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Born to Run

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Posts posted by Born to Run

  1. When did you graduate?

    Because you’re solution is woefully outdated.

    I have a kid at Troy University. A perfect example of the kind of school you suggest.

    Troy University costs just under $10,000 with all expenses PER SEMESTER.

    $80,000 for a diploma from Troy. And that’s if you graduate in four years, which is virtually impossible unless you take a super full load very semester and go every summer.

    It’s impossible for a student to work enough hours to pay for college while being a student.
    Yeah that's one worst things when my magat friends opine about their concerns about socialism. Shit was more socialist in the 50s. I went to UT in the 90s and tuition was around $1500 a semester for 15/18 hrs
    I wrote a check for that shit. Then the leg started defunding higher ed.

    My dipshit brother got his Aggie masters for the cost of what one year of Aggie undergrad costs now
    Just 10 years later
    But he's hopping mad about socialism. Pull the ladder up asshole
    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. [mention=98]Patricio Swayze[/mention] completely agree.   I'll take it a step further.  Took my boys fishing at a creek in Rowlett (east of Dallas).  You park and have to walk into the forest to get to the spot.  The location of this spot means that the only people that make it to this spot are those that are fishing.  One can't blame cars, passerbys, etc... It's an effing mess. So, folks that love the outdoors, fishing, etc... are the exact same ones trashing the place with cans, fast food containers, etc... WTF?

    [mention=1705]BurntEyes[/mention] I don't recall Papi's, but I sure as hell ate Gumby's each Sunday night at Jester.  If you were on the full meal plan, Sunday nights weren't covered.  IIRC, there was always a $3.99 Gumby's special at the back of the pages of The Daily Texan.

    gumby's was 472-fast if I recall. Good times


  3. we decided to check out and are spending 4 months this winter in the yucatan. talked to a buddy who has DIY'd the entire peninsula and he dropped a pin on a point of a bay where there's tailing permit pretty much every rising tide in the evenings. it's 15 minutes from the house. got me so excited i immediately had to shit. truth be told, have to shit just typing this post. 
    Coin flip on whether I want to be you or justhookit in my next life.
    • Haha 1
  4. I've really never understood the "he uses a teleprompter!" squealing from the Rs.  Um, is it some test of purity for someone to memorize hour long speeches?  Cause I got bad news for you about dear leader, if so.
    My Fox News watching mother likes to bring up when Obama had a teleprompter issue. Apparently it was so unpresidential and quite the hilarious fiasco. Those assholes live in a fictional reality and that reality is a miserable shit hole.
  5. And most people’s memories of what they were doing when they saw it/heard about it are probably wrong. Even with seminal events like 9/11, most of us unintentionally change/embellish the memory in very significant ways as time goes by. For a fascinating walk down the fickleness of human memory, check out Gladwell’s podcast:  http://revisionisthistory.com/episodes/24-free-brian-williams
    Odd. I remember that day vividly. Building a house off West Mary in Austin. I remember the exact job radio the info came down on. Going home early to process. Then seeing the images. Nothing I can think of that would be wrong.
    • Like 1
  6. This is psychotic.  These people have created a full on fantasy realm to persuade themselves of this madness.  There are going to be psychological studies of this phenomenon in the future.
    It's almost like Brisket may be on to something calling it a cult. This is North Korea level cult shit.

    I forget the documentary, but Western Doctors healed a blind woman, immediately went to thank dear leader rather than the Dr, who actually cured her and did so out of charity.

    That's the USA
  7. repeating here later in the day for anyone just getting tuned up.
    best take of the day anywhere imho, from a surler.
    That was his reason for using Chinese steel on his properties - you all didn't stop me. It's 100% his brand to do something shitty and blame his behaviour on people not reigning in his behaviour. Of course when people do; he's a victim and gets to whine. Pure Id
    • Hook 'Em 2
  8. how dare you. a trump flag never fades or frays.
    Ha ha. There are a bunch in Port O that have frayed to tread "Trum" or "Tru."

    Saw a lot more Confederate flags. These assholes feel emboldened to be racist. And they like being assholes.

    My favorite was the half US Flag/ half Confederate Battle flag mash up. One half of the flag kicked the others ass.
  9. I had a Beto yard sign, and a shirt that I bought at a fundraiser. I don't think I wore the shirt except while mowing my lawn. there is no way I would have flown a Beto flag. 
    I wouldn't have a problem with a Biden yard sign but I would be worried about a Trump passerby throwing something at my house. I wasn't worried about a Cruz supporter doing that with my Beto sign.
    Because Nobody likes Ted Cruz
    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Like 2
  10. Meh.  Blah. Blah. fucking blah.
    That ain't the reason for all of the protests/ demonstrations.  It's the excuse a lot of the shitheads use.
    I don't get the Trump boat thing or the people driving around town with Trump shit all over their vehicle.   It doesn't make sense to me.
    It isn't hurting anything either though, nor are the boat thingies.  We can't say the same for the somewhat peaceful demonstrations in the past few months.
    God you suck

    Murder is an "excuse". Shitheads?

    But honkys boating around with rebel flags is nbd.

    Fuck off. I really used to enjoy going fishing or boating with less reminders of how many assholes are out there.
    • Hook 'Em 2
  11. Delete it man. Once FB turned from girls posting their spring break cabo pictures to my dumbest friends from high school posting their political hot takes I deleted that shit and my life got much better. Now if I could just pull the trigger on twitter. 
    Or unfollow everyone that posts shitty content. My feed is down to like 15 people.
    • Like 1
  12. I've only been to Portland once, and let me tell you, I feared for my life coming out of Powell's Books after sundown.  It was like fuckin' Fallujah, or worse, Chicago.  Bullets were whizzing over my head several times a minute, and at one point a mazeltov cocktail landed about 20 feet from my wife.  To hell with that socialist warzone.
    Malzetof cocktail

  13. Check in with a local fly shop, they’ll likely help you out. My buddy caught about 15 fish on the Animas one morning  right in front of the doubletree in Durango after picking up 10 recommended flies from the shop. Mostly nymphing as I recall. We were staying a little outside of town at river bend ranch and the river there was muddy bottom with no structure. It seemed like there was a lot better structure through town. 
    Thanks man!
    We will be further up. Im mostly a dry fly or die kind of guy but if we post up in town it's good to know it's worth the effort to go.
  14. You can always tell the really smart and successful people because they tell you about it all the time.
    I learned in construction long ago that people that brag on their skills always suck shit.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  15. On Matagorda Island by the Big Jetties.

    Then Tuesday night one of the big houses out there “exploded” and burnt to the ground.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Matagorda Peninsula to be accurate. Lot of disregard for bag limits over there on the pennisula. The Island starts at Pass Cavallo and is a state park. TXPW fly the island with a helo and blast hogs with extreme prejudice. It's a little unnerving when you are wading nearby.
  16. That is terrible news.  Last year, or year before maybe, we were able to get them for a case of Beast and a bottle of something someone had left at Josies that followed us home.  Got a big sack of shrimp and another sack of squid.    I havent been behind one culling in the AM in a looooooong time.  Now we hit them just to hit them, but seems like the success rate is way down than what it used to be.  Still plenty of kings around, but haven't pulled off any ling or blackfins (these were shallow tho) in I don't know how long.  

    Yeah it sucks.

    For Blackfins you need to be out a good 30-40 miles usually. This is the time of year is when it gets good into Sept.
    For Ling we like to send some prop wash under the shrimp boat and some chum to try and get them to leave the shade. Fish the shady side of the boat. Live piggies fished close to the shrimp boat will catch fish you don't see. And of course any weedlines or floating debris. On site fishing them, I have them often bite a dead mullet with a piece of Alka Seltzer threaded above the hook. The fizz gets them interested. Ling are tasty but weird fish. And often frustrating AF. We have better luck earlier in the season for Ling.
    However I've caught a few sails and plenty of mahi closer in this time of year including a sail only maybe 10 miles out. I thought it was a bunch of triple tail hanging around a trash bag until he lit up. Did not leader that one.
    • Hook 'Em 2
  17. Neighbors teenage kids had a big party last night.  Fucking assholes. 
    Was out paddling on the lake last night. Rich asshole had 40 plus teens for a party with zero fucks given.

    My ex's family is also having a gathering with around 35 people all staying in the same house.

    American Exceptionalism
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