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Born to Run

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Posts posted by Born to Run

  1. No you fucking tard I mean everyone else who even mildly believes in the myth of American exceptionalism through the capitalist power structure. We wouldn't even be remotely talking about the latinx vote if Bernie were ever on the ticket because all the dumbass mainstream Americans susceptible to simplistic reductionist attacks from the right would eat that shit up. It would be the easiest sell ever for the right wing.
    Completely agree with this. Anything left of having to go fund me to pay for basic health care in this country is socialism. If have to start from scratch on the most basic messaging
  2.  Not meant as a slam to other dem prez candidates but does anyone think that Bernie or warren would have outperformed Biden? 2020 wouldn’t have been kind to the beliefs in this election.
    The Dems nominated the best candidate to compete against trump
    Agreed. I mentioned earlier, we can't even agree that everyone should have basic access to healthcare, and we are not even close to resolving that. Maybe do that and stop putting kids in cages, then we can discuss dessert.
  3. Drinking homemade black & tans, listening to Prokofiev symphonies, and enjoying the fuck out of this Grade-A pussy loser wuss dumbfuck going down in flames.
    But more to the point, America wins. The Great Experiment still works. 
    The following entities can all go fuck themselves:
    • Donald Trump
    • Vladimir Putin
    • That fat fuck in DPRK
    • China
    • Uneducated dipshits who thing a lying pussy of a reality TV show star is somehow not full of shit
    • OU
    • the Dodgers
    • aggy
    • racist fuck policemen
    • ICE
    • OU
    • Yankees
    • Yankees fans
    • Erin. Fucking Erin. You KNOW what you did, you lying cheating cunt.
    • The fucking metric system, for selling me 11.5oz bottles and 14.9 oz cans of beer instead of a proper 12oz and 16oz, you sniveling cheap-ass scumbags
    • Fox News
    • OU
    • 2020
    • cancer
    • Tom Herman
    • OU
    this is a partial list and I'll think of more as I work my way through the booze I bought tonight
    Solid list except the metric system. Don't forget OU, Bob Stoops and fuck Ted Cruz, he ate my son.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. Here's my quick question -- folks are saying that if Biden wins, we must engage the other side, and work to heal this country.  I think that is sound reasoning.  It is indeed what we should do.  I don't know if I have the willpower to do it, but I agree that it's what should happen.
    Now, run that same play....if Trump wins a second term.  Do you think team MAGA will "reach out to the other side to unite and heal this country?"  Or.....will it be an unrestrained orgy of overreaching and "SUCK IT, LIBTARDS!" around the clock?  Come on.  We all know the answer.  The Trumpkins who have the guts to post around here have admitted as much (and provided their example of how it would go).
    There is a path to healing this country if Biden wins.  It will be tough, but there's a path.
    There is no path to healing if Trump wins.  In fact, the mission will be to inflict as much pain on those who "betrayed" him as possible.  It will be four years of vengeance and cruelty, and policies aimed solely at inflicting pain on those they want to hurt.
    And we don't know which will happen yet.  Thus, a LITTLE BIT of anxiety.
    There is no healing period. Biden winning kicks the can down the road. I would welcome the breathing room for sure. It's clear that this country is broken.

    We still can't even agree that everyone deserves health care and that the wealthiest among us may have to chip in a few bucks a month to help the poors with this. The left has been trying to get that plus not discriminating against LBGTQ anymore since the fucking 90s and we can't even agree as populace. We can't even agree to let settled law from the 70s on reproductive rights just stand.

    We are split in half with one side arguing that we should be like the rest of the civilized world on healthcare, racism and human rights, vs no abortions under any circumstance, crazy people can bring a high cap assault rifle anywhere, and business can do whatever it wants with no responsibility- pollute away as long as jerbs. Oh and Science is stupid
    • Hook 'Em 2
  5. I think this is the beginning of Fox distancing themselves from Trump. I think calling AZ earlier than everyone else was calculated so they can seem “fair and balanced” when the grownups takeover. 

    I watched a little bit of Fox News today just to see what was being said and they were pretty cold on the shit spewing out of trumps mouth today, multiple pundits acknowledging they though he was taking the wrong tack.  
    I don't really watch them, but in the past they play it pretty straight until the opinion shows that pass as news hit after 5 pm
  6. Texas was never in play.  The fact that anyone thought it was points to the fact that the Dems are naive as fuck and polling is worthless.  I don't believe for a minute that any O&G Texans were gonna vote for Biden until he said that.  They knew where their bread was buttered the whole time.
    No but it got a lot of new voters out.

    I was a poll watcher in west Austin yesterday. Shit load of young people and first time voters. The numbers I saw at the end were depressing. Y'all saying the olds just need to die off are deluded. More trumpers hit voting age everyday.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. BTW, Texas margin was around 660k, 52-46 (so, a +6 Trump win).
    I thought that Texas could get it within 4, if things broke right.  They didn't.  Trump was +9 here in 2016.  Some erosion of that support, but as discussed, unique circumstances depressing his performance.
    Texas is still a +10 GOP state -- that's the margin of Cornyn v. Hegar, which was for all intents and purposes a generic R v. generic D race.  No D gain in the statehouse.  Still a long way to go to make Texas even purple, much less blue.
    Now, back to your regularly scheduled nail-biting.
    Counter point is a lot of first time voters motivated to vote for Trump. They probably voted straight team R as well. When he goes away do they still come out for generic R they never heard of?
  8. That’s a weird comment.  I got no beef with the village people or the actual song.  i’ve just been a part of and exposed to those hokey animated renditions of it by old white people at weddings too many times.  It stopped being fun in the the early 90s at the lastest. 
    I literally will dip outside until that shit is over at every wedding. I can tolerate plenty of other hokey honkey shit. But not that
    • Hook 'Em 2
  9. I have a theory that Trump focused on dishwashers because it’s one of the few things he actually understands.
    Except he fucked that up too. Some people, myself included, think low water use Washing machines are less effective. He's to stupid to know the difference and fucked up that too.
  10. Yep.  I’ll also add a lot of people that never got into politics are really upset with lockdowns and traditional nonVoters are breaking for Trump in FL.  Like the not so small Latino community that makes a living in dining/hospitality...throw in Latino radio getting hit hard w conspiracy theories and we’ve got a problem...
    Yeah I see this a bit with my construction crews, usually the young dumb ones. I had to threaten fines to get mask compliance, and the conspiracy theories I've heard are mind blowing stupid.
    The older guys are fuck Trump, but dispassionate. The weirdos getting called out or questioned just turn pro
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