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Born to Run

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Posts posted by Born to Run

  1. All political rhetoric is equal, but some political rhetoric is more equal than others. 
    I used to avoid this board for years due to all the TexAgs reservist posting about both sides, and tan suits.

    Don't miss those days. Glad bullshit gets called out these days. Hysteria at times, sure but it's warranted.
  2. I laughed but that's a legit concern.  Driest/hottest summer in a long fucking while.  Lots of limbs snapping and trees dying.  I can prune for brush pickup later this month but it's gonna traumatize the shit outta some of my trees.  But I gotta do it because they've never been this brittle which will make the downed limbs during the freezes of 2021 and 2023 look like amateur hour.  City of Austin better divert some resources away from bullshit projects and hire temp crews and find temp equipment to trim 6 days a week, 2 7-hour shifts, October through December.  Or we're gonna have power outages that make Uganda look reliable.  As an armchair arborist, I have never seen more cracked/browned/nearly downed limbs around Austin in 27 years as I have in the last few weeks.  This will get ugly with anything more than a 12-hour hard freeze.  Nevermind the weight of precip.  
    I'm not too worried about all the downed limbs and dead trees killing power The great late September Wildfires will burn them all up pronto.

  3. I really, really, really, really hope that Braddock's prediction is correct.
    But in this fucking timeline, hope is a dangerous thing, and I won't be having it.  Not any of it.
    Because you realize this only goes one of two ways, right?  1) Paxton is acquitted, and MAGA GQP is emboldened and unstoppable immediately.  Or 2) Paxton is removed from office....and promptly announces his candidacy for governor, he beats the fuck out of Abbott in the primary because MAGA owns the GQP primaries, and has a cakewalk into the governor's mansion.  
    At least a bunch of hippies still celebrate your birthday each year in Pease Park despite this timeline.
    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Haha 1
  4. I’m going to not go CR, but am going to warn about CR-
    I’m a conservative. I like this thread (hate this war) because I think supporting Ukraine advances the cause of freedom. I have repped dozens of posters on this thread who would find almost no kinship with me on domestic politics. Finding common ground feeds my optimism about America. 
    Im not the only conservative. This is a link to the podcast of Jim Geraghty, of National Review (and new conservative opinion writer at the WP). He went to Ukraine, and talks about it. He supports Ukrainian freedom and opposes Russian aggression. His 30 minute podcast, linked here, avoids domestic politics (except to note that most of our munitions aid is stuff we didn’t need) and describes Ukrainian efforts to resist, and atrocities by Russia. 
    CR warning- for many of you, if you listen to any of his other podcasts, you will come back to this thread and neg rep me. Please don’t. 
    Thank you for being on the right side of history with this one view point, and thank you for supporting Ukraine.

    Rather anachronistic with the current brand of conservatism, but there is room enough to caper.
    • Hook 'Em 4
    • Fuck You 1
  5. Similar to what somebody posted upthead; I saw JB 6 or so years ago, at "Kaaboo" in Del Mar, CA.  
    I enjoyed the show, but the other fans?   I didn't know what the fuck was going on.  It was like being at "Midnight Yell" in College Station.  
    I did his Vegas show about 6 years ago with my in laws. They had a poolside cabaña at the hotel with the oficial pool party. 6 straight hours of parrotheads, Buffet and booze before the actual concert. I was burned out before we made it the the show. It was fun and an interesting experience, but most of the people i talked to went Every year.
  6. Sucks to hear about Jimmy Buffett, but we can all find some solace in the hopes that this puts an end to any future gatherings of Parrotheads.
    They will probably keep touring with a Buffet hologram. That way the estate can keep selling Margaritaville: the shirt, the mug, ashtray, flashlight, buttplug, adult diapers, salsa etc

    And my inlaws will go.
    • Like 1
  7. Wait you mean Truth Social might fail?

    Now, almost two years later, the deal faces what could be a catastrophic threat. With the merger stalled for months, Digital World is fast approaching a Sept. 8 deadline for the merger to close and has scheduled a shareholder meeting for Tuesday in hopes of getting enough votes to extend the deadline another year.

    If the vote fails, Digital World will be required by law to liquidate and return $300 million to its shareholders, leaving Trump’s company with nothing from the transaction.

    Trump kills everything around him.

    Dolla Dolla bills yall.
    • Hook 'Em 3
  8. Obviously they aren’t primarily responsible, but the strident opposition to political gun realism among prohibitionists is a huge contributor to why Democrats can’t accomplish anything meaningful. 
    Do you remember, for example, the way Bernie Sanders was excoriated for his position that rural areas in rural states could have different regulatory regimes than the largest cities in the bluest states?
    I’ve talked to elected democrats about this stuff. They will get lit up if they give anything (like suppressors and SBRs) to get anything. There’s NO upside for them to pursue things that could actually pass, even though stuff is available.
    Look at this thread. Now imagine you are a Democrat congressman. Would you put silencers on the table?
    I don't know, maybe look at the overall political picture in this country over the last 5 years and Then consider compromise. The right has taken everything and conceded nothing. I was just in progressive ass Mexico where reproductive rights and lbgt rights are largely better than here. It's twisted.

    One side wants to go back to the 50s
    • Hook 'Em 2
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  9. So, just to be clear, you are asking me to give up my constitutional rights?
    Yes the semi-drunk dudes who wrote the constitution with a feather by candlelight imagined a need for you to mow down 30 people in under a minute.
    Letting the assault weapons ban lapse has really worked out well for our children.
    • Hook 'Em 5
    • Like 2

  10. When it’s hotter than a monkey’s nuts in Africa and your mom busts out the warm bologna and cheese sandwiches and potato salad that’s been in the back of that station wagon sitting in the sun for 3 hours. Been there.
    Egg salad sandwiches for me. My immunities go hard in the paint.
    • Like 3
  11. Except I don't.  
    People want to ignore things like the presumption of innocence, due process, and the right to counsel and a jury trial when they dislike the defendant enough.  Happens all the time on these pages, and not just in relation to Trump people.
    I can't say it enough: I appreciate you and you are more often than not, 100% correct.
    Which makes me want to hate you even more. it's like colon blow, you hate to hear if but ya need it.
    • Hook 'Em 1

  12. You just described my first lab, before we had kids. A chocolate. She was the best damn dog. I estimated she retrieved around 3,500 birds. As we put her down, I whispered in her ear “there were so many birds, so many birds.” And then I cried like a child.
    Mine went fast; was strong at my Mom's house while I spent two days doing Warriors Weekend entertaining Vets. Took him for his last swim that Sunday. He fetched one more time. By Sunday PM he couldn't walk. Put him down at home on Monday.

    Got his paw prints just prior.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  13. Only 479 pages?  Shit, I'd expect that transcript to be 3-4 volumes of word salad and just trying to get him to focus and answer the goddamn question.  I suppose invoking the 5th cuts down on transcript volume significantly.
    This motherfucker can't help himself with the hyperbole and dishonesty. Even in a deposition. Yes the Trump brand is hotter and bigger than Apple or Nike or Coke. Lotta people are saying.

    Gross and Gauche all day everyday.
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