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Born to Run

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Posts posted by Born to Run

  1. Anyone done Sequoia/ Kings Canyon.  I’m looking at first week of June with my 11 year old and I know nothing much of the Park other than it being highly recommended by folks I met at other parks. (Yosemite, Zion, Bryce, RMNP etc) looking for a couple 2-3 day overnight hikes.  We are pretty nimble and travel light/ don’t mind moderate elevation 

  2. That’s part of the overall point.  People that grow up poor have no margin of error and every disadvantage. Get pregnant, make a mistake, date the wrong guy, run with the wrong crowd and your life is essentially over.

    You may be able to claw your way out,  and there are plenty of success stories, but many failures due to misfortune despite hard work.. Every minor setback is magnified. I grew up lower middle class surrounded by poverty and it sucked.  And the poorer the family the more likely the kids dropped out, ended up in jail etc regardless of race.

    If I got in a mess I could borrow some money from family, get law advice from several lawyers, or consult a CPA for free.

    And it’s telling that you want the poors as far away as possible.  (I live in west Austin so I cannot throw stones.) Because poverty brings even good people down.

  3. 51 minutes ago, fattyflattie said:

    There are apartments full of kids  that are routed to the same school as my neighborhood. Same teachers. Same bus. Same textbooks.  The fact one rides to school in a luxury car and the other can’t, doesn’t have an affect on the education they receive, or are offered.   

    Your statistic may be right, but I’d wage it has to to with many factors.  People have lazy parents, too. But, even with no drive or want to establish a household, all they have to do is move near a nice school, and the primary education of their children is taken care of. I pay more in fucking school taxes than my nanny pays for her years rent - her kid sits alongside mine at a highly regarded school  

    Now if they are too lazy or stupid to do that, just bad luck I guess. All it takes is a modicum of give a shit.  NO ONE is forcing anyone into drugs, alcohol, pregnancy, or laziness. 

    You really believe this equals the playing field? Forget for a minute that housing in better districts is often not affordable.

    Do you really think most public schools alone are enough? That’s cute.

    My son is in a great school district and does well because he’s had every advantage. Better pre schools.  Extra assignments and tutoring because I can afford to take off work and help him. He is in GT and advanced classes.  At some point he will likely need a math tutor and private lessons for band.

    A lot of people can’t afford those advantages of time and money. 



  4. This is really the heart of the issue IMO.  There is a large contingent of this country that was sold the American Dream growing up, it didn't happen, and they have been looking for someone to blame since basically the 80s.  It started with the Fox/Limbaugh/whathaveyou and finally coalesced into this shit show we are living now.  I was born in 1982 so I wasn't able to watch it all happen, but I've now seen the result with dotus and I don't think it's going away.  These people have been brainwashed for several decades and have also passed it onto their children. 
    As has been said, dotus is the symptom, not the cause.  When we get rid of him, they will still be here.  How do we deal with them going forward?  I feel there are too many of them (literally millions) to just brush off and hope they go away.  I don't have the answer, but I think it is a question that needs to seriously be considered.  I'm not saying their problems aren't real, but their solutions have been crafted by outside influences by nefarious means.  They are lost souls.  Do we try to win them back to reality?  Do we cast them into the dustbin of society?  I really don't know the answer.

    The problem is that is group is largely uninformed and live in echo chambers. Pro life, anti immigrants, pro guns. Single issue voters. And they are not flexible on these issues and never will be. DACA should be a common sense reform most reasonable people can favor. But the fear mongering is so effective it shuts down all reasonable dialogue. “Dreamers broke the law; kick them out”. The dialogue never gets deeper with this group. They have disenfranchised themselves at their own peril through willful ignorance.
    Like unrepentant racist the only solution is they will slowly die off. It’s sad as I have lots of family that are in this group.
    • Like 1
  5. People don’t like to admit when they are wrong and go to great lengths to avoid it. My brother was a MAGA hat wearing fucktard. He won’t talk politics at all now except “still better than Hillary. Add in willful ignorance, Fox News and Minor reduction on his taxes and he will vote R again. Even if doing so hurts his work Industry, even when it cuts Medicare for his in laws. It won’t matter he will find an insane way to justify it.
    Same with my mom. She shit talked Obama for 8 years. Teleprompter! Tan suit! Hawaii! She still does. Talk radio and Facebook. She won’t change her vote.
    The only hope is that a large number of these willful idiots become disillusioned enough to not vote, because they aren’t switching sides and they aren’t voting anything other than straight R

  6. On 3/29/2018 at 8:31 AM, Chewbacca said:

    There are unfortunately still crowds there since it is the closest resort to Denver. And I'll put the mountain up against any of them in CO.

    I loved the mountain there and had some great days on Mary Jane side with no lift lines on Presidents Day.  Cool people too.  I prefer it to Summit Co. 

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  7. 10 hours ago, CooterBrown said:

    I'd like them to do one stage with just a head scratching line up...

    • ICP
    • Lil' Xan
    • Molly Hatchet
    • Right Said Fred
    • Chumbawumba
    • Deicide

    Deicide-that’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time.  That would be awesome. I most enjoyed Cafe Tacuba back in the day. That set was a nice juxtaposition to lily white core of the festival.

    i miss FFF

  8. Willie-in utero, and about 10 more times between birth and puberty.  I remember being 6 years old at the Summit in Houston and waiting through the openers only to pass out shortly after Whisky River came on. I was so mad at myself the next day.

    First concert solo at 15:  Soundgarden, Pearl Jam at the Unicorn Ballroom in Houston.  Good times.

  9. On 3/27/2018 at 10:27 AM, Mojo Hand said:

    How are y'all feeling about Dead & Co. these days?   I've been a couple of times and it was great, but John Mayer has started to wear on me.  Both his voice and his playing, which is too clichéd IMO.  I sincerely appreciate and respect what he's done and I'm glad they're doing it, but I think I'm kind of done.  Or maybe not, seeing Bob is still pretty magical. 

    I went to my first Dead @ C0 show in Boulder incredibly skeptical of the whole thing, most especially Mayer.   I never could stand the dude.  I have now been to 4 more shows and each one has been amazing most notably New Orleans. Its been a blast to meet up with friend and family in different city, and hang with other deadheads.  I will probably do Boulder and a few CA shows this year.

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