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Born to Run

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Posts posted by Born to Run

  1. Serious question regarding the destroy the GOP movement. Could someone start a website raising funds for this, divert the money to a different intity, pay themselves an enormous salary and assuage that guilt by allocating the charitable donations to various progressive causes that hopefully destroy GOP but not in the way my patrons think?
    Asking for a friend.
    I mean I could donate to a local school. Education will destroy the GOP...

    • Haha 1
  2. It’s like the republicans never had anyone read to them the story of the boy who cried wolf.
    90 percent of the normal part of the country, ie non republicans, at this point simply ignores their bullshit because they have cried so much in the past on bullshit that they have no credibility.
    Then they wonder why does nobody care about hunter Biden’s laptop? Because your clan has zero credibility dipshit so don’t expect anyone to believe one damn thing you say. 
    No it's 60%, not 90; at best...
  3. I think Republicans think it was rigged the same way kids in the 70s thought Peter Frampton was great. As in, they mostly didn't, but everybody else seemed to think so, so they didn't bring it up.
    I've smoked real pot with a dude that looked like Frampton which is way cooler/ Hedburg
    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
    Same.  I wonder how it holds up.  I'm hesitant to watch movies I loved as a kid now because they often disappoint and spoil the nostalgia.  
    I suggest avoiding Big Trouble in Little China.
    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  5. LOL OK call it Trump land or whatever. There is literally almost no flu now. You don't find that odd?  Listen, I voted for Obama once. I'm not one of these hard core Trumpers you hate. Covid is a thing. It kills mostly a select group of people. Why are flu numbers almost 0?  That's never happened. Ever. 
    It was predicted by scientist that we would have low flu numbers due to high mask usage in the southern hemisphere during thier winter.
    Also extreme measures to mitigate an infectious virus mitigate another infectious virus and that's a conspiracy?

    You are dumb as fuck. Add you to the ignore list with such illustrious company as Icono and Johnny Sack and all the dumb fucks I can't recall because I don't enjoy reading stupid shit written by chucklefucks.
  6. The avg median age of a covid death is 78.  Listen, I'm not saying the virus can't kill people. I had it. It wrecked me for 10 days.  My taste weeks later isnt right. I'm in my 40s.  If I was compromised or with comorbid conditions definitely I'd be in the hospital. There are common sense ways to deal with this. It isn't the Spanish Flu. 
    Ah the typical Conservative personal antedotal story. "I had it and survived so nbd"

    Go fuck yourself - my healthy friends who died from this shit.

    Ps- Go fuck yourself - hospital workers xo
    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. Rona is more contagious than the flu, and mitigation is working really well against the flu, and merely mitigating the spread of Rona?
    Fake pos rep for your avatar, fake neg rep for your posts; no idea what point you are trying to make; (oh look at the double semicolon dumbassery on my part) - carry on.
  8. Yep, thanks. I have been well educated. I could have sworn that I read somewhere that an equal number of partisan monitors is required at all counting facilities, but it must have been for another state.
    Or you read bullshit?

    I have not seen it as a legal requirement anywhere, but maybe someplace???
    Here in Texas where I volunteered to watch early voting and election day there was often 2-3 democrats to one Trumpkin. We never identified ourselves, but it was easy to tell by lack of mask or completely different training. Dem trained folks made sure everyone who was eligible could vote by conferring with the election judge. Trumpkins counted the number of people in the polling line which was inaccurate as fuck to begin with - bathroom breaks, many people in line not voting, people getting in line twice because the forgot id etc. Some of us stuck around until the ballots were signed and sealed, some didn't. All voluntary.
    • Hook 'Em 2
  9. Only if what has been said earlier--that they're required to have an even number of partisan monitors at all times--is true. Regardless, having a single monitor from the Republican SOS's office is more than enough to keep this one from escalating. 
    Though, of course, Raffensperger is just a deep state plant being paid off by the CIA slush fund.
    They aren't required to have poll watchers or observers at ballot counting. The rule is they have to Allow partisan monitors. The parties have to train and schedule volunteers to do this.
  10. Apparently, a shitload of Texans think it's better to vacation in the less crowded parts of West Texas, not realizing they are fucking over those small communities in some cases.
    Spent the week camping near BBNP, but I didn't go into any indoor place. Just Gasoline. Couldn't have been more cautious. The store in Terlingua was requiring mask and only allowing 6 at a time.
    I could see Marfa being a shit show.
    Fredericksburg looked like a normal crazy holiday weekend save for some masks. I expect it to get bad there.

  11. I think the key to the whole Qanon/#spygate/#stolenelection is DenverHorn, Two Weeks, and that scary ass horse outside the Denver Airport.  
    Now if somebody were to find evidence that a major renovation to the Denver Airport will begin in two weeks, then I'll switch teams. 
    Fuck that creepy ass airport.
  12. First (and until now, last) time I heard the word stochastic, it was a friend's brother-in-law explaining a print-out of his stochastic stock buying method. It was probably 1979. Their little ranch house living room was full of catalytic converters their dad had sawed off of junked cars, because he was gonna make it big in platinum.
    Maybe it all worked out for them. I blew my cash on cheap beer and a car that was fixin to fall apart.
    Your posting style gives me the occasional acid flash back. Sometimes joyful, sometimes uncomfortable.
    • Fuck Around and Find Out 2
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