders in Texas have zero licensing requirements. Any yokel can claim to be a builder.
  13. Policies need to focus on jobs. Infrastructure for high speed internet in rural areas and small towns. Retain oil and gas jobs while providing re-training for careers in renewables and trade industries like HVAC. More paths forward for education and training at low costs for associates degree careers in medical and white collar proffesionals.
    Hire more teachers at better pay and incentivize college students to become educators.
    Focus border control efforts on keeping us safe at ports of entry instead of deporting Juan the painter. Villifying all LEOs is a terrible tact and cost dems a lot of Latino vote.

    • Hook 'Em 5
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  14. I don't know why, but the thought of parental locking Fox News from your parents makes me laugh so fucking hard.
    (hitting close to home and what not)
    I did this several years ago to my mom.

    She never said anything.

    Talk Radio, Facebook, and Fwd Fwd Fwd Boomer emails does the same damage.
  15. Ideally, it wouldn't matter what the magazine capacity is for semi-auto rifles if they are all removed from the population, except for those permitted to manage wildlife in certain rare circumstances. For recreational hunters and their permitted/registered bolt-action rifles, the mag size would be less relevant due to the low rate of fire. I realize this would all be a big change for a lot of folks and many sportos would left out and thus furious.  Sometimes big things have to happen in order to solve our big problems.  If we are ever going to provide healthcare for all of our citizens, big changes are going to need to occur.  Solving homelessness will also require bold action. 
    The AWB's problem was it was too narrow  - it didn't apply to all semi-auto rifles and didn't have a need-based permit system. It catered to folks that wanted to make the requirements overly complicated, less effective, and watered down.  Even so, the AWB is believed to have had a positive influence on mass-shootings during the time it was in affect.  
    I'm cool with that. My Belgium Browning BAR fell off my boat.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  16. Wouldn't downplaying your intentions during the campaign and then not letting a good tragedy go to waste just feed into the slippery slope argument that as you say, works?
    Let a Rep and Senator from a reliably Blue State lead the charge on introducing reasonable legislation then vote your conscience on the matter once you've gained power.

    That's the game sadly, play it or lose every time.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  17. Beto said the gun comments after the El Paso shooting when he was running for President, not during the Senate race.

    He was much more measured in his gun rhetoric before a racist maniac went hunting for brown people in his hometown.
    He was pretty firm on serious gun control at town halls in 2018 including reducing mag capacity and "looking into other restrictions."

    I realize The televised comment was in the presidential primaries, and absolutely admire his passion and conviction, the love for his hometown and the trauma of all the grief he witnessed, but it was political suicide.

    Cruz got plenty of love for the stupid bacon gun barrel bullshit but it wins over a lot of single issue voters and Texas is lousy with gun nuts
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