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Born to Run

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Everything posted by Born to Run

  1. That's my BIL that lives outside Philly. Was extremely nervous and brought a piece with him to go wadefish- Matagorda bay. Dude just lives in constant fear. But is also an abusive drunk. We no longer hang.
  2. Two assholes that have not been in my kitchen.
  3. It's Dom Perignon it's supposed to bubble. Just be like that sometimes
  4. Tell her it's because of the mafia. She would prefer Northern Italy for its cleanliness thanks to it not being controlled by the mafia, but instead by- /dramatic pause/ the illuminati.
  5. Agreed; but it always had an element of darkness. I'm never going back there.
  6. I need about 50 of those to put next to all the gian Maga signs in Lakeway. Time to unretire the T post driver.
  7. I was harassed constantly by evil geese at a lake in east Texas that my buddies dad took us to. Every year I'm just trying to fish and these asshole geese come charging out of nowhere. Fast forward to my first goose hunt. " Oh you bitches have long easily wrung necks and I'm not 7 years old anymore."
  8. A Dogoosencat? Sho boy fix up some rice and gravy come sa.
  9. And then they rolled thier boogers in a ball and did one of many unfortunate choices with said boogers.
  10. God that place is weird. "First time!!? Let me explain our fabulous options. Lame chili on noodles, in a bowl, with a goat, or in a boat. Add some cheese if you please; doubkr cheese is the bees knees...' Sonic or JCI destroy that shit, and nobody brags on those options or makes it thier go to dish thier city is famous for. It's Sbarro for a slice or Bill Miller for a brisket plate. And I really like Cinci
  11. Maybe To eat her poop, or fudge nuggets if you will, out of a bowl. But not for much else.
  12. Stay Puft was the first one, Lady Liberty was 2. You really crossed the streams here. It would be bad.
  13. She slept her way to the top, so I'm voting for the serial aldutering rapist rageaholic. mkay
  14. And thier hookers don't make you use a condom!
  15. You'd think the very clear fact that Trump so easily manipulated and controlled would be disqualifying to the fine folks at Tex Ags. "He kept taking the bait, arrggh. But let's give him the nuke codes again."
  16. It's Latin for that fake second butthole Chad Briscoe discussed. Not nearly as popular as the Mons Pubis for most.
  17. Look at all these asshole rubberneckers causing traffic. /Looks intently at wreck when I finally get to it.
  18. It amazes me that this race is even close with the clown show of bootlickers that survived the backstabbing and requirement to lack any dignity.
  19. Put this on whilst cooking dinner. The most rage inducing part of all this is the "liberal" main stream media trying to hand this over to Trump. Hammering how tight the race is according to polls, expounding at great length about the economy is a negative for Harris and a real problem(let's completely ignore our performance on inflation vs the globe), treating this orange shit ribbon as a serious person. I almost threw my cutting board at the TV before turning it off and going for a swim. Fuck our media. Just grifting assholes looking for horse race ratings. After briefly watching foreign news the last 10 days while abroad, coming back sucked ass. Every outlet giving oxygen and legitemacy to a very unserious orange clown.
  20. That plus a Harris pardon for this marine would be the perfect ending to this horrible saga.
  21. Decided to do a last minute wedding in Florence next weekend. What asshole books a wedding for our most triumphant trip to Ann Arbor? 8 days ; rome and florence. Any tips for beach / boat trip out of Rome? We really wanted a couple days in Amalfi; but I travel enough to know 3 areas in 7-8 days plus wedding is too much so we cut out Naples/Pompeii Amalfi. But would still like a chill beach or boat day out of Rome or a reasonable day trip. Love this thread ; so much information. I've already done Rome and Florence and both would be my last choices vs just about any other región in Italy; but its my wifes first time so need to play the hits. It will still be amazing.
  22. Dog Mode was a software update to keep Texas summer from melting screens and various parts. It originally had dick to do with dogs. AFIK all Teslas kick on periodically in the heat I wonder what a safe park time at ABIA is?
  23. I can't get over him complaining about politicians whining when his boss and running mate is the biglyest whiny bitch of all time. All he does is whining about how bad he's mistreated and picked on. Little old bitch baby Guy liner is not relevant or useful
  24. Perhaps you should read a book that explains the Id, man.
  25. This guy got the joke.
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