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Born to Run

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Posts posted by Born to Run

  1. image.png.cdc82a3e219a73a645a326a83748403e.png
    I think it's this one. And for the record, Bruce is a huge fan of off the shelf guitars. His guitar tech modifies the touring models, but for the most part, he plays 'em as he finds 'em.
    That's very true. I enjoyed his Memoir, but my goodness it's just like his music- tight almost to the point of too tight at times , and long winded as fuck.
  2. 1. HOAs can't prevent homeowners from displaying political signs near an election. That's against Texas law. They can put certain restrictions on size and quantity only. 
    2. That doesn't address the issue of interpreting the flag as representing the President.
    I understand the sentiment and I'm not actually trying to criticize. More asking people to consider that they are feeding into the stupidity of political figures appropriating the flag, not combating it. 
    I don't think I've ever thanked you for largely speaking reason and truth to dumbfucks on the various boards going back to HF for me. Thank you. It sadly a rather full time job.
  3. Today is my daughter's birthday.  Been trading texts with her, she's so happy.  And I got this one from her (as she is stuck in quarantine still for a few more days, so she's stuck in her apartment with her roomies):
    "Wearing my heels today, because there's broken glass everywhere."
    Fuck yeah.  Just, fuck yeah.
    My wife has a ring that is a small circle of shattered glass -- she is wearing it, and will wear it all day.
    I'm serious, it's hard as hell for me to focus, or to see straight through the tears.  
    Awesome man

    More tears thanks

    Aww fuck amazing grace gets me every time
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  4. Pretty much.   Countries with attractive people having lots of sex tend to have less terrorism.  We used to be like that, then people found out about gun shows and Golden Corral.  And holy shit, we got ugly in a hurry.  Just go back and look at photos/videos from a college football game or any other large public event, the average woman may have had crazy hair but she was appropriately built and at a healthy weight.  Now the average Texas adult male is lugging around an AR-15 and a 200 pound spouse.  That can't be good for the psyche. 
    I'm perfectly happy with a cool chubby chick with some booty. But mix in a little gym time yo and don't be grossly obese. It's not that hard.

    My small town brother got scared straight from heading towards being a fatty when his foreign owned employer recieved his physical. Radical diet change and exercise shift. Otherwise he'd be like the rest of the locals- fat, out of shape and angry.
    • Hook 'Em 1
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  5. That’s my hope.  For sure the 2024 GOP primary will be a diarrhea of evil, and watching Hawley, Cruz, Don Jr., and maybe even the king fuckstain himself go after each other will be as entertaining as it is terrifying.  But I think enough people have been scarred by the last 4 years that the motivation to avoid another Trumpist president will be enough to avoid disaster.  It is impossible for me to envision a GOP unified enough to beat any moderate Democrat in a presidential race for at least 12 years.
    One lasting memory from my youth was an SNl bit on " whose going to lose to Bush (HW)!!??" Whole cast of Democratic party rejects battling it out.

    Who knows
  6. that's frighteningly accurate.  I hate to kick these guys when they're down, but the one consistent theme with all these guys besides lack of critical thinking skills is they're all married to fat and/or ugly women.  I think so much rage and oppression could be assuaged if their wives just lost some weight and/or prettied themselves up a bit.  It's like a bulk serving of Beef-a-Reeno took the human female form and got a gun license.  How do you Trumpers fuck stuff like that?  
    So not unlike radicalized muslims who can't get laid???
  7. I don't consider hunting with bullets to be manly in the least bit, but people I trust said that before his dad's political aspirations began...Don, Jr. was a good hunter and apparently fun to be with outdoors.  Now he's just a riot-inciting fucking asshole who inexplicably hunts with the same sharpie his dad uses to predict hurricane patterns.  
    Seriously, I'm not buying Sharpies anymore.  What's the off-brand equivalent?  
    Milwaukee Inkzall are a superior product for what I do- construction. I know Home Depot has them.
  8. I ran the Calexit fantasy through my head a few times on the 6th when the remnants of the confederacy were storming the Capitol 
    I'd be down if I can move first.

    The last 4 years have really taken the shine of off being a Texan because so many of us are clearly dumb racist assholes and no amount of evidence or clear reason will change that.
    • Hook 'Em 2
  9. Basketball in AISD is being played with masks on.  Also visiting teams are not allowed to have any spectators.  Home teams can have 2 spectators per player.  I was at a middle school game last night and there were less than 20 people in the bleachers in the entire gym.  7 players and a single coach per team on the opposite side of the gym.  Of course they are still having contact and heavy breathing through the masks.  It's certainly less safe than a masked-up outdoor sport.  But for our kid who doesn't play any of the outdoor sports offered right now and who has seen his friends exactly one time in the last 10 months the benefit outweighs the risk.  
    Apparently all sports are now required to be played and practiced with masks on, without exception.  Our cross country runner was previously required to wear the mask during warm ups and strength work but could take it off during runs as long as they stayed distanced from each other.  Not anymore.  They'll be running 11 miles at Town Lake this weekend masked up for the entire run.   
    I'm not complaining about any of this and I realize that it's not free of risk.  But it's also not the super spreader event the crazy mom-crowd on FB is making it out to be.  
    Yeah my kid played soccer in Aisd and they had to wear mask the entire practice and games. Several games cancelled because a shortage of players and grades.

    Oddly his club team do mask at practice but refs were not letting players on the field with masks during games. Inconsistent shit.
  10. All of you who have family members and friends that NOW say they’re done with Trump and maybe the GOP after the Jan 6 raid of the capitol. Just remember the American people have super short memories. They ain’t going away as soon as someone replaces Trump. Watch your back - they’re lying. They’re telling you what you want to hear. I don’t trust ANY OF THEM. 

    3 years of political discussion with my mom, her admitting to loathing him, how he treats women and is emarrased by him and she still voted for Dotard a second time over Milquetoast career centrist Biden. All of her siblings vote D. She needs Soc Sec, is on ACA and will use Medicare.
    The right wing propaganda still carried the day and is too much to overcome.
    No matter what she says she still will vote straight R.
    Same with all the other Magats
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