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Born to Run

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Posts posted by Born to Run

  1. I would classify Rage Against the Machine as punk long before any of those bands. Green Day is simple enough to be punk, but I don't think their message has ever been in line with the punk movement. Might as well throw in Rivers Cuomo and Weezer (and I love me some Weezer, but they ain't punk!).
    Green day is punk. They came up very DYI and the early stuff was punk enough. The got less punk as they made money, it happens.
    • Like 1
    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  2. Not sure how I missed this thread last month. I can have some pretty strong opinions about music, and I am sure some might see that as gatekeeping, but I really just see them as my opinion. It’s cool if some disagree.

    I got to punk/hardcore via classic rock/metal —> 90s alternative (all the Seattle stuff, helmet, quicksand, Orange 9mm, etc —> Rollins Band, and that’s when I dove into Black Flag and Minor Threat. So my perspective is from those bands and similar. For me personally, there is a big difference between Blink 182 and what some may call proto pop punk bands like The Misfits and The Ramones.

    On the Lastfm site (which is actually pretty good for finding new bands “that sound like band xyz), this is the top 10 “punk” songs.


    I can’t get behind that.

    But punk is far from dead. Like someone said up thread, it’s alive and well in the underground and that’s where it belongs. DIY is still a thing, just looks different.

    Also, as a reformed recording engineer, it’s tough for me to get behind punk that is super glossy and perfect. I know that is somewhat absurd, but that’s my shitty opinion.
    That whole list isn't punk, it's marginslly pop punk at best. I've often tried to figure out wtf Blink 182 even tried to be and if they were ever sincere or just trolling and it paid off beyond wildest dreams.
  3. Apropos of nothing, I just watched a show on Netflix about how the Israeli government made a list of people to exterminate after the 1972 Olympic hostage crisis and spent 20 years eliminating them as a vendetta for offenses against their nation.
    The problem here is the call is coming from inside the house.
    • Hook 'Em 3
    • Rage+1 2
  4. Narcissist can't handle being ignored. 
    And we all fall in the trap of giving his bullshit more clicks and more oxygen. Here I am bemoaning "us" doing that whilst doing just that. It's quite the conundrum.
    He shouldn't have been a serious candidate the first time, it was all grift and self promotion the first time. Its the only venture he's done well though so he keeps at it and we keep giving it gravitas.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. Their checkout process is a beating. And the aisles are so crowded with their big ass carts
    I saved so much money when I stopped going to Costco. My wife would always buy $100 worth of useless shit. I understand if you are buying diapers and have a bunch of kids, or don't have HEB, otherwise fuck that beating of a shopping experience.
    • Like 2
  6. 200.gif
    The average bible is 1200 pages long.  Just give me the cliffs notes and provide me the speaking points to justify my prejudices.  I have bud light miller lite to drink with my racist/uneducated/PTA neighbors
    They all watched that conservative Jesus satire clip and now it's thier gospel.
  7. I agree with all of you and wish journalists would have stopped letting Trump’s bullshit slide a long, long time ago, but it doesn’t even matter now.   Nothing will matter until he dies.
    Voters are far more likely to think only Trump — and not Mr. Biden — has the cognitive and mental health to serve. 
    And Trump is described as "no-nonsense" in levels that Mr. Biden is not.
    Almost all of Donald Trump's voters expressly give as their rationale that "things were better under Trump." 
    Voters overall, as well as independents, in particular, who feel they are financially worse off now than before the pandemic are backing Trump; the latter group by more than three to one.
    But for the moment, for those who will, Mr. Biden isn't running quite as strongly right now with key Democratic constituencies he'd need. He still wins Hispanics, but with 53%, and typically successful Democrats have gotten into the 60s. By two to one, more Hispanic voters say they're worse off financially, rather than better off, than they were before the pandemic.
    Each of Biden and Trump's 2020 voters are overwhelmingly supporting them again this time around, so small shifts matter. Biden today is losing 7% of those who backed him in 2020 to Trump. Trump only gives up 3% of his.
    In reality most so-called "independents" say they vote mainly for one party, even though they call themselves independent. Only a relative handful of them — just a third — are truly independent and vote equally for either party over time. These make a good barometer: Mr. Biden is losing our "truly independent" definition today by 20 points. He was almost even with them in their 2020 votes.
    It’s not just that he’s somehow still in politics despite all the unbelievable bullshit that he and his traveling circus of personality disorders have put us through.  It’s that he honestly has a good chance of becoming President AGAIN, even if it’s while he’s awaiting sentencing for a felony conviction.  Felonies related to purposely compromising our most classified documents and/or for trying to commit a coup.   He’s going to be on trial for things which actually are even more harmful to our democracy in the macro sense than his own shooting someone on 5th Avenue example, and it doesn’t fucking matter one bit.
    And, btw, if he wins he won’t respect term limits.  Peaceful transfers of power will be over unless he dies early enough in his term that we never have to cross that Rubicon where he declares he doesn’t have to leave office.  
    There are going to be some very hard choices to be made if he doesn’t die.  His supporters will still be a collection of (a) outright deplorables and (b) completely delusional fearful people who might not be actively deplorable but whose brains are nonetheless broken from fear and consuming propaganda all the time.  Neither of those underlying conditions go away or get better if he dies.  But at least if he dies they won’t have their most audaciously amoral and narcissistic cult leader there to unite them and galvanize them.  If he doesn’t die, there really won’t be a bottom.
    Very hard choices like leaving my family in Texas and getting the fuck away from all this fuckery? The 108 degree makes that less "hard".
  8. Why are we putting Sergio Garcia up on the godzillatron 2.0? Just cuz he is another rich asshole that moved here?  He will gleefully play and or root for the euros in the next Ryder Cup.  Who decides what we put up on that screen?
    We had that 3m tribute to t Boone Pickens and really nothing for cedric when all that happened.  
    I'm also starting of thinking on getting in the fire bob Cole bandwagon. He was fine when we still had a track around the field and even up to jet pack guy,  but now we got drones. 
    Drone strike Bob Cole!
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