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Born to Run

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Posts posted by Born to Run

  1. Don't do it to yourself. I had a local talk show on the other day where they were talking about the new mask requirement. 3/4 of the bubbas were calling in bragging about their clever methods of walking around breathing on everybody.
    I was ready to get a bat and just start popping fuckers upside the head.
    Then I realized, if you sit around on hold to call a talk show, you're not the sort of person who actually goes anywhere.
    No actually they do. They go terrorize the local gas station clerk and ruin his day. Those clerks work there because they can't handle stress or conflict. And they are scared and already risking Covid. Those bubba's are spreading shit and assaulting someone weaker somewhere.
  2. My sister in law has 4 kids under the age of 9. They are now at home, all day, everyday, getting on her nerves and driving her up the wall. She was so happy all 4 of her children were in school full-time this year. The school they go to only has a few number of slots to sign up students for in person teaching this year. She was there on day one to sign up and get those kids out of her hair.
    She thinks this ad is nothing but leftist propaganda and she’ll take the risk just so she can get some fucking peace and quiet back in her house. 
    Maybe should have less fucking kids. I thought that's why people cranked 4 out.

    I'm not stoked about the situation but I'm going to make the most out of it and enjoy doing school projects with my 1 kid
    • Like 4
  3. Somehow I got sucked back into this thread...
    But, I've pondered this question a few times since the last time I was here.
    Explain to me in detail exactly the cost it has.  Explain how that cost is related to and not related to partisanship.   Also explain how local community and local interest representation is completely different than anything partisan.  Additional points if you can describe how districts can be drawn that don't have any partisan influence. Be sure to allow for laws that require a certain number of majority minority districts, which, not surprisingly, are completely partisan and will be hard to reconcile with the overall plan.
    Then, describe how these districts can be drawn IN REALITY, NOT IN THEORY taking into account the limited amount of representatives seats in state legislatures and the HoR as well as population.
    You are asking someone to write a treatise on why extreme Gerrymandering shouldn't exist? Look at a map and have some common sense to start with. Maybe read a book.
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  4. Louisiana is in terrible shape too.  2000+ new reported cases per day the last few days. 
    Sadly, I’ve come to the conclusion many folks aren’t going to take this seriously until it personally impacts them but the lack of a new stay at home order doesn’t help either. 
    Spot on. I'm in construction and have been fighting like hell to get my subcontractors to wear masks, stagger crews on houses, etc. Now two painters are positive and they are all freaking the fuck out. Wear your fucking mask and be smart.
  5. Surly is full of educated, opinionated readers and posters. Many have expressed varying levels of concern about Trump getting re-elected.  Today's news report of Russia trying to penetrate the vaccine manufacturers demonstrates that Trump's lack of leadership on checking Russian aggression has emboldened Putin even further to try and disrupt the United States with acts of digital and psychological warfare.
    This is an extremely serious issue and raises a very big question for every Surly poster and American who is concerned about Trump getting re-elected, concern that is rooted in the further damage he could do to this country over four more years. The fundamental question for all of us is whether we all should be doing much more to ensure he doesn't get re-elected.
    Right now, the Lincoln Project is making a dent into the psyche of voters, but the Democratic party simply isn't doing enough. I don't see much evidence of them taking advantage of the gifts Trump gives us all every day. There are literally hundreds of opportunities to point out the horifically bad leadership Trump has provided as President across almost every policy area.  Plus, he has divided Americans more than just about any President in history, except Lincoln. Are we all going to just sit around for 5 months and hope that he is defeated? While it appears right now that Biden has the upper hand, sentiment could change quickly, just like in 2016.
    And more importantly, how hard is Russia working to penetrate our state voting systems to fraudulently swing this election to Trump? We know Trump in office is great for Putin.  So, does anyone else feel the same burning responsibility to do something, anything, to keep this Moron-in-Chief from getting re-elected? I feel a resonsibility to get much more involved, and honestly I think it's time for everyone to get more involved. We've all sat around and watched idiots on Facebook quote Brietbart and Infowars, spew ridiculous viewpoints, and demonstrate how uninformed they are about Trump and the situations. The current blow up over masks and rejected science across the world is ridiculous and never would have happened if we had a President who led. 
    To date, most people don't even bother to engage others because it's a fruitless exercise that likely won't change anyone's mind (myself included).  But is that a good reason to do nothing and just live with the potential scenario of 4 more years of Trump? I'm starting to believe that it's time to take on the uninformed in some way, any way, to try and get through to them.
    The problem is a good 40% of the country isn't just okay with this, they are in a frenzy to buy Maga Gear and host boat and golf cart parades waving Chinese made flags. They gleefully do so and don't wear mask and keep doubling down despite evidence.

    Wtf do you want dems to do in this environment?
    • Like 1
  6. The eviction moratorium expired in May and extensions to single family homes was extended to end of June, so we're getting towards 30/60 days from those notices, I would expect more and more Texans (and Americans) to unfortunately become homeless.  The unemployment kicker is running out at the end of the month.  It's terrible times for Americans, but hey, at least the stock market is back green again!
    That piss will trickle down tho!
  7. If most schools go online, I wonder how this affects private schools.
    I mean, why pay twice (tuition, taxes) to keep your kid away from Frightening Dark Children, if your kid is at home on the couch? The public school online program will probably be more comprehensive that whatever Sister Hermegunda or Headmaster Beauregard can slap together. Why not just put your kid "in" the public school you already pay for?
    Yeah, I know your kid's private school is super-duper elite. I'm talking about the other 100%.
    Could going online actually help kids in the worst districts, who get all those young teachers who don't know how to control a class? Those young teachers live online already.
    Private schools have the resources to do a better job. The private schools here, had a full day of instructions via zoom in the spring. My kid in Aisd get got emails and videos.
  8. With regard to DACA, if you want that or something similar passed, your quarrel isn't with Congress or the executive, it's with the GOP. Repiblican Congress would've never given Obama popular immigration legislation. GOP had full control of the government after making immigration a central issue and did nothing. Anything the House passes on immigration now, beyond a resolution encouraging mail order brides from the former Soviet bloc, is DOA.

    There's a common thread there and it has nothing to do with which branch of government is exercising what powers. You can rinse and repeat this premise for solving most problems in this country.
    I understand all that. And compromise is for losers . We will be gridlocked for the foreseeable future due to GOP Senators in rural states. That is until the next populist president runs a slicker operation with smarter messaging. A large majority of this country wants a fascist government.
  9. What is the tax system called where everyone pays the same thing? Flat tax? That what I want and would vote for.  #Equality
    Fuck that. Need to return to the 50s when they rich paid a fair share instead of stealing more. You have to give the prol a bone and then or they revolt.
    • Like 2
  10. I still have people tell me they hate Trump, but they're not sure they can vote Biden because of 'policy'. Seriously? We're going to pretend this is about policy at this point? How about we get rid of that prick first and then we can worry about policy.
    How about we return to the president running the executive and let the legislative branch fucking legislate policy. The fact that we put the entire direction of our country on the hopes of one person is insane and part of the problem. Obama shouldn't have had to create DACA, Congress should have long ago.
    • Like 3
  11. I can't fathom how a single member of the military or their families pulls the lever for dotard in November.  He's actively trying to kill them.
    A former Army flight medic I'm friends with post socialism fear porn 24/7. And propaganda and lies. I was pointing this out for awhile and he would snap to and apologize. It's ramped up ; I had to unfollow him. Propaganda and manipulation works. Anyone taking a victory lap on Dotard needs to wake up. He's still got 40% of the country and they are going to vote. Same shit worked for the Nazis.

    Biden's current message is the right path. Hammer issues that the majority of Americans support. Ease up on extreme cancel culture and super progressive measures that can be distorted.

    Scary GOP ad/ Joe Biden wants to fix the economy and save Medicare. Joe Biden reads. Joe Biden listens to the experts. Joe Biden has a platform that the vast majority of Americans agree with. / Scary GOP ad
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  12. I want my kid to go back but it's not happening. We have inadequate test capacity. My girlfriend travelled and got a test 13 days ago in Maryland. Still no result. She had to social distance and stay in our airstream. It's rediculous. We finally said fuck it because it sucks.
    We alternate with my Ex every two weeks. Longer if one family has higher risk like a wedding. And because of testing lag we are more limited on what we can do. It sucks.
    Also it would be nice to have team sports again, but if we have 7-10 days between test how can we limit spread.

  13. I don't have kids, so I don't know what the pulse is among other parents, but is anyone actually wanting to send their kids back to school right now?
    I want my kid to go back but it's not happening. We have inadequate test capacity. My girlfriend travelled and got a test 13 days ago in Maryland. Still no result. She had to social distance and stay in our airstream. It's rediculous. We finally said fuck it because it sucks.
    We alternate with my Ex every two weeks. Longer if one family has higher risk like a wedding. And because of testing lag we are more limited on what we can do. It sucks
  14. The horse race pundits will continue to post misleading headlines with articles that back up the headline zero percent. Its just what they do to monetize you and try to make money. They are full of shit. He is deader than dead. 
    Good Lord I want to chug this koolaid. I feel like I did in 2018 before the rug got pulled on the Blue Wave. Hopeful, then the GOP shenanigans worked when it mattered.

    They are really testing the bottom of how hypocritical and full of shit they can be. But betting on stupid in this country is a smart bet
  15. here is your first problem. 
    No shit. I used to love saltwater fishing. And since Trump it's just not as appealing. People are dicks and all fucking flags piss me off. Trump flags literally anger me.
  16. Chatted with a Trumper friend of mind. I genuinely asked and listened to why he supports trump and flies a trump flag. Basically it was: businessman and not a politician, stock market, and response to socialism.
    Dude has a shitty masters degree and makes 6 figures so not stupid.

    I was polite and didn't argue. I had an internal conversation that he's just doing what he thinks is best for his family and is a little brain washed

    Then I remembered this dude used to drop the n bomb and stole an outboard motor in college so he could fish. And I realised he's just a selfish asshole .

    -Not sure I want to be going offshore fishing with him anymore.
    - not sure Trump is going anywhere at all. They are all doubling down and have mental excuses for doing so baked in. Market crashes? We need a businessman to get it back. Rona? China!

    Trump works because we allow propaganda as news and we are a selfish cruel people.

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  17. I grew up in Big Spring and monitor a FB page for local political issues, and the new mayor there models the worst type of blowhard Trumpian behavior. A week or so ago, he was behaving like such a jackass that half of the City Council walked out of the meeting leaving them without a quorum.
    Part of the problem, though, is that his best buddy is the owner?/moderator for this group of over 9,000 in a town of 25,000. Because of the heavy moderation against any dissent, the two have created a tremendous voting block who are fucking up any progress the town had been starting to finally achieve over the last ten years.
    The content of the (acceptable) posts is about the worst you can imagine, including the wildest conspiracy theories about mask wearing and Covid as a hoax. It's just so damned disheartening to see that town go from having a high school astronomy teacher (former neighbor when I was a kid) with its own planetarium in the high school to where now the football coaches use it to view film.
    The chemistry, biology, and physics teachers were absolutely stellar back in the 1980s, which allowed me to consider them as blow-off courses for easy credit in college. Today, judging by the most vocal deniers, I'm surprised they aren't all ripping air filters from their cars and home AC units out of fear of asphyxiating them.
    That sucks man. It's crazy my small town dwelling brother who struggles to work from home because of internet speed, is also against any federal funding to get decent internet to the sticks. And he bitches about his taxes when small towns take the most and need the most. Those kids are being left behind, can't even internet their way out, and are left being indoctrinated as trumpers bitching about jerbs..

    They should all go hang out in the smoke pit and hope to become musicians
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  18. I will go to my grave not understanding how self-proclaimed followers of Christ have so vehemently and passionately thrown their support behind such a reprehensible and objectively un-Christ-like man.  I still can't get over it.  
    I have a friend getting her master's at Liberty. She is an awesome person, but her ethos of not being wordly doomed her to the grift. I mean she doesn't even do secular music so she's never hearing the truth on Liberty. I don't have the heart. I learned long ago as a builder to keep my mouth shut when someone is showing off their new project or handiwork. " Yep, sounds great" it's too late for feedback
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  19. Companies are going to figure out, if they haven't already, that productivity does not drop when employees work from home. The next step will be to save money by reducing office space.
    Yeah I don't envy commercial realtors.
  20. 164992!1478575018!headerhome.jpg
    I really need those Turd flags for the greenbelt and various RV parks I find myself in. I'm scooping my dog's shit but not the rest. Might as well create campaign ads ob the fly
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  21. everybody says this, but i don't really buy it.
    in my experience, there are people that have this word in ~regular usage, and there's everybody else.  if this was a word he threw around, we'd have heard him say it by now, either on recording/video pre-presidency, or when he goes off-script at his rallies/briefings.  in fact, i don't even think he's a racist, in the conventional sense of the word.  i've seen zero evidence that he treats poor white people better than poor black (or brown) people.  he treats everybody like shit, because he thinks everybody is beneath him, regardless of the color of their skin.  he's shitty to anyone who's not in a position to help him or give him things.
    i believe that he uses racist/nationalist/supremacist language intentionally to rile up the racists that vote for him, because he's transactional and he only cares about getting elected.  he'd address the nation in black-face if he thought it would help him win. 
    I'm more or less on the same page. Except I think he calculates and creates very little. All his slogans are the work of others. He is the Id personified that was let loose and fed uppers with the entire world at his disposal. It's constantly scanning for another hit. Nothing more. It doesn't care about anything else. And it's purely binary thinking. If you satisfy the Id you are the smartest bestest. If you injure the Id you are bad, which makes it sad. His lexicon is absorbed from his surroundings like a horrible bizarre world The Dude. If he says something and it's cheered he says it again.
    If Fox News had a piece on * the war on using the N word, " Trump would sound like Clayton Bigsby the next day.

    Fox and Breitbart know how the game is played.
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