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Born to Run

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Posts posted by Born to Run

  1. Lets also remember that Trump doesn't have the same level of rat-fucker running his campaign today that he had 4 years ago.  Roger Stone doesn't have wiki-leaks to coordinate with and Steve Bannon has been relegated to appearances on shitty podcasts.  With the near constant turnover (due to arrest, drugs, spousal abuse, fraud) the incompetents have really risen to the top in the Trump Campaign and are now running this shit show.  They've burned through all of their money and had to cancel most of their national ad buys.
    Trumps only hope is to whip the base into an absolute froth and hope that they can turn out in record numbers on election day - both to vote and to intimidate others from voting.
    Yeah and my ass will be there on election day to make sure they don't. Just try and pull out a piece on the lanes.
    • Hook 'Em 3
  2. Ttom and GRHorn and everyone else are just going to go back to yelling at clouds and watching fox news all day jerking off to how the republicans in the minority are just going to be dragging their asses and calling it principal. This is going to be Obama's presidency all over again it's not going to be people shooting anyone or fascism rallies.
    Calm the fuck down.
    The Silent But Passive Aggressive Majority (Minority)
    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. I'll be poll watching until 730, then eating an edible and having some cocktails at the house.

    I'm hoping to have reason to blast Bob Dylan across the canyon and shoot a few artillery rounds off now that fire risk is low.

  4. That also happened pretty late in the process.  LOTS of bars hurting while restaurants were allowed take out.  I don’t disagree with what you are saying, but slorch is partially right about it being arbitrary.  Some bars are like clubs, some holes I go to people don’t move 10’ the entire night.  
    Sure, but the whole point was to slow viral transmission and reduce superspreader events. Once school was cancelled bars had to go just based on common sense optics. In my younger days I would bar hop and come into close contact with hundereds of people a night who then also went to other bars and had more contacts. Think old school dirty sixth or Rainey vs your local watering hole. Its very easy for one person to spread it hundreds of others quickly.

    Ive never gone resturant hopping.
  5. If woke and kneeling on the field swayed votes, then those people are looking for something and would find it either with or without woke and/or kneeling.  Kneeling during the anthem to contest police shootings of minorities, to which they are no part of, means nothing to them unless they want it to.  Finding offense in Black Lives Matter is another bs issue for them.   

    Anyone I know that opposed kneeling or is boycotting the NFL and crying on facebook was already solidly Trump and likely rather discreetly racist as well.
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  6. So a man walks into a bar, and sits down. He starts a conversation with an old guy next to him. The old guy has obviously had a few. He says to the man:

    "You see that hut out there? Built it myself, hand crafted each piece, and it's the best hut in town! But do they call me "Abdullah the hut builder"? No! And you see that mosque over there? I built that, took me two months, through rain, sleet and scoarching weather, but do they call me "Abdullah the mosque builder"? No! And you see that well over there, I built that, best clean well in this county! But do they call me "Abdullah the well builder? No!"

    The old guy looks around, shakes his head and makes sure that nobody is listening, leans over to the man, and says:

    "But you butcher one bus full of tourists.....”
    Aye!, but hes not a goat fucker!
  7. 2 hours ago, BrazilHorn said:

    It is really bad at the baseball fields. Both my boys (13 & 11) play select and at their tournaments the number of fat and severely fat parents is really disturbing. It is even more disturbing as you can see their kids also thickening up and what their future will look like.

    Not much is more ironic than hearing a BMI 50+ dad screaming at his kid to "Hustle up" or "Run faster".

    America's years of processed foods, fast food & sugar laden soft drinks has come home to roost. I wish Fauci would make obesity a corner stone of his speeches on CV19.

    Ultimately this will never happen, we cannot get people to wear a simple mask, forget about ever getting them to actually work out.

    My kid plays select soccer, and it is amazing how many fat parents there are.  Austin is not so bad at all, but Houston and San Antonio tournaments are full of fattys.  And some of the players are fat at 13.  How the heck can you be 13, practice 2-3 times a week and run for 80 minutes on the weekend and be fat?  (I know diet).  Small towns are the worst. My son likes to play count the non obese people at Heb in Victoria, or Port Lavaca -its rare to hit double digits of non obese people, just shocking really.

  8. Note.....to my special MS-13 insurance offer, add a "and MS-13 isn't wearing a mask" rider.  I'm gonna make so, so, SO much fucking money.
    Set the groundwork in motion. Ill start selling Trump merch so we have established sales numbers for our investors to the east. If we run out of time we still win by peddling grievances
  9. I thought it was a muzzle, or that wearing a mask was like stopping mosquitoes with a chain-link fence.  Or it was a sign of strength?  I thought no mask=power?  
    You can tell there is no one of any value left on the Trump train. The branding is all over the place and contradictory to whatever was posited minutes prior. Like Trump. Mask users infected 85% of time, mask good, no mask required, Aha no mask by nasty reporter
  10. 1 hour ago, smuggs said:

    To be fair most of Rudy’s blood supply was furiously rushing to his brain and his flaccid geezer shaft.

    Flaccid Geezer Shaft is pretty lit for a band made up of old retirees.

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