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Born to Run

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Posts posted by Born to Run

    Looks like I'm ready to pass my 4th semester of US history exam.
    Where do I sign up?
    Seriously though, US history can't be just 2 semesters anymore... is it?
    Back in the early aughts, we got to reconstruction by the end of the year in AP US history.
    Thank god I watched the shit out of the History Channel and had a grandpa that fought in WW2. The essay on the AP history exam was about Eisenhower abd the interstate system. I went rouge with my essay and got a 5 on it (the whitest version of any rap song you've ever heard) in addition to the nerdiest / saddest humble brag of all time).
    Reconstruction to WW2 is easily a whole semester.
    WW2 to now is a semester.
    Maybe this is why our electorate is dumb as shit.
    It takes a full 2 years to understand where we've been as a people to grasp the weight of voting on our future.
    This IS why our electorate is so dumb. My kid is AP honor level and I have to constantly suplement his education.
    • Like 1
  2. Well yeah, because Biden is the 46th president.  I thought it was appropriate.  The last bottle of bourbon I bought was Maker's 46 before 2020 election night as a nod to Joe winning.  No good?  I mean, I should probably go for something more high-brow but I'm trying not to drink anymore but figured it'd be appropriate if Trump goes down (either in the election or into the grave).  The booze isn't my worry, it's me being shot for flaunting his death in public or not knowing how to handle heroin-laced 'ludes.  And I'm a guy who could handle my shit in the day.
    I have a friend that propped up another friend that was growing a shit load of mushrooms. I'll give you a enough to get 10 dudes higher than a cats cunt if it keeps you happily off the sauce. My wife had mental health success with it and we moved on. Couple of epic doses, and we were good.

    Fuck pills or powders.
    • Hook 'Em 5
  3. On 1/6 I remember thinking to myself “at least we’re done with Trump after this!” So naive. 
    I remember that day and, in real time, being utterly Gobsmacked that the insurrectionist were not mowed down with automatic gun fire in mass. I've feared cops my entire life, it turns out I can get away with a lot more than I ever thought possible.

    I'm a white male, so your personal experience may vary.
    • Hook 'Em 7
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  4. To be fair, I've made some Democratic contributions the last few years and they are just as bad about non-stop emails and texts (and even door-knockers).  That's just the fundraising machine on both sides in a valuable state like ours.  
    David Mamet (now of UATX fame) told me a story about a certain Democratic State Senator doing cocaine on the set of one of his movies.  I repeated it one time.  And now, I'm on her fundraising list forever.  Politics is weird 'n shit.
    Fair enough, I got a lot of movement after Beto from Dems, but nothing beats deleting 15 texts from a bunch of asshole GOP all caps fear mongering assholes daily for months. I know the rhetoric and propaganda, but getting bludgeoned by it gets stale.
    • Like 2
  5. This.  I don't know why in the fuck more Texas Democrats don't pull GOP primary ballots to fuck shit up for incumbent fucksticks.  I mean I know the NH Primary is a different animal but fucking-A Texas, you could fuck with Ted Cruz so bad if you'd embrace this strategy and 500,000 of you crossed over.  Your local D judge in Harris county or whatever the fuck is gonna win anyway, why not make Ted's life miserable.  Anyway, for another thread.  
    Trump's gonna win this, but these early indicators are fun.  It's gonna make him engage in another series of rants and raves which will of course make his opponents laugh at him, further entrench his base, but in the end---take a physiological toll on his body.  And in the end, isn't that our first goal?  His death.  I guess it probably won't be that painful, that's too much to ask for.  But it could be sooner than we thought.  
    I dunno.  Let's say he loses the general.  What's your preference on his death then?  Sooner or more painful?  That's a tough one.  I want him to suffer but in a weird way, I think he wouldn't even understand pain...like he's so outta touch with his own body already and thinks he's Superman.  Or just have him stroke out/heart-attack in early Autumn and just go quietly with Ronny Jackson running in slow motion with his bullshit doctor bag like "Nooooooooooooo!"   
    All that to say, I think tonight only helps accelerate his demise, even though he'll win.  Plus he can't lose tonight, because my local library closed and that's the only place I feel comfortable googling "How to smoke heroin on a Tuesday."  Though I do have the craigslist guy already lined up.
    I did and now I get blasted by GOP grift constantly. Lot of frustrating texts for one vote that didn't make a shit
  6. Still surprised at and dont understand how Bourdain became such a revered A list icon. 
    I liked him too. Have the book. Ate at Les Halles. Saw him first time on an Iceland episode where he was being all sarcastic and cynical and found it refreshing…but after a while the turn into a backpacker guru became a cliche. Ohhh hey look at me im sitting on a plastic stool in cambodia and this 30 cent noodle cooked by this sweating 1-armed man in flipflops contains the essense of 700 years of civilization and is the greatest food in the world actually. 

    Now people cry on the anniversary of his death like hes John Lennon or Jim Morrison or something. 
    Meh. Erroneous take.

    He was a flawed and complicated individual who celebrated food and travel with a nuanced and unique voice and perspective. He was a terrific writer and, as such, a great narrator.
    He wasn't a backpacker. He loved high-end hotels and lavish meals. But he also loved street food and never got so famous that he forgot his roots. He was funny, kind and generous. And moody and full of demons. He was a champion for the little guy and a lot more interesting than John Lennon.

    He wrote many books and regretted much about "the book" after the fact.
    • Hook 'Em 7
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  7. Yeah totally surprised you went. Glad he gave you a freebie. 
    I've had some epic days when it's shitty. My brother and I site casted a pod of Redfish the day after a tropical storm with 2' or more of extreme high tides. Just taking turns with one rod until we had our fill. It was like a Tulip field except tails sprouting everywhere on a flat that's normally dry.
  8. This is the dumbest timeline.  God dammit.
    Is it tho?
    When did it start.

    But I couldn't even read the CR during Obama administration what with all the tan suits and escape goating him for Iraq- after we had a functional draft dodging former blow enthusiast for Potus that was a ninja at dodging shoes and " liked cutting cedar for fun.

    Or a B level Hollywood actor with dementia relying on his wife's Psychic for advice while courting Fundy voters?

    Or Carter being cast as a horrible president for things mostly beyond his control.

    Or that mother fucker Nixon?

    See a trend here? The reflection in the mirror of who we elect is horrifying. We are some dumb, selfish and sick bastards. Kinda always been that way. We find a little progress, pax, and peace. Then fuck it up over the worst of us for dumb reasons.

  9. Nice work @troph

    In my limited experience sloppy conditions make for great days and low crowds. Drizzle, windy etc.
    I fished two weeks ago in gorgeous conditions and there a million mother fuckers on the river. Every decent spot was covered up. Wasn't hardly worth going to be honest.

    Fish are looking great this year. A lot of holdovers! Lots of plus 20" fish. They are bunched up still and not in some of the runs.

    I may have a spot available with a guide tomorrow as a buddy feels like he's getting sick. If anyone who isn't a total creepy weirdo wants to play hooky tomorrow-hit me up.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. Dang. Didn't know that. I only saw him once or twice in my decade+ of living in Austin and it was always anticlimactic. 
    I didn't go to Eeyore birthday or Bob Marley fest or anything cool, so maybe that's why I missed out on the antics, ETA
    Literally ran into him at one of the first ACLs. Sweaty as fuck, got up in my face and honked my dick before walking away.
  11. So the cops that didn’t want to go in when the shooter was alive and shooting, couldn’t keep out after the shooter was dead?  Who would want to go into those classrooms after the fact that didn’t have to?
    To act like they are doing thier jobs and were there within 3 hrs. Look at dead kids, disrupt actual work, press conference and hit Applebee's by 4 pm. Then Clock out.

    Cops used to run speed traps; patrol neighborhoods, engage with the community etc. They don't do shit anymore. They went from stopping you for minor shit to not even patrolling anything ever for any reason. And no it's not budget, I'm out in Lakeway and they got a new giant Headquarters and giant budget.
  12. So my sister recently moved to TPA. Thinking about going to visit spring break.  I am UA and their price is insane but google flights showed me Spirit at $250 vs $490 for AA and like $800 for UA.  So wth.  FOr $250 how bad can it be?  Well by the time you add a carry on and pay $70 per seat each way its basically the same price as AA.   So whats the point of Spirit?  How is it even cheaper?
    It's not really unless you don't have more luggage than just a personal item. We had to use them once as it was the only flight into Costa Rica at Christmas. No problem as it was a beach vacation and I was bringing boards. The whole experience was terrible. Long lines, a bunch of inexperienced angry travelers, horrible seats.

    I'll fly Frontier anytime, or Allegiant. Not much difference from AA or United, but fuck Spirit.

    I miss Virgin. Alaska is pretty decent but not the same.
  13. I think they shut them down. But the little fuckers spent 2+ days in ice. Not all made it, but am impressed.
    I have a great blue heron friend that would like your address. Honestly he's not that great or that blue, but he is a heron and rather hungry hunting a seasonally dry creek.
    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Haha 1
  14. One more time.

    Precip over for CenTex, as expected not a big deal. Weather services did really good on this event, which is not easy.

    Travel E of U.S. 77 today dicey - because icy. Take care.

    Finally, a little "glad I'm not that guy" satisfaction by relative position comment.  Yesterday Austin had about 174 customers without power max in the day.

    171 of them were my neighborhood.

    Power went out about 9:45 a.m. Sunday. After the usual AE claptrap on their outage site, and a seeming update (2 hours est. restore, which was goalpost-moved about 6 times), they extended the estimated fix out to midnight (from about noon when they gave us that one). Missus and i said skrew that, we hopped on over to a nice hotel in Lakeway for the evening - good decision.  Then we read a cryptic share posted by our Bee Cave Mayor (Bee Cave has one and it's not (quite) Gomer Pyle or Helen Crump). She was sharing blamespeak by AE, stuff like "when the developer put this in he did blah blah.." and tech speak like "we need to have a loop return to allow multiple access to the location"  - sounded more like a sex ed talk on fertilization than electric stuff. But what got us was this part: "We have yet to determine the actual location of the break (although somehow they seemed to know enough to blame it on "someone digging" - yet no name, location, or purpose given. Ni-i-i-ce deflection). So "after 4 hours we have no idea what happened or where to try and find the problem." Beautiful. The days before, I spent some time prepping the well as usual with space heater and a few lights, always works. But now there was no power to it - would it be pointless? That was about my only worry, the rest I said we'd deal with if/when. But we were not gonna sit in a cold house staring at dying phones.  Eventually they gave "good news" on the outage app - our power would return by 7:30 p.m. Sure enough, neighbors reported power at about that time - followed by a flickering over the next hour - followed by power going out - again. Oops. No problem, you guys are pros. Apparently acc. to neighbor texts, power finally restored w/o flickering 1:30 a.m. We returned home from a great relaxing stay by about 10:30 this a.m. House warm water flowing(!) except for final stop (bathroom faucets). I opened cabinets and expect it to thaw, keeping an eye out for problems. But we have water! 

    3 ice/major cold event, 3 power fails. Neighborhood is pissed. We're going to go to the mayor with pitchforks and tell her to get someone from AE out here to do a damn assessment of the infrastructure. If the neighborhood wiring is akin to the Douglas phone-on-the-pole on Green Acres, then we want to know so we can outlay to fix it. "The way it was done 50 years ago" is complete bullshit. AE ran a Usain Bolt dash out here in the 70's to claim electric here with Pedernales in the area. So now, you bastiges fix it. Yeah, like that'll happen. The '21 storm I can sort of understand (though we found out our outage was due to a transformer blow and power would have remained on otherwise). The '23 Ice Dump - again a piece of infrastructure went kerplunk and we were without for 24+ hours. This one? Proud to say that in the vast, great expanse of the Greater Austin Metroplex, one neighborhood - one tiny, lil' group of settlements - mine - was out - the ONLY group outage all day. We're gonna do some stuff and stuff to get some answers. Not cool. 

    Most of the time, the fear and paranoia preceding one of these events is regrettable if not funny (though after '21 peoples' anxieties can certainly be more understood). But apparently in our enclave, if you get below 30°, those scenarios are real. This isn't a destitute area and we want answers - the authorities say they'll give them to us after this - but of course we'll see. But if it's time to upgrade something, then DO IT. 

    I do have a 15K big honking generator that will easily power the entire house if needed. So why didn't I set it up? Good question but long answer. However next time I'll probably drag the SOB out and get it ready if needed. With this event, even with our recent history, I couldn't conceive of losing power - ERCOT had a lot, there was NO precip (at least power-killing kind) in this forecast, zip. I thought no problem. Wrong [Trump meme].

    Half-confidently expect power to hold, if not we'll motor it to the hotel for another night. So much better.

    So yeah, you weren't "that guy."

    See ya at the next weather disaster - whether real or overblown. Stay cool.

    Spanish oaks?
  15. Turned on the tv at the in laws (who claim to not watch Fox News) and lo and behold: Stephen Miller, actual nazi, just screaming his face off on the big screen!
    Parental Controls my man. My mom ran that same shit; so I fixed the glitch. Much nicer coming over to regular local news via Sinclair.

    She didn't say a word but pivoted back to AM radio and Micheal Barry on some ancient am analog radio. Sigh. The heart wants what it wants even if its malignant ear aids brain cancer.
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