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Born to Run

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Posts posted by Born to Run

  1. Half of Americans age 16-74 read at a 6th grade level or below.   Which means a shit ton of them can't think critically.
    https://map.barbarabush.org/#:~:text=What does adult literacy look like in your state%3F,of a sixth-grade level.
    130 million Americans—54% of adults between the ages of 16 and 74 years old—lack proficiency in literacy, essentially reading below the equivalent of a sixth-grade level.
    Meaning:  We're fucked.
    My brother has a Masters from Aggy and a great job; he should retire by 55 with plenty of money.

    He sent me a highlighted copy of Art of the Deal. Had a Maga hat in 2016. He's " not into politics now". Still, It Bottles the mind.
  2. except for the attempted thanksgiving or christmas trip there, we generally wait until jan and feb. seems like most get their game on around the stocking times but the fishing gets a lot better imo 4-8 weeks after. it also slows down, not a ton but enough. this year I'm taking my boys twice (I'll kayak maybe). then taking colleagues who I'm trying to hook into the hobby. doubt it will be successful but they enjoy it when they are out there.
    That's what I understand as well. I may go again before Jan and throw streamers only, there are always bass to be had anyway.
    It's a fun puzzle to try and cipher and you can't really lose...
  3. except for the attempted thanksgiving or christmas trip there, we generally wait until jan and feb. seems like most get their game on around the stocking times but the fishing gets a lot better imo 4-8 weeks after. it also slows down, not a ton but enough. this year I'm taking my boys twice (I'll kayak maybe). then taking colleagues who I'm trying to hook into the hobby. doubt it will be successful but they enjoy it when they are out there.
    That's what I understand as well. I may go again before Jan and throw streamers only, there are always bass to be had anyway.
    It's a fun puzzle to try and cipher and you can't really lose...

  4. 1930s Germany had no real economic power and actually very little military power. Our version of nazism is going to be wild.
    Yeah it's going to turn out that us having more military spending than the next 5 countries was a bad idea when we are a country of idiots electing fascist. Shits going to get real when we go full retard in the parlance of a not so distant time. Its a frightening thought. But my Turkey prices!
  5. I've been listening to bits and pieces of Jeff Ward's show (and the Jeff & Ed show) over the last month.
    Jeff has gotten stupid.  His views on the college football playoff at this point are remarkably ignorant.  Maybe the last divorce scrambled his brain, but he is as obnoxious as ever yet almost never makes a salient point.
    Agreed, he comes across as a bitter, hyperbolic old man.

    And they can't help but meander into politics and really show how dumb they are. Cringy.
  6. Guad Report. Fished Friday. Caught a few nymphing very early then it got very slow. Only saw a couple holdover fish I kinda know the rest of the day. Very slow. No idea where the new stockers are. Buddy broke off a big fish that he was not ready to tangle with. Gear sucked, sticky drag etc.

    After 9 am saw no one catching and only saw maybe 5 fish until quitting at 3. Those fish missed a streamer or, with a nice one, had a streamer yanked away when I strip striked Before it ate.

    Moderate traffic. Amount of floating Cypress leaves is annoying as fuck. Nobody was catching much. My slowest day to date.

    Heard a theory that new stockers cause a spawn and they stop feeding.

    Second and final TU stock is Friday if anyone wants to help. Please avoid fishing until Sunday so they can recuperate.

    Otherwise, no fish on that river, it's terrible, stay home!

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  7. Wife (no pics you pervy bastards) wants a new kitchen sink for Christmas and I'm happy to oblige.  Who would you normally hire to remove and replace a (likely) undermount kitchen sink?  I'm also looking to see if there's any room to expand the cutout (hence hiring it out).
    Second question...where would you go to shop for the one bowl sinks?  Just your standard big box?
    Hire a counter top guy so you don't fuck your existing countertops. It requires special polishing pads and precision. And a plumber if you aren't up for correcting the new drain.

    Big boxes have fairly limited selection. Check out Build.com or in person at Fergusons.
    • Like 1
  8. Virgin Atlantic flew a 787 across the Atlantic using a fuel made solely from animal fats, and it could cut jet emissions by 70%. Vegans are going to lose their collective shit if this becomes a regular deal, and I’m more than ok with that.
    What about the emissions from raising the animals?
  9. A transam cost $6699 in 1979.  Obviously 1979 dollars are different than 2023 dollars, but man that’s not a lot for one of the premier recruits in that class.
    By the way, with the 400 V8 in it, it only generated 220 hp. My current F150 has double that. 

    If Dickerson wanted to get a replica today, it’d set him back around 50k. 
    Yeah but it came with a stick ti beat back the horny women's mobbing your ass.
    • Haha 2
  10. Poc report. Windy as fuck out of the east. Took some local friends that needed fish for an annual fish fry with their boat in the shop currently.

    Limits of trout, kept 5 reds. They were mad when I released 5 trout on the first wade, paid them back on the last spot when I found a school pinned up against a shore near Conti and strung up enough for the fish fry. 10 in a row.

    Most on topwaters, aggressive bite. Released a 24, 26, and a 27. Kept mostly males. Small Trout everywhere. Waist deep or shallower. Waded a million miles to make it happen tho. Not like the old days.

    Trout are slowly recovering.
    I won't keep anymore for a while. Everyone else will...

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  11. We were on our way at the gas station and my wife thought it was too cold and windy. And she definitely didn’t want any rain. To her credit she said she was willing but I didn’t want to risk having her out there miserable so we came home. Proved to be a mistake, I was pretty sure it was going to be great.
    I have fished the guad and had epic days when it's raining, blowing it's ass off, and even when a guide called questioning to cancel- that was my personal best day on that river. Use discretion, of course, but the fish do not care about your comfort. No offense. Jay Watkins preached that fishing winward shores in high wind- fish eat; they dont care about our comfort or cast angle.

    Plus, we all have access to great technical gear to stay comfortable.

    All that said, my wife chooses days and stays back and reads books when suboptimal conditions prevail, or just chills and enjoys nature.
  12. I’ve calmed down a bit. Shocking I get emotional. I love guns, so it’s not a liberal thing. Anyway doesn’t matter. 
    A holiday tradition like no other troph and mrs troph loaded up for a float tomorrow. 

    we’re gonna float the guad second half of the day. We don’t have room for a trailer so had to rent.
    got dam this woman (my wife) is good with trailers and tie downs and shit. Her lesbian ingenuity is top notch. From our pulley storage system in the garage to picking the right trailer to the tie downs.
    I highly recommend you fellas find one of these kinda ladies. 
    Nice I was there Monday, fished non release spots as I wanted to rest the new fish and avoid the crowds. We caught some fiesty holdovers. Everytime I fish it I wonder why I don't go more often. Homie and are heading back next week. Fish right before dark, camp, fish until 12 and back to work by 130. It's pretty fucking magical.
  13. Also Troph it is fairly common for duck Hunters to just breast out birds and toss the rest in the water. We did that once at our old place on the ICW and realized how dickish that is for everyone with carcasas floating around for days and adjusted our behavior.
    Not saying that's what you experienced. But maybe in part.
    I also keep the legs for confit on Redheads and divers. I only Hunt about once a year now anyway. But in our twenties we shot a lot of birds that required a lot of care and prep to taste decent. It's an odd sport.

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