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Born to Run

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Posts posted by Born to Run

  1. I'm fairly libertarian and no fucking way in hell that happens - unless Joe Biden gets impeached for doing family favors or a democrat third party candidate gains traction. Too many pubs are going to abstain. 
    And that isn't a path to Russian victory anyway. This war will be over before the winter of 2024. Ideally for political purposes the Biden administration will start delivering more long range stuff this winter and will continue doing so through the election cycle. If he cuts it too close and Ulkraine hasn't won yet and Trump wins, Biden will send a bunch of stuff to Ukraine so the next administration's POV will be irrelevant. 
    Sorry in advance for responding to the CR comment. Report both posts if you want. 
    Counterpoint. Oil prices, juiced by the Saudis, regardless of Potos performance, is all it takes to sway our electorate. Full stop, NoCR

    Probably important to get in front of domestic political narratives if you care about Ukraine winning and being afforded continued support by the US should things here. Weigh that carefully with other issues you may value like Drag shows...
  2. I’ve said it in other threads, put Milroe in more of an RPO, and let him use his legs! Glad we didn’t face him “properly” last week!

    Do you life in Sinton by chance and enjoy focusness?
    • Haha 1
  3. This is what it looks like when you take out an older stripper with a cocaine and alcohol problem that works the day shift at The Landing Strip.
    She shows up in an inappropriate bodycon miniskirt and immediately starts doing shots. Spends a few minutes complaining about being asked to babysit her grandchild. She expresses displeasure about being a grandma because she already finished raising her 16 year old. She then finishes with how great a grandma she is and shows you a picture of the grandchild in a onesie with a Marlboro logo on it.
    Eventually she excuses herself to bump some rails in the bathroom. Does some more shots and mentions how awesome cocaine feels and finally settles in with a glass of Deep Eddy lemon vodka because it's classy.
    Once the event starts, shenanigans begin.

    Which can be a fun time and all fine and well as long as you know what you are getting into. Sex at the expense of minor embarrassment in public.

    Imagine if you made said stripper a congresswoman within a political movement that is solely based on being an uncouth asshole to everyone that has less power than you. That's her whole ethos. Being a piece of shit and making a scene deliberately. That's not so fun. Evil shenanigans.
  4. See, this is my million dollar idea....."Hallmark After Dark."
    You watch the regular Hallmark Movie, where cute busy NY gal ends up in Christmas Falls, and ends up falling for the local handyman or some shit.  They kiss, the movie ends.  Then...."Hallmark After Dark" begins with "Christmas Falls Part II: the Holiday Whore."  This movie focuses on the freaky sex the new couple has, including some shocking moves the gal picked up in NY that really surprise the handyman....but he quickly gets into it, and deploys some creative ideas of his own....
    We would OWN the "Fifty Shades of Gray" demographic.  We would OWN THEM.
    Cast Lyndsey Lohan and she can write and direct all the nasty scenes from memory of her time with the Saudis.
    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Haha 1

  5. During football season? Dafuq is the matter with you?
    Pussy is undefeated?

    We are having our wedding reception in the Bay Area on Saturday (we eloped in June). Then watching the game after the party with friends. Big TV set up outside and it will be in the low 70s. I'll take it, not sure if my liver survives.
    • Hook 'Em 1
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