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Born to Run

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Posts posted by Born to Run

  1. I'm not so sure I agree with you that it would've been worse for the country in the long term. At some point, conspiracy theorists and cultists face a reckoning. There's no reason it should be on their terms when the basis of their beliefs is violent overthrow of the government. Maybe they need to see, in 1080 HD, their own military mowing down lines of "digital soldiers." 
    I don't wish for this to happen, but there will be blood. Its simply a matter of who sheds the most.
    Agreed. These fuckers are emboldened and will keep trying to replicate what happened on Wed, maybe wear face coverings this time.
    Shooting a few dozen as they crossed the threshold would have ended the entire ordeal.
  2. Are you seriously comparing me with a Q believer?
    Because that would be the kind of thing a total piece of shit would do.
    Do you know what the Trump administration has put me and my family through?
    You fucking take that back. And you and all of you who liked that post owe me a huge fucking apology.
    I would honestly like to understand your hate for Carter

    Nixon is easy to understand and I've read all about Laos and Se Asia. Horrible and senseless.

    I don't hate W, I hate how he was manipulated. Those paintings of veterans he does are obvious atonement for sins he's well aware of. I imagine he has a lot of sleepless nights.
    • Hook 'Em 2
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  3. And you made my earlier point. We used to debate things here. Then “conservatives” decided instead that they only wanted to hear their own thoughts repeated back to them, and when that didn’t happen they voluntarily leave and say it’s no problem they’ll just shut up. No. This is not how this works. I’m not smugly sitting here thinking “we’ve run off another one”, I’m sitting here wondering if I’m ever going to be able to understand the argument of this group of people since none of them will try to articulate their concern”. That sucks man. I suspect you have told us you have no problem just being quiet, but you have also run off to an echo chamber somewhere to tell your buddies that you too were silenced by the liberal cabal, never mind most of the people you are talking to used to call themselves Republicans.
    we are never going to solve our problems if we don’t understand each other and we are never going to understand each other when one side refuses to engage. Engage or be prepared for it to get much worse for us and exponentially worse for your children. 
    I don't care to hear thier opinions further honestly, it's always dumb and dishonest.
  4. I said it up thread, but it is shocking to me how many right wing people simply don’t understand what the first amendment and censorship is. I can’t even wrap my head around it how much they don’t understand it. So at that point it makes me think it is willful. That doesn’t help your argument Loather. Who is being dishonest now?
    They view the world though selfish prisms. I should be able to say whatever I want, fuck thier feelings, but people that I disagree with should not.

    Same with the 2nd amendment. I should be able to carry any firearm anyplace I want, but if a black person dares the same they should be arrested because, thugs.
    • Hook 'Em 1
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  5. On a scale of 1-10, 1 being ultra-liberal and 10 being ultra-conservative, I’m probably a 6.  The problem is that Trump came along and change the scale to 1-15, so it now appears that I lean left, when I’m pretty much the same guy I’ve always been.  I’ll vote for the people who are closest to my number, which means for the foreseeable future I’ll be voting for democrats, because any Republican less than a 12 will not make it out of a primary.  
    This. I voted for W the first time. Then the right moved into radical right territory. Sensible gun restrictions had bipartisan support before all these massacres and was never changed via vote it just expired.

    Now questioning if people with mental illness should be able to carry miltary grade weapons down any street to any place including the capitol is meant with hysterics- they will steal our guns!!!!
    The right went full crazy.
    • Hook 'Em 3
  6. Selling fear works better than selling hope. That is why Christians invented hell, and boy was it a great recruiting tool. Fear of hell was better at getting people to join and follow than the hope of heaven.  As an atheist, when Christians question why I don't believe in God, they almost never ask, "Don't you want to go to heaven?" Instead they ask, "Aren't you afraid of burning in hell forever?"   Fear > hope to most people, sadly.
    It's why the GOP's messaging as been more successful than the Democrat's messaging for decades. They sell fear. Fear of immigrants, socialism, non-Christians, non-Whites, etc. and it works with a lot of people. Basically I heard this many times before the election from family when I asked why they were voting for Trump: "I do not like Trump, but if that son of a bitch, Joe Biden, is elected communism and open borders will follow. Plus, he will kill all the unborn babies, even after they are born. And if his old ass dies, that evil black woman Kamala Harris will take over. She will take our guns!" I never once heard something positive that Trump would do if elected, only the negative things they feared the Democrats would do.
    Some folks get spiritual because they see the light, some cause the feel the heat.
    • Hook 'Em 2
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  7. Yeah....that’s actually my other worry. As complicit and compromised that law enforcement is, the next putsch may well work. So, no murderous spree - just a simple destruction/seizure of control of our government.
    Corporations run the government via influence and money. I don't see them ceding. Can they stop facism ala smart Trump 2.0? No. And that's shows how broken we are.

    Will they stop Communism?- sure that's a dumb boogeyman.
    Democratic Socialism ala Berney? Easy- sow division or let fascism only go so far.
  8. I'd agree - just pointing out the madness about Muslims was blown out of proportion and lone wolf attacks will always occur.  A large coordinated bloody attack?  I don't see it.  Again, I'm sure Brisket hopes I'm right too but these people love talking shit and making noise.  They have had PLENTY of chances to kill lots of people and have done close to zero.  Let's be honest...the way cops treat Trumptards they can get away with a fuckload more than the rest of the general public. 
    I agree with that up until Wed. Y'all Queda take control of state houses and FFS Congress during one of our most symbolic days. And largely walk away under partial police escort.
    Violence is coming.

    Most will shrink away from said violence but others will be emboldened.
    A few will seek awful revenge.
    It's a matter of how many get stopped.
    • Hook 'Em 2
  9. Are any of you all astronomers or physicists? I ask because at that party with Vanilla Ice recently, Don Jr was talking about how awesome the nineties were and now he’s talking about 1984. I think he’s sniffing his way to retrograde.
    Snorting his way back to when his famiky was actually making money and not a laughing stock in NYC. Better keep chopping lines Jr...
    Never going to fill that void sadly.
  10. I would LOVE to know how many Q believers we have here on ol' Surly. 
    Ignorance is bliss bro. Don't talk politics with family, don't check Tex AG's, ignore fuckheads.
    I don't need it
    I can always think dumb thoughts and understand how Tex Ags or someone like Icono or Fox News will react to most any event much like one can imagine a dumb fuck missing the pool from the third story balcony- without actually having to watch. Why bother.
  11. Brother Brisket - the actual death toll / injuries absolutely has not gotten worse than I thought.   And when it comes to rhetoric and bullshit - I actually was constantly arguing with Trump morons that the minute they lose they would riot and break shit the exact same way BLM/antifa did - guess what?  They handled losing exactly how I thought they would...lots of crying and breaking shit.  "Hey at least Trump supporters don't destroy our city durrrrr..."  Yeah, they only trash our nation's capital.  Fucking morons. 
    Going back years... I would constantly tell a shitload of acquaintances - many of who became trumptards - our country wasn't going to be attacked by a bunch of crazy muslims from within.  This was well after 9/11.  Yes we saw some isolated incidents.  But it never felt like there was something like a coordinated attack on the way.  Some crazies that went off and killed a few here and there (still sad) but I see these dipshits in the same light.  
    Maybe Muslims are largely a peaceful people?
    Especially here in the states.
    Far Right is our greatest threat; always has been. They do most of the damage.
    • Hook 'Em 3
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  12. Silencing people will make all the divisions in our country go away. Nothing to see here. Fucking just ban all social media and throw it in the garbage. We all have to live with each other even those we can’t stand and find their views deplorable. Parler can serve as a pressure release valve for Trumpists to fire off an angry Parler tweet or whatever the fuck they are called. This is going to radicalize people even further
    No it's not. Radicals will find a way to radicalize. You think Al Queda depends soley on twitter to recruit?
    Why would Y'all Queda be different?
    Arrest people breaking serious laws even if they are white and see what happens. Maybe as a country we should start applying Equal protection and Equal enforcement?
    • Like 1

  13. What?


    Codling these fucks out of fear they might get angry and do something horrible does not work and is part of the reason they’ve been allowed to do what they did.

    Placating them only emboldens them and does zilch in regards to calming them down.

    These people can only be dealt with by strict and strong consequences.
    Try them all and send them away.
    That's the only way to stop this- jail time, death for crossing clear lines.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  14. I think disabling the app is a dangerous move and is like throwing gas on a fire. It’s going to amp up the persecution complex of his followers and does nothing to cool things down. Parler their own terms of service against incitement of violence. It’s a bad look and it will piss off your regular joe conservative. It’s too broad of a net being cast 
    Maybe they should stop using social media to incite violence and insurection?
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    Is this real?  How in the hell is Trump in the Wrestling Hall of fame?  I know he did at least one guest appearance or two which became a meme, and it was a sad  affair for all to see such little fists fail to sell a punch.  But I was a wrestling fan from the late 80's through 2001ish and he does not deserve to be in the hall of fame.
    What a mockery he's made of our finest, most respected institutions.
    I enjoyed wrestling for about two years as a kid during the hey day of your Hulk Hogans and Rowdy Rody Pipers and all that hokey drama
    Then I started asking my bros to change the channel or I was hanging elsewhere.
    And I did.

    Cool for you, I just don't get it.
  16. They had a fantasy where they were going to nab members of Congress (definitely including Pelosi), put them on "trial by the people," "convict" them of crimes against America, and execute them.
    Again, I'm not making any of this up.  They wrote it down.  Repeatedly.  Then obtained materials to further their plan.  Then took physical action to execute it, violating numerous federal laws in the process.  This was a conspiracy putsch aiming to decapitate one of the three branches of our government.  Again, they WROTE IT DOWN.
    They published notes on fucking criminal conspiracy??!!
    • Haha 2
  17. When Trump was elected I was not happy, but  I gave him a chance because I hope any president is an effective leader for our country. However, I also assumed that the Republicans had a spine and would check him if he went full regarded. I was very wrong.
    Now it is pretty obvious McConnell and Pence probably threatened him with the 25th and/or impeachment and look how quickly he backed down. He looks like a whipped dog in that video.  If the Republicans had grown a spine earlier in his term America would be a lot better off and they might have kept control of both houses of congress and Doofus-in-Chief Trump might have gotten re-elected. Instead yesterday marked the end of America as the pre-eminent political power in the world. 
    Bruh that happened a long time ago. This was entirely predictable and why so many were despondent in Nov 2016.
  18. The goal here is not to get the GOP Senators to vote to remove but to get them to compel Trump to resign with the credible threat of a successful vote to remove.  Theoretically, the Senate should never vote to convict a President because resignation is always the better exit ramp. 
    Also you tie up all of trump's focus and grievance in one safe area. Him bitching about another fake witch hunt for two weeks is our best path.
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