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Born to Run

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Posts posted by Born to Run

  1. Remember when Fox News would have a body language "expert" on to slam Obama?  I remember.
    I don't because I don't watch that shit and politics were completely boring under Obama and I rarely went into the cloak room or got involved.

    I miss those days where you didn't have a new cluster fuck daily. Benghazi wouldn't last one news cycle in this admin.

    Outside of long form journalism, the media sucks. I hate watching the BBC trying to normalize Trump- " what do you think Mr Trump was trying to say here"? I don't want Fox on both sides; buy when Trump shits his pants call it that instead of looking for "meaning". It's shit not art.
  2. I’m guessing the lines that he is seeing that are a mile long are just people trying to get a Covid test and he is confused.

    Nah there are plenty of boat and bike parades.

    I bet his staff scours the internets finding picts to print out and administer like a morphine injection when Trumpy is a sad, angry grumpy.


  3. Said it before we need to adopt a Switzerland like model. But instead of ammo being locked up, make it like $100 a round. You can have all the pew pew toys you want. You just can't have a stockpile of ammo. 
    Legalize weed and make ammo nearly impossible to get and we'll see a huge change in this country. 
    I don't care what your take is. The second you pull the trigger and kill someone, you're a murderer. The law might not say so, but you are. I get defending your home or even yourself in public. Anything beyond that is pretty cut and dried to me. The guy ran his car into a barricade, like a coward. He was the instigator. Full stop
    You and Beto need to chill. That shit isn't happening. What you do is work towards background checks and registry; maybe regress to the 90s and not have 30 round mags and open carry legal.

    Then do the quiet part- booga googa - go a step forward
    That's about it. You aren't taking hunting rifles etc seek a decent balance
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  4. Open carry is nuts. Openly carrying an assault rifle is pathological. Bringing it to a demonstration is an invitation to disaster.
    All of these guys seem to live in some dream world where they're Clint Eastwood staring down some illusory bad guy.
    How odd that the misapplication of the Second Amendment could be the undoing of the whole goddamn Constitution. There will be blood. FOX and the president are surely doing their parts as well.
    Yeah. Bouncing around in a high rack jeep 4 years ago with 4 loaded ARs in case a jack rabbit jumped out really drove the point home for me. Fun? Hell yeah. Good education for my son about safety, stewardship or promoting safe gun culture- not so much. Felt gross to be honest. Gross cos play.
    • Hook 'Em 2
  5. Agreed. Back in 2016 I felt like a lot of undecideds had already decided for Trump but didn’t want to admit it.  This go round, I think most if not all of them will vote for Biden. It took a perfect storm for Trump to win in 2016 and I just don’t see that happening again. If places like Texas and Arkansas are polling within the margin of error I don’t see a path for him even if he could pivot and stay on message. He is still trying to run as if he were running against an incumbent not as the incumbent. People know who he is and what he will do with no re-election campaign to worry about
    We the People to trump in November:
    Not so sure quoting a dual term R Potus, that was born wealthy, dodged the draft, had criminal associates and is kind of dumb really brings home the hopeful message. Trump is the Brand. Granted it's the Brand after a dumb trust funder runs into the ground- but same values with shitty, garish marketing.
  6. Fuck yeah. My kid and I started mountain biking, we study Spanish, he writes, we have a book club, we sit and read scripture and books like the 4 agreements and discuss. I have less time for work, but it doesn't suck completely

    And I understand a lot of families are fucked. Let's address that and start solving problems. Back in March I said " maybe we have graduations; but they aren't going back. Look at the numbers then. They didn't go back. We fucked up. We laughed at Liberty U. And we are sowing seeds to fuck up again.
    Let's mitigate and stop ping pongiing around from open to close like clown bumper cars.

    If I had a kid starting college I'd urge a gap year and go surf or do what the can in a less fucked up country, or volunteer or buy them a leaf blower.
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  7. I keep seeing this and it's completely bullshit in this situation. No one is saying you have to lock the kid in a room for a year by himself. You pick one or two relatives or friends with kids around the same age and you let them socialize with them. We've been doing that and they're fine. Every family doing that would be far far better than just taking all the kids at once and putting them in a giant covid factory to just infect the country at large. 
    I feel terrible for families that are having to make sacrifices and find a way to raise their kids in this environment but sacrificing the entire country to covid so they can have a free babysitter again is just stupid. 
    Fuck yeah. My kid and I started mountain biking, we study Spanish, he writes, we have a book club, we sit and read scripture and books like the 4 agreements and discuss. I have less time for work, but it doesn't suck completely

  8. I think we need to get shit under control before we take on this balancing act.  I completely agree about kids' psychological needs.  But when they go back to school and lose their friends or their teachers, their psychological needs are going to be damaged anyway.  And I'm not sure going to school with no recess, physically separated by everyone is psychologically healthy or productive anyway.

    We should be locked down with smart opening of the economy- retail to go, measured use of parks and beaches.

    The dialogue we are currently having about opening schools when we don't have hospital bed cap. Is a waste of time.

    We are looking for runways while still in a stall with 3 engines on fire. Let's stabalise the plane.

    Regarding kids. They are adabtable and capable of great disruption. Let's shepard through a new normal instead of looking to get back to the old way. It's not happening . 3x3 soccer, pods, quaratined groups, new hobbies

    There are kids all over the planet adapting and thriving . Make it happen. Our cheese got moved. Adjust
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  9. Jesus. That’s not a low speed collision.
    Doesn’t look like speed that would be appropriate for making a turn into the Sanctuary, either. 
    I’m thinking the tox report of the driver might be probative. 
    Yeah that wall doesn't extend past where you normally run to avoid sandbars or fencing going down the ditch.
    Doesn't look like a broken steering cable or anything else. They likely just fucked up. But I wouldn't make assumptions without facts.
    I wish others would learn and practice caution. I'll wish in one hand and wait.
  10. It sure is easy to lose your bearings. I run early and late in the dark but only on a previously run recent track, with a light, and at the slowest speed my boat can plane out.  
    I highly recommend the Motion X app as it has many choices of aerial photo “layovers” that aid navigation at night greatly. 
    I was more trying to be polite than assert I run dangerously at night. It's a challenge. Full moon is as easy as daytime with no lights. New moon right before dawn is challenging. I have GPS but I often prefer to run without a light blinding me at night no matter how dim. You need to see crab traps or logs if upper bay. I rarely run over 30 mph
    I get beat to spots, I also see more and don't blow by big schools slicking
  11. Yeah I’m friends with his neighbor. Hearing the fatality was his best friend, mid 30’s with two kids under 3.    I got the pics early this AM.  Prayers to them all. 
    Fuck that sucks. I grew up run all over the bay at night duck hunting or floundering or coming in late. It's easy for the mind to play tricks on you with distance. Y'all stay safe out there and watch your speed in uncertain areas

    We probably ought to have a light on both break waters . The concrete wall by the north army base has caused several wrecks
  12. Indianola Bait Shop / Patio / Peir has burned down. Rising waters caused an electrical short. 
    I'll have to find me another


    Fished Poc Sun-tues. Sat was a complete shit show when we rolled in.
    Sun Fished west matty and got limits of trout and a few reds. Solid, no pigs this time. Had to grind. Probably caught 150 15" trout. They were every where including a little lake with 18" of water in it. Good outlook for the fishery after trout got a little scarce a few years back.
    Winds were unpredictable. Tried to fish Cotton's area Mon with a slick Bay at dawn and got blown out by the north wind by 830. Picked up some reds in the marsh later. Scattered trout also and hooked a jack that nearly spooled me before I cranked the drag and pulled the hook. No way I was landing him wading.

    Found em Tues outside the lagoon with a west wind.

    Only way I'd fish Sat anymore is if it's slick calm and I can run to a leeward shore or fish the Wells or spoils. Assholes burn every shore.
    • Hook 'Em 2
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  13. I remember in high school when my history teacher talked about how millennials are part of the 4 cycles of generations that will have to face a crisis much like the GI / greatest generation.
    Seemed weird at the time. 
    Then 9/11 happened... and I thought that was it but no.
    Then the Great Recession..... but no.
    Now Trump and the coronavirus.... probably.
    Or maybe you can lump that all together to form one big cluster fuck of a crisis b/c I think you could draw a straight line between them all.
    In retrospect the GOP is the crisis.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  14. what is it with conservative people?  Do they enjoy being lied to? I keep waiting for them to finally say “Enough of this shit.”
    One of the most common Trump Flags is "no more bullshit"

    So yes they do. It's easier to blindly follow than to think critically. It's easier to blame the others for their own decline or failure to evolve with the times.
  15. Eh, I am not talking about the die-hards but the Republicans who just vote out of habit. Trim off some of the straight ticket voters and he is done. 
    That's who I'm talking about. The entire state outside a few blue areas will still vote straight R. They say they won't until October shenanigans force the issue. And they will all vote. I'd be happy to be wrong, but Texas gonna Texas.
  16. Exactamundo.
    The American people may be dumb, hell I am sometimes, but we’re not that dumb.
    Even the dumbest here is likely smarter than 80% of the gen pop. We dumb. Trump just needs to give away 2 cases of White Claw to each house and he's a lock in November.
    I shouldn't have said that/
    • Hook 'Em 1
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  17. I know of one Trump supporter that turned on him due to Covid. They are not going to vote for Biden but said they will just sit out of the election.
    The pandemic has been a beating for everyone and most people realize that there is a big problem with our response and that Facui isn't the cause for our poor response plan.
    They will get a good dose of propaganda and vote against socialism.
  18. I think the other thing is that his failed attempts to blame the Democrat Party and the lamestream media and his various lies about the pandemic have actually damaged his credibility among a fair number who had previously gone along with these fables.  They're like "oh shit, maybe it wasn't the do nothing democrats and media, maybe he's been completely full of shit about everything all along."
    I'll believe it when I see it. I see way too many Trump flags in my travels. No one likes to admit they fucked up. They double down.
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  19. i don't think anyone is an "idiot" in this conversation, but i still disagree.  the season was starting, the train was leaving the station, whether fauci threw out the first pitch or not.  there likely won't be anyone throwing out first pitches in any other games (although trump was yammering about doing so in mid-august).
    fauci has become a dependable face of actual trustworthy information in this mess.  it's not like it's some mission accomplished/victory lap situation like trump surely would've tried to make it for himself.  i don't envision a scenario where anyone looks back at the one pitch and has egg on their face, even if the entire season gets cancelled by sunday.  that's a little silly.
    and no, it's nothing like holding a rally with thousands of people in some arena.  these are not comparable situations.
    Agree. Like an MD, Fauci appears to understand his patient and is acting accordingly. My MD may prefer that I make all the healthy choices I should, and he can reccomend that, but also adapt to realities if won't stop acquiring nachos every day.

  20. What's the drop dead date for the GOP to replace him as the nominee?
    It seems like the unravelling of what little mind he had to begin with is accelerating. A functional GOP would've booted him long ago, but even the shell that remains should be working on it right now.
    When Trump drops dead?
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