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Born to Run

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Posts posted by Born to Run

  1. This is part of the answer. Show up at these camps to protest, to deliver toys, to offer counseling, to offer just simple hugs. MAKE THEM ARREST YOU. Fill the jails with people trying to help children.

    A peaceful, nonviolent tsunami that shames this administration, relentlessly.

    I’m free on Monday/ Tuesday. Let’s roll.
  2. Welp. I just blessed out my own father for defending this garbage.

    Fucking 18 hours a day of Fox News has rotted the brain of a once free thinking man.

    Us Gen X kids need to file a class action suit against Fox News for ruining our parents.

    It’s pretty uncanny. Older folks I know including my own mother are completely irredeemable now. My only hope is that the stench of politics has gotten so great that they stay at home on Election Day.
  3. We can create temporary facilities pretty quickly. Keep the families together, get the kids into some schooling while their cases are being reviewed. Make sure they all have good food and medical care. 
    I would like to see us add to this a Marshall plan light for Central America. With all our aid going around the world is sucks our neighbors are not a focal point of this. 
    We should be an example on how to handle the problem. 

  4. We have no one to blame but ourselves for this situation. Our policies of not having a reasonable guest worker program, allowing illegals to pour through the borders, sanctuary status, & humanitarian efforts to comfort do nothing but encourage people to continue to break our laws and put themselves at risk.  Catch and release is exactly why so many kids are now being trafficked across our border.  



    Violence in Central America is why there is such a huge uptick in children crossing because it’s a last resort. We spend billions globally annually a do nothing in our back yard. That’s always baffled me. Destabilize a country then bitch when the occupants of that country have the nerve to try and come here with nothing and carve out a life.

    • Like 2
  5. The shit hole countries were shit holes long before America started buying drugs. Quit giving criminal governments a pass because you hate Trump.
    Close the fucking border now, close asylum check points now, send all of these people back where they came from and worry more about black and brown Americans and not black and brown non-Americans.

    Go read a little history on Central America and our crimes and exploration there, then circle back you ignorant pos or troll.
  6. This is the best post in this thread.  It’s a lose-lose.  Crossing illegally is not ok.  Separating children from par nets is not ok.  So where, exactly is the answer.  It’s more complicated than we accept.  But the administration’s approach has failed.

    Oh I don’t know, maybe read a fucking book and understand just how complicit we are in the situation in Latin America the effects of our War on Drugs and the general effects of our insatiable appetites and greed?
    Then maybe have a meaningful dialogue on policy to right our collective wrongs upon the region?

    Or separate Families seeking asylum from our mess and declare them criminals and look like assholes.
    • Like 5
  7. Not as much as Dubya. 

    Who cares. It’s the sum of all behaviors. Neither consumed hours of tv or spent hours on Twitter daily.

    If a man needs golf to unwind or mull over issues or have meetings- great. Or fish. Or hunt. As long as he does his job.

    Dwelling on golf is like dwelling on Tan Suits when there are so many other issues with this president- daily.

  8. His supporters like the fight of Trump.  It doesn’t matter what or who Trump is attacking, just that he is attacking.  He represents power they wish they had because they are so helpless with all their perceived grievances.
    That’s why they’re so loyal to him.

    Yup it’s anger and do something. What something is, they don’t know because real policy is complicated and takes some level of education to grasp.
  9. You know why.
    She's an openly ambitious, power seeking person with a vagina.
    Ever since she uttered "I suppose I could have stayed home, baked cookies and had teas" and "You know, I’m not sitting here, some little woman standing by my man like Tammy Wynette", she has been hated by a certain type of person - both male and female.

    I think that’s a large part of it. She also went beyond norms as First Lady. She also just irritates people with her smug demeanor. I can’t pinpoint that either because she comes across as smart and someone who cares about the country but grates on me on a visceral level.

    That said her presidency would have been a real shit show. Non stop attacks, butheremails, calls for investigations, hostile Congress, Trump TV, empowered and angered far right.
    Not worse of course, just a different shit show. I’m guessing we’d have competent cabinet members and staff at least. And not be embarrassed internationally daily. And little to no know crime or graft. Or Collusion with Russia. Or Trade Wars. But A lot of Fox News pundits would have died from righteous indignation at this point under Hillary so it’s clearly a wash.
    • Like 1
  10. Bullshit.  
    He's Alabama from the '50's, today, and 30 years from now.  
    He's a backward-ass motherfucker from a backward-ass state. 

    It’s foolish to think Alabama was the only backwards state in the 50s. He’s a relic of Our not too distant past and how a lot of Americans currently still think. Rule of law, if you’re outside the law no mercy. Even if reasonable folks would make a logical, empathetic exceptions, plenty more wouldn’t simply because “rule of law”.
    He’s treating immigration with the same heavy handed tactics used to harass communist, dissenters, Longhairs, “uppity” blacks going back forever.

    It’s an ugly ethos but an ethos at least.
    • Like 1
  11. Sessions is too banal for true evil.  He's just a piece of shit.

    This. He’s a rule of law guy in every possible way. If the law precludes his wife from sitting on his face after toking a doobie he’s strongly out.

    I think his bullheadedness causes him to make “evil” decisions- plenty. But I don’t think he has evil motivations. He’s the US from the 50s.
  12. The world is truly an unjust place.  To take Doug and leave Joe.    On the other hand, if that wouldn't have happened, then maybe the whole Doug to California thing never transpires.  

    No he got harassed/ Bernarded quite often. A Longhair hanging out with Messicans wasn’t going to fare too well back then. Even in San Antonio.
    Texas Tornado is a great read.
  13. To clarify a bit, a large portion of those I see with drug addictions are alcoholics.

    Interesting topic. I can’t think of a single gun nut I’ve know that didn’t drink an alarming amount and constantly fear some future confiscation of guns, race riot or home invasion. Cynicism, paranoia and probably racist undertones fueling the whole thing.

    I’m not talking your average gun owner like myself or so many others I know. I mean the real deal gun 24-7 on my hip and hoarding ammo variety.
  14. I can't believe how many people are still defending this piece of shit.
    I get that people hate admitting when they were wrong.  But how much more do you need to see before you cut your losses?
    I said this on election night, and I still think it's right: in 25 years it will be impossble to find anyone who admits that they voted for Donald Trump.

    Your wrong sadly.
    I’m down at coast now, in the heart of the Redneck Riviera, and I saw a woman flying a Trump 2020 flag. No let’s wait and see. Full Trump fuck yeah!!!
    The power of willful ignorance is strong. My own mother dropped a tasty “but what about Hillary”. 40% are a fucking lost cause. It’s sad.
  15. Someone post a video of his that's good.  I don't mean like "he's shit, prove me wrong" -  I mean like "I made it 20 seconds into something but was meh and would probably actually listen to a song if I knew it was a good representation

    I don’t know that any of it is good, let alone great. You’d probably have the same inexplicable reaction to License To Ill as my parents did back in the day when I was 10. Simplistic, repetitive and rather dumb-it’s what kids crave.,

  16. I have an 11 year old that loves him some Post Malone too. I was surprised when he told me that.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Mine also. Some of Post’s stuff is pretty good and I actually dig it. The rest of the shitty trap garbage he likes is flat awful. “Pillls, hoes, money, weed” over and over. Ugh
  17. Out of curiosity, can you expand on the "mess" Trump inherited from Obama? What specifically was a mess?

    Things like qualified cabinet members, ambassadors, and staff. It really gets in the way of running a wholly uniformed, unplanned, rudderless corrupt graft machine.

    Facts don’t matter, just lob unsubstantiated generalities like “mess Obummer left”

  18. If you're a good-looking male you can slap all the asses and make all the crude remarks at chicks you want, not one will complain. Notice how all the dudes called out in the #MeToo witchhunt were old and/or unattractive. All this backlash and "rape culture" myth BS stems from chicks understandably getting sick of being hit on by ugly dudes who they deem unworthy of the time of day. It also largely stems from ugly chicks who are jealous they never get any attention from guys, so they want to make sure no chicks get attention to make themselves feel better. 

    What the fuck man. Roughly 1 in 7 women are raped (the numbers are debatable but it’s a lot). It’s a rather complex issue. Sure some people take any movement too far. Some women (included “ugly chicks”) look for something to bitch about or are “jealous”. But I think this backlash mostly stems from all the rape. Rape is bad bro.
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