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Born to Run

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Posts posted by Born to Run

  1. I mean....I know it's a little thing....but goddamit.  That fishing painting, where he's got a dinky Plano tackle box for pond or lake fishing, and he's got an offshore rod with a big Penn-like reel in his hand.  And the pump shotguns that show 1) the pump back in the "action-open" position, but 2) the action itself is painted as if it was closed.  Those are just basic concept things that show that the artist is just another brainless piece of shit.  Although I gotta tell ya....they're probably accurate, in that Trump wouldn't know a fishing rod from a chicken bone, and wouldn't be able to even figure out how to open the action of a pump shotgun.  He's literally the least manly president we've ever had.  
    Serious pet peeve of mine. That and shitty fishing ads that are insanely staged. Guaranteed that Trump would hold any rod upside down.
  2. “On Air Force One on Tuesday, during a trip to the southern border at Alamo, Texas, the president repeatedly said of the election to people traveling with him, “I won.””
    you got up early.  nobody cares.
    Jack Straw for focused messaging award
    Correct 100% of the time.

    Brisket gets props for the ledge
    But JS has reads repubs correctly for years with singular thought process - think the worst and be shocked.
  3. I guarantee that fat fuck thinks Benjamin Franklin was a president.
    Maybe, but only because he's on paper Donnie can afford to own, and probably replicate on wallpaper in his toilet at one of his properties because "wealthy"
    Ha ha ha nice "class"

    Your daughter is tacky as fuck too fuckhead
    The world , mocks you
    They laugh at you.
    You too Ivanka. No amount of coaching or surgery will ever fill that void. You should repent.
  4. Wow this is the serious side of message board bullshit that shakes loose the crazies. I hope this dude gets real help before it's too late, even if TTom thinks it's too late, it's not. Get help man. For real.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. My "theory" is that he simply thinks he is smarter in every way than anyone else.  That is why he fired a lot of pretty good people, he could not admit they knew more about something than he did.  Big ego, big fucking mouth, and the knowledge how to best use them both to brainwash the public.  I have no idea how I knew this many years ago but it didn't matter much because most people would not listen.  Same thing with Rush Limbaugh.  It took me five minutes to know he was nothing but a critic with no workable solution for anything he bitched about.  He and Trump could have been twins.  Better off without both of them.
    He is pure Id, there is only his base desires moments in advance, and he was lucky enough to mostly go though life with his Id mostly left to do whatever popped into his short span of attention without getting his ass whipped.
    Such a short span of attention
    And ohh His nights are so long
  6. This should really be a question on the "Presidential Fitness Test" going forward.  "Do you think the human body is like a battery with finite energy?"
    Could give us a heads up next time this occurs.
    Dude gave us plenty of heads up. Ask New Yorkers. Fuck he wrote shit books telling us how full of shit he was
    I know, my brother sent me highlighted copies- sucks for me but it's not surprising
    • Hook 'Em 1
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  7. OK so I got out the map, and half-way between Lebanon and Japan is the Tarim Basin. As in, you got you a Uigher Woman there. Not a factory model Uigher Woman, more like a home-build using various parts. And apparently with basketball star potential. Or model. Big-bucks-earning beautiful home-made Uigher Woman who was ready to fall in Uigher Woman love with you and all you had to do was punch one, I say ONE, of your friends.
    And you were just too damn civilized to do it.
    Id like to party with RD and Lobo, it would be interesting, people might not come back, those that do might need All the various lawyers that congregate here, but fuck it you only live once.
    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  8. Not sure where to put this but I was watching some news this morning and switched to Fox News for a few minutes and heard multiple lawmakers that were Republican saying this rhetoric and the siege on the Capitol is both sides and we need to blame the Dems along with the Republicans for what is going on.  I find it interesting that for 4 years the Republicans were all, “elections have consequences and we will do what we want”, and literally as soon as they are out of power they are now saying this is both sides fault and we need to come together and forget the past.  One congresswoman from SC said we need to listen to the 75 million people that are upset that voted for Trump.  I don’t remember their attitude for the last 4 years for all of the Democrats that were upset that Clinton lost.  Were they concerned about that half of the country then?  I get the idea of “turn the other cheek” but what is everyone’s thoughts on this.  It actually pisses me off that the Republicans are turning the siege on the Capitol (via Fox News and the like) into its the Dems fault this happened also.
    My thoughts? Wholly predictable, dishonest and disgusting. Whatever drum Jack Straw has been beating for four years about Rebublicans isn't harsh enough, and he better articulates my feelings about these fuck heads including my own brother, mother, and many friends who are just now jumping off the ship and looking for forgiveness whilst also seeking quarter and solace for all the fuckery.

    That's a nah from me dog. You had years to repudiate this swine; and didn't. He's your brand, wear it proudly- Scarlet Ts, never forget.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. Why do y’all pretend any of that shit matters? No one on that side of the aisle is being swayed by anything to Dems so or do. Stop giving a fuck what they think. 
    Anyone on that side of the aisle will never even hear anything the dems do positively. Not ever. They consume right wing media which is a ceaseless diarrhea of outrage real or fabricated. Dems play nice - shit.
    Dems hit back equal outrage.
  10. Reconvening the Senate just to receive articles of Impeachment would not qualify for emergency session.  They aren't due back until 19 January.  Obviously no business on the day of Inauguration.  And Mitch remains Majority Leader until the 22nd when the two Georgia senators are seated.  He can easily delay anything happening with the articles or receiving House Managers into his chamber on the 19th and the 21st.  At that point, there's no sense in hearing the removal from office evidence.  Trump is already gone.  Mitch's long game is to wait until the 22nd or later, at which point only a simple majority is needed 51-49 (with 1 GOP defector) or 50-50 with Kamala Harris breaking the tie, to prohibit under the 14th amendment Trump from ever holding federal office ever again, ever.  Mitch gets to wash his party's hands of Trump in perpetuity without directly having a hand in it.  And I have very little doubt Mitch and the GOP take back the Senate in 2022.  This is absolutely brilliant by Mitch, he gets to go out as Majority Leader pretending to Trump's base that he's trying to help save Donald's legacy.  And he starts off the 2021 Senate on good working terms with his new Democrat majority.  
    My understanding was you still needed 2/3 to prevent future office if he's not convicted.
    If already convicted then simple majority.
  11. This is the party of "family values," and what strikes me on these videos over and over, probably the family value that was most drilled into my head from my parents was that you show respect to those around you if you hope to earn respect from them, and that means you don't throw temper tantrums or fits, you behave like an adult and you don't waste people's time.  And yet over and over I'm watching these things and wondering where their family is and why weren't they taught these lessons?  It's just sad.
    Also, I want them to cut this out because when the pandemic is over I'll be back to traveling for work again.  Unfortunately, I look like a trumpanzee to the uninitiated. Standard 40's white guy who could probably lose a few pound who typically travels in a t-shirt.  I'm not really excited about the extra screening that is coming my way once TSA starts changing it's profiling standard.
    Family values was code for no gays, muslims, foriegners or any non WASP traditions like taco trucks. They justify this with the Bible and christianity, yet the dude whose biggest and most important message was "love one another."
    Any further hypocracy is unsurprising as it was all bullshit the entire time.
    • Hook 'Em 6
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