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Born to Run

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Posts posted by Born to Run

  1. I mean…wouldn’t there need to be spurious reasons listed in constitution to use as disqualification criteria?
    Biden is leading an insurrection by allowing a flood of illegal voters with open border policy.

    That would be largely unopposed in red states like Texas.
    • Hook 'Em 2
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  2. Obviously they will rule Trump eligible 
    But I'm super curious how they explain away some of this shit. 
    Pandoras box argument. If the disqualify Rs for insurrection, Red states will disqualify Dems from running for any spurious reason.

    The election would then be decided by a handful of states. Same, but different.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. I actually like Newsom more than I expected to when I've heard him in interviews and what not, but I do think the liberal elite Californian thing is going to be hard to shake. He'll just get painted as out of touch coming up in private school, dating a celeb, and because of the French Laundry thing during COVID. And to be fair I can see how that strikes a nerve.
    Whitmer, Warnock, and Shapiro stand out to me as the fastest rising stars with the brightest futures because of the states they can mobilize.
    You are probably correct, but Vis a vis all the ghoulish behavior of the GOP it's like a paper cut vs missing multiple limbs with open sores. It's crazy to even warrant discussing the difference, but as you pointed out, those missteps will be discussed 24-7
  4. Disagree with your conclusion.  You did this exercise absolutely right.  Own whatever room you are in, and there's few greater dominance moves than taking an explosive shit while staring someone down.
    AKA the LBJ
    LBJ did this regularly. 
    • Haha 2
  5. The chryon at the gym this morning when talking about the airstrikes:
    "Biden waited more than a week before striking back"
    Next segment: Crazed Biden Strikes have US on verge of WW3!!!!
  6. What would total maga war against Taylor Swift even look like, aside from Taylor needing to bump up her security? She's a singer. Is Dotard going to talk shit about her most recent album at a rally or something?
    War campaigns usually follow the lead of the General. So lots of terroristic online threats, lies, misogyny, overt threats of rape and pussy grabbing, whining about how unfair it all is, and some Big Mac dinners with, hopefully, no overt action.
  7. It won’t. Taylor has made a conscious decision to be more involved. She’s going to speak more, get people to register to vote. It will come up again. She may not campaign with Biden but she has been more vocal about her politics since 2018
    Against her parent's wishes too. Because Republicans are murderous freaks.
  8. It's funny you mention the hiatus because that's what led me back to church in the first place.  I figured it was a good place to get my life straightened out at the time and part of that was no dating/sex at the time.  The women's radar knew I wasn't there to run some trim and as a result, I made some really good friends.  However, the sex hiatus didn't work out to well after awhile.  Dated a few women and had sex with all of them.  (Maybe 4 or 5.)  The churchy gals really are as DTF as the others, it just has to be within the confines of a dating "relationship," which can be only a few dates.
    But yeah, my super power is just being able to talk and listen.  Same deal.  I can talk to a fence post.
    I brought my son every other weekend to help build his foundation (which is strong) he's pretty handsome and a solid athlete even when young. That didn't help my celibacy for a year plan. It was like being a hot chick at a club.
    I was there for his edification and some faith.
    Mercy me the temptations.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. I can confirm that as well from back in my single days.  Big suburban churches have tons of impressive single women (define that how you may).  When I was single, I started going to one and was also surprised that they were as DTF as non churchy types.
    Started doing yoga a few years ago and it's about 70/30.  If you can't pull trim there, don't know what to tell you.  They're obviously DTF.
    You'd also need a good dating app game but I know nothing about that.  Way too long ago.
    I wasn't personally in it for tail, but yes. I think I tried dating apps for about 2 days, was too much bs, trash, spam, and unnecessary.

    I have several great female friends from Yoga, no sex. Much respect.
  10. Church?!? 
    Chicks love some self-improvement, so figure out which version works for you. Which you should be doing because who would want the worst version of you. Sub church for: Mountain bike meets ups (for beginners), paddle boarding, volunteering, cleaning up parks, weird art installs in public spaces, snowboarding, you could even work with regards if it's your passion. If you have a Hobbie, you are decent at some lady will be happy to get some advice if you are genuine. If not her, maybe a friend.

    My self-imposed one year hiatus from women sexually post divorce was impossible once I started doing healthy shit I wanted to do for fun. And I'm pretty introverted. My only "game" is being genuinely interested in people's experiences and listening intently. Fish in a barrel.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  11. Straight dudes could clean up at drag shows if they'd get over their discomfort at being around men who might be checking them out (that is, every young woman's typical experience when existing in a public place).
    Just tip the queens and don't be an asshole if a dude hits on you.
    This is true as well.
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