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Born to Run

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Everything posted by Born to Run

  1. Not at you, but Go hire a painter or plumber in Austin right now. Then consider prices when Trump deports everybody. Then consider his tarrif policy. Our economy would be a smoldering clusterfuck and all these "serious" bastards are completely clueless about it. GOP policy only works as grievance. If they actually implement anything it's a real dog catches car moment. Like Dobbs. They need to run on deporting people; but if they actually do it they are fucked.
  2. I dunno; he doesn't appear to put much effort into grooming.
  3. Mike Levy has to be livid about that TM cover. What garbage. They didn't even ask him about his hobby of eating children.
  4. The worst part is they label those trying to do the right and decent thing as enemies of the state, communist etc and millions of people believe it. We like shit talk Russians for getting duped by denazification bullshit. We the people aren't any better.
  5. Wait UPS drivers make 100k, have benefits, fresh air and exercise and sex up lonely wimenz? My UT career counselor has some explaining to do.
  6. They are making moves to lower interest rates and correct inflation! Booo! They wanted to pass a border bill! Booo! They want to protect invitro fertilization! Booo! I have sex through the pee pee hole in my pajamas. Boooo! Huh? Boo!
  7. Even big burly men with tears in thier eyes begged him. "sir please do the thing with Roe"
  8. A lot of people are saying that.
  9. But Kamala hasn't released a 1000 page thesis on each policy position!!!!
  10. And on ignore forever. He offers nothing of value. Never has.
  11. They were raised by Daily Texan posters? OR went to Aggie, or Blynn or Tech, or ACU?
  12. Yet I Always want to hear more about it!
  13. My high school senior and i were talking politics on the way home from church- strictly due to 25 or so giant Maga signs we must negotiate on the 5 mile trip back. He was surprised to hear Trump has a very solid chance at losing, and admitted that many of his peers would vote of Trump if they were old enough. The entire convo was frightening. He's admittedly disconnected from politics; doesn't know much about the candidates, and more than a few of his buddies are Aggy legacies but still. Clearly Aisd is failing at grooming and whatever social media he consumes is polluted by nonsense. Very discouraging. I've kept an open dialogue about various issues over the years too. Maybe part of it is my wife being a very liberal Californian and typical teen rejection of step moms; but still.
  14. I've often notice that the universe will give a couple warnings before the dildo of consequences arrives unlubed. Third time is usually the charm if you don't course correct.
  15. Being a crazy person? It's kinda a full time gig.
  16. Shot at like a dog. Kristi Noem You might lose a shoe if you do.
  17. Still do, but I used to to, too.
  18. Back in the day I would claim that I couldn't come via oral. The ladies damn sure wanted to prove me wrong.
  19. One of the dorks in the Rogansphere along with that fat fuck Bert no shirt.
  20. That's my BIL that lives outside Philly. Was extremely nervous and brought a piece with him to go wadefish- Matagorda bay. Dude just lives in constant fear. But is also an abusive drunk. We no longer hang.
  21. Two assholes that have not been in my kitchen.
  22. It's Dom Perignon it's supposed to bubble. Just be like that sometimes
  23. Tell her it's because of the mafia. She would prefer Northern Italy for its cleanliness thanks to it not being controlled by the mafia, but instead by- /dramatic pause/ the illuminati.
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