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Born to Run

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Posts posted by Born to Run

  1. Pleading ignorance here. But is eating ass the same as tossing salad? Or just normal flicking the bean?
    Eating ass is the current nomenclature for tossing salad which was the preferred term in the 90s for anallingus. Or eating bootyhole in the parlance of our time.

    Good combo with flicking of the bean after a little nasty butthole time. Avoid eating ass if there is TP crumbs in said butthole. Side affects may include angry dolphin induced paralysis. Spinal.
    • Haha 1
  2. On a more sanguine note relating to ambiguous and imprecise drafting, old statutes and old court decisions are wondrously poorly organized, often quite poorly written, except maybe in the "pithiest" parts, and carry a lot of excess verbiage, i.e. are "prolix," especially as compared to similar things of the last half century or so.
    I tend to think people aren't much smarter today or more capable than in years past.  Empowered to do things better and more easily, sure.  
    Maybe it's just appreciation for how loose wording can come back to haunt you, in these days where anything and everything is litigated to death, but it's kind of an odd phenomenon.
    So glad I decided not to pursue law further.
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  3. I think even the most insane ramblings of our "originalist" Supreme Court Justices couldn't find a way to say the founders did not intend for the President to "support" the constitution. The idea that any of those things are mutually exclusive, or not inclusive of each other would require a special set of gold medal winning mental gymnastics to try to defend.
    Again though, this all goes back to the root of the problem, the Founders never expected the voting populace to elect someone so fucking stupid, careless, selfish and corrupt. They also didn't think that Congress would allow someone like that to continue to serve in that office. 
    Yet here we are, 3 years later with zero additional guardrails installed and nothing done to prevent the same insurrection group from doing it again for a wanna be king. The framers would have hashed something out whilst drunk, with quills. Or more likely just convicted and executed fat boy post haste.
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  4. It's hard to imagine how dumb you'd have to be to believe the Earth was flat. Incomprehensible.
    I drank beer at Shortys in Port A with a flat earther. Played bass in some band and lived in Palacious, probably with his mother. I leaned into for the lulz and asked questions.
    He bragged about who he played with, BB King etc, offered CIA contacts in Jaco CR should I need Anything. Then got into Alex Jones shit, then flat earth stuff.
    My Favorite thing, was he suggested I take a level on my next plane ride, so i could see that the bubble on the level never moves. Dramatic pause/ "The Earth is flat". The logical disconnect was fascinating. Even if the Earth is flat you can see planes climbing and going up at an angle. It was the smoothest brain argument I've ever heard. And he couldn't wait to share his own research with anyone.

    That's the core of it. Low IQ losers wanting to have something special about themselves, even if it's insane bullshit.
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  5. just think, this crack head idiot was a trusted confidant of the president and met with him regularly
    Can you imagine the ghouls around trump if he's reelected. All the reasonably sane people have been stabbed in the back or are going to jail. The cabinet in Idiocracy would look like a brain trust in comparison. I'd think Javanka would lay low, so you've got Kanye, Kid Rock, his sons, and some third string Maga grifters. Maybe Sec of State Butina.
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  6. My high school soccer hazing involved getting dragged and dragging Freshman through the natural drainage ditch by the practice field whenever it rained. I guess I missed out on the suppressed homosexual hazing stuff with buttholes and other magical orifices. I must be the poorer for it.
    I'm sure you can find a special someone to recreate your missed opportunities. There is someone for everyone.
  7. Still think this is a bit. 
    I went to Popeyes once and they were out of chicken. All types. And fish and shrimp. After 10 minutes I deduced they had rolls and sides. But not beans and rice.
    Just close shop bro.
    • Haha 1
  8. Comedy defensive driving is not funny, it’s excruciatingly bad. The class isn’t about education it’s punishment for speeding. God I wanted to gouge my eyes and ears out by the time I was done.
    I took it online whilst working and completely did not pay attention and still passed.
  9. While I imagine that many of his employees were of the same leanings or ilk as Mike, I feel bad for them.  They are all going to wind up losing their jobs (if they haven't already) because of his ridiculous shit.  That's too bad, because you know many of them put a lot of time into building what was a success, only to see it tossed down the shitter because their boss reverted into being a wacko.  
    As for LIndell, it's now turned into some bizarre allegorical tale.  On the one hand, his recovery from addiction is admirable.  His founding and building of what was a successful enterprise was a good thing, and a good story (even in spite of the religious huckster shit).  His success led to jobs and prosperity in his community; again good things.  Then, he took a blow torch to all of it falling down a rabbit hole into insanity.  
    I don't feel bad for him personally, and whatever may be coming his way, he made these choices.  But I do think it's really pretty sad, and again I feel for all the collateral wreckage he's left or will leave in his wake.  
    Recovering junkies need positive outlets and efforts that turn outward. Acts of humble service to others.

    45 isn't a great fit for that.
    • Hook 'Em 5
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  10. I had a lot more faith in bankruptcy trustees and courts before the whole Alex Jones case.  How is that motherfucker not destitute already?  
    Plus that was over 11 years ago. That's not fucking justice. The system is broken because it takes so fucking long.
    Just because they are bereaved...

    I thought covid and zoom becoming more mainstream would help.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  11. Counterpoint: I'm sick of the empowered and weaponized mentally ill being allowed - fuck, being EMPOWERED AND ENABLED BY THE MAGA MOVEMENT - to fuck over our country. 
    If he was on the corner yelling at clouds, I'd feel bad for him.  He's made millions, and has spent it trying to destroy our democracy.  Suffering is too good for him.  Hell is too good for him.
    Plus he wears his cross necklace outside his shirt and pajamas. All the time. Fuck that fake Christian grifter, read the New Testament asshole.
    • Haha 1
  12. What negative thing about Rudy could one say that is untrue?

    President Biden did you claim that Mr. Gulliani was a cousin fucking, alcoholic, weirdo that tried to fuck that young lady in Borat?


    Camera pans to Rudy who has a flask on the table, with one hand on his dick with incest porn on his phone. Rudy whipes Rudy juice from his brow, then pulls a piece of necrotic ear off and eats it. Then looks around in confusion.

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