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Born to Run

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Everything posted by Born to Run

  1. Fuck yeah, my favorite. Pepsi can suck it.
  2. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRT53RTd/
  3. They work nights so they can crime during the day.
  4. Bullshit motherfucker, I have the real version of that award and my kid is a better artist too.
  5. They don't do shit but make me laugh. Cold rain and wind right in your face with zero protection. Zero fans behind for them to halt thrown beverages. Just good old Lakeway cheese. Our coach in High School had a Soccer For Dummies book in his office; dumb enough to not hide it, even dumber when he tried to coach us in game. "No we aren't subbing right now sir." We hated that dumbass.
  6. That's an excellent job of bringing a Surly tangent back around to the topic at hand. Trump has all those traits in spades and really has distilled the GOP brand down to its purest form.
  7. Nice kits, the finest boots, matching rucksacks. Parents rocking scarfs. Lake Travis even has those bubble shelters on the bench so little Okayden feels like a pro. (All the fans are on the other side of the stadium so it's not player protection, just cheesey.
  8. Academy sucks ass and never has anything I need. I leave disappointed 100% of the time. Fishing stuff? Nope. Kids soccer cleats? nope. Camping gear? nope.
  9. Crimson Jihad has come a long way with their videography team.
  10. Slocum's razor. There are only so many people willing to work for him that haven't gotten thrown under the bus. Can you imagine the cast of ghouls in his next administration?
  11. Well, she did say she would rather be hot than smart. She's an old man 8, and an intellectual 3- at least she's playing to her strengths. And with the right audience. Republicans are typically a pretty unattractive group. All apologies to our friends along the Brazos River Valley.
  12. Good on you, my redneck brother loves to comment on the occasional mosquito in my back yard when he visits. Yeah, sure. But I have a shit ton of lightning bugs to sit and watch.
  13. That tracks. The best is his super libertarian contrarian bullshit for hours and hours. Dumb, entitled, repetitive Westlake bullshit. I am sure the San Demas teachers graded this bullshit on a curve, but enjoy riding the bus bro. Have a take, I'm sure it's gonna suck.
  14. Woke protesters or protesters that are "awake, not woke." I can't keep track.
  15. Sorry man, but fuck outside cats. We have a crisis level die-off of songbirds and insects at the moment- and a major domestic house cat problem.
  16. I don't think that's working on a sac au lait, cher.
  17. A cool feature is, much like a stainless steel refrigerator, any contact with oil from your skin will leave a print that is super easy to see after a few days in the elements. Now you can go with a hook em or a middle finger on the tailgate or frunk if you want to be boring. I prefer to whip out my cock and balls and leave a nice still life arrangement of cock and balls prints. It's like the joy of painting, but with your junk. Only happy accidents.* *Unless that frunk pinches off your johnson.
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