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Born to Run

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Everything posted by Born to Run

  1. Perhaps Tex Ags is right for you.
  2. People that I grew up with a few years earlier called the road we drank beer on "nig#@r" road as late as 92; and still used this term when I ran into them in the 00s. NW Houston. My response was wtf, why are you calling it that, that's not what we called it, it was just the road on the street sign. My little brother is still mad had he can't use slures and has to use Asian instead of oriental. So fucking dumb; don't be an asshole.
  3. Sure, but supercharged an engine and run on regular whilst it knocks like crazy and boom. I had a CJ 7 jeep that had to eat premium or it ran like shit Every mechanic I took it to just said run premium bro. Ran great for years.
  4. My buddy FAFO on a supercharged land cruiser running regular to the tune of an engine replacement. Boom. I'd tend to expect Germans are even more demanding you follow recommendations on fuel choice and engine oils.
  5. But for how long? Some are artist with swear words, others oils and clay, others flatulence. A Fartist if you will.
  6. In real time I was gobsmacked that they weren't getting mowed down by gunfire or fucking droned.
  7. I thought it was " older the violin, the sweeter the music"
  8. Ah so she drives a German Car? "Buy American, except for my BMW, and all my MAGA gear. Let me guess she wants Biden to seize the means of gasoline production. She would be totally cool with that too, right?
  9. Who the fuck shops at Randall's? There's tons of room. Set up where you'd have product, or cashiers or really anywhere except the depends section or metamucil aisle.
  10. All the polls I've worked have given priority to anyone that is pain or has restricted mobility. Absolutely ask. My wife has Tarsul Tunnel and every extra step or minute equals a degree more of pain later. People are generally accepting and cool when you have someone in pain. Tell your wife to accept an easier path. Orale!
  11. Sure Jan.
  12. Just remembered I have a batch of Ninfas green sauce I'm the freezer. I know what tacos are going down this Sabado Gigante. Bummer
  13. No, those people would realize they were a few days too late.
  14. True; but he looks like he washed up on the beach a few days ago and is ripe.
  15. But he will still cry his wee beady eyes out tonight on his big giant pillow.
  16. Voted. Lakeway. No wait. Slight hold up for a dude that had a million questions about the dropbox machine, but he was polite. Staff was awesome. Weak sticker game. Save the stickers each time you vote for free beer, pizza and pussy (south Austin's mom sure cares about this country) https://www.austinmonthly.com/austin-businesses-discounts-i-voted-sticker/
  17. But that might just be Cruz's undoing.
  18. Voted. Zero wait in Lakeway. Did not get to punch a magat.
  19. Grab em by the pussy dude is the pro women candidate.
  20. Keanu Reeves WHOAH GIF. TIL this. My Local Gym owner has a major lady boner for this character. Posters, full size cut outs etc.
  21. I mean evangelicals frequently call on thier flock to literally murder thier enemies and cherry pick old testament passages as justify crimes while Forgetting the Ten Commandments or the New Covenant. For a lot of "Churches" it's all prosperity gospel and cruelty. And you are exactly right, pissed off Jesus has a Lot to be mad about. A lot of Athiest do a better job of being Christian than most self proclaimed Christians. I saw a FJB bumper sticker leaving church today. Out pastor does a wonderful job of clowning on these types, respectfully. " We need the Ten Commandments in skool!!!" Okay list them.
  22. I bet Curts face looked exactly like his Twitter handle when he heard the news. Fuck off fuckface. Go eat the corn out of Chip Browns shit.
  23. I blame Austin FC
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