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Born to Run

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Posts posted by Born to Run

  1. PCT from Hart’s Pass. 30 miles of hiking and you cross the border in the middle of nowhere and stroll into Manning Park like you know what you’re doing. 
    Met a guy who completed PCT this summer in Alaska. Favorite areas were the Sierras and Northern Washington. Said the Southern Oregon stretch was the only time he considered quitting. Dry terrain plus mosquitoes unlike anything else.

    Looking forward to living in Cali to do JMT and hitting Washington and Nor Cal more...
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  2. I’m 52 and I that was my exact perspective growing up
    Fuck Ronald Reagan
    An evil man in my eyes
    A lot of old voters would place Jimmy Carter as worst president ever. The mainstream media, as much as they are disabused as being left leaning are at best centrist and terrible at messaging. All I've ever learned was Carter sucked and Reagan was God. My whole life with little factual support on policy.

    Carter has multiple decades of proof he doesn't suck, and the Reagan Legacy just gets worse every year. His own party bailed on him for more fecal waters.
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  3. I'm 53 years old, I've never supported a Republican in my life because I knew the GOP was all about pain, cruelty, and exclusion. I remember what Reagan did during the Iranian hostage crisis and how Carter's critics vilified him. I remember the cruelty Reagan tapped into with his handling of the AIDS crisis and his blatant racism directed at the "welfare state" just as I remember the disgusting Willie Horton ads the dirty motherfucking racists in your old party threw at Dukakis, and I damn sure remember the lies and bullshit W spewed as governor and the Swift Boating of honorable men like John Kerry and Max Cleland.
    I'm glad you're here now, but really....how did you not see this all along? The GOP has ALWAYS been a destructive force that exists only to villainize those of us to their political left in the name of tax cuts for them and their wealthy donors.
    I grew up in Texas during a time when right wing radio broke my father and it took me getting out in the world and growing up to see the truth?

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  4. There seem to be more of those folks now than there was then, but CR seems to have moved the other way.
    Seems like the right doesn't want to go all the way right. 
    It's interesting. I'm wondering what will happen if the Left just goes crazy left. I wonder what the swing back to the right will look like. I wonder if the middle finally takes over.
    Compared to most modern Democracies our "left" if you mean democrats, is moderate to conservative.

    You shouldn't have to be wealthy to have healthcare.

    I'd kind of like to be less like Russia rather than more like them.

    We should have continued the assault weapons ban; and in today's culture of gun worship that's even more clearly the right choice.

    We let a small insane and cruel majority rule our politics and control the Republican Party. I'm not sure many former GOP members want to align with that even anonymously.
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  5. Well, that's comforting.  I did a lot of research in 11/2020 and basically figured out that there was no way I would be allowed to move to Canada if I were already retired, so this gives me something to look forward to.  
    Costa Rica or Portugal
  6. When AMLO took office and changed over a number of SRE personnel, the Consulate General of Mexico in Texas gave me a bottle of extremely rare Sotol from the President's personal holdings before he was transferred to California.  I don't drink anymore but when Trump dies, I am going to open that bottle drop a half dozen hits of acid into it, drink a quarter of the bottle, and lose my fucking mind.  I am probably going to encourage my wife and children to go be with her parents in Western Kansas since her folks will be so bummed out about Trump's death.  She'll return 2-3 days later when the neighbors call her about a rotting smell because there's no way I don't end up shitting in our firepit and starting it on fire by firing multiple rounds into it with a handgun she doesn't even really know I own.  We are also going to eat mushrooms, kill 5 hookers, and likely make Briscoe Cain suck his own taint by breaking his pelvis.  Nobody, and I mean nobody, is safe the night that Trump dies.  Everybody who ever once thought he was a good idea is going to suffer whilst sucking my ballsack over peyote seltzers and bad dreams.
    I don't think I want to party with you cowboy.

    I guess if Trump takes you out with him, he wins again. Nah dog
  7. You can always tell the people talking in bad faith because they can’t help adding “and Russian lives.” 
    Our only concern should be tilting that kill ratio way in favor of AFU as fast as possible.
    Well it would ideal if we could end the war without so many dead Russians but they appear to be rather unconcerned and fatalistic about it from the top down. Lots of Telegram posts about " we have broken guns, shitty food, no plan, and we will likely all die but we aren't pussies and are going forward with our shovels.
  8. I think I've been reflective along those same lines [as Anastasis]. I wrote something that invited a flare-up of comment in the Decline of Trump thread. I didn't pursue it out of laziness and awareness that it was the wrong thread. This likely isn't the right one either.
    Our record in Latin America alone is a breathtaking excercise in exploitation using just about any means. Our deposing the democratically elected president of Iran to re-install the Shah so we could have our way with local resources in another bloody black mark on this overly self-congratulatory country.
    We paint our foreign and war policy as good guys versus bad guys. Simplistic and counter productive. The well-written responses in that other thread pointed to the Pax Americana and the value of American military force in the world since WWII.
    I was not making an absolute argument against every action the US has taken. I was just pointing out the large element of our foreign policy which is stupid, brutal, and working in service of the greed now grown almost holy in our culture.
    We fumbled the best chance we had in Afghanistan by pulling out the special forces to secure the north of Iraq when Turkey, one of the allegedly threatened neighbors of Iraq refused to participate in the second war of the Bush term.
    The invasion of Iraq was a disastrous policy in some ways worse than Viet Nam because at least in the earlier bloody, useless war, we thought we were fighting an actual enemy. At least North Vietnam was communist even though they posed no threat to the US.
    Over and over and over again.
    This is where I'm at. Most all of our global adventures were horrible failures and costly, excepting when we prevent or reduce Genocide. Ukraine was invaded by Russia, a country that explicitly declared Genocide on them then started murdering people. Pretty easy calculus when they openly state thier intentions.
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  9. I wonder if during all that absolute nonsense, if a single person in that audience thought to themselves, "Oh shit. He's crazy. It's a con. It's always been a con. I'm such a fool."
    Probably not.
    No we are left with the cult members. Smaller audience but all in.

    A lot of the OG Trumpers, like my brother, put the Red Hats away and are "too busy to pay attention to politics".

    It actually works well for the GOP, as people like him vote straight R and are uniformed as to the ghouls and hideous fuckery they vote for.
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