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Born to Run

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Everything posted by Born to Run

  1. Good for her. I can see our gender war only worsening. If I'm a woman I'm going to be real particular about selecting a partner in an world where I can't get adequate healthcare or justice. Why risk getting raped or impregnated by some lame Jabroni with no empathy, social skills or class. Men were already prone to violence, infedility and complusive decisions. And we tend to be gross. I might earn more than him way because I work harder, am more organized, and not lazy. Why fucking bother unless he's a perfect fit and a 10 of 10 in all ways. The male youths are fucking stupid inherently and always way developmentally behind thier peers. And the are just digging in deeper with toxicity. In High School I supported the chick's who were pushing Amnesty Intl or Abortion rights because I like and respect women. Sure I had selfish horny reasons. These kids are flying Trump flags at football games. I'd absolutely tell my daughter to avoid those assholes; even if they joke about Trump for the Lulz; it's a stupid move. Have fun being Incel.
  2. You gotta consider day labor anywhere. I'm in construction so I deal with a Lot of dull knives and racism. Northern Mexicans look down on Southern Mexicans who look down on Guatemalan. Black Haitans or Venezuelans are really hated. It's dumb tribalism and " my situation sucks, but I'm above those guys. We watched a century of poor whites vote against thier own interest just to stay a step above black people ; and didn't expect the same other people? We are provencial, and tribal and selfish and our system only encourages that . We need to counter that. He's gonna still your cookie mate memes aren’t landing.
  3. I mean they are out dunking on everyone, double birding in our face and threatening our women openly. That's a problem. My wife is organizing a self defense class for women in the area. She lived in Oakland, and i don't mean the Berkely part, I mean crackhead Oakland. We've traveled to many countries, taken public transportation late at night, and seen some shit. She's tough and street smart. Now she's concerned for her safety in fucking West Austin Great job everyone; hope you're happy. Enjoy the Oligarchy.
  4. I read an article today where they interviewed day laborers at Hom Dipo. They were all for Trump because he would only deport the bad people and then they would have more work. One guy that had citizenship voted for Trump. Lucky bastard got on board the boat last year with citizenship and pulled the old ladder up real quick.
  5. Thanks for fighting the good fight. I'm ready to pivot to helping some force for good somewhere. It's time to rock the boat and punch a few bastards.
  6. Except when times are tough people get angry and blame others. People were angry about a couple of transgender people playing sports. It was a largely ginned up issue. Like seriously why does it even matter? Let them live thier life ffs. It's only going to get worse. Trump isn't going to just hurt marginalized groups; he's going to hurt his supporters and they will be very angry but it will not be directed at him, they will double down hate and blame on anyone they can. Families have been ripped apart and silos are thus more fortified. Shits going to suck
  7. You didn't answer the question. Unlike my wife I'm treating the other side with kindness. I'm taking an old ass hard R evangelical client fishing next week. Im going to be kind and show him a good time. I'm walking a lonely high road in real life. But how do you counter our selfish instincts plus a coordinated push from foreign adversaries that we did zero about plus our fucked media. Siloing more isn't the way, what is?
  8. How without being evil, because people are not motivated through kindness. We are insanely selfish, tribal and vindictive. Especially when times get tough.
  9. If they are unlucky enough to get stuck alone with, I'd imagine he'd grab them by the pussies like he has bragged about doing, because he's a star. Women feel less safe and for good reason. Christian men Should want a leader that isn't out sexually assaulting women- it's a pretty low bar. Don't even get me started on shitting on the trans community.
  10. This my exact feeling to roll the dice for That guy. And to look your female friends or gay friends in the eye and just boldly state "fuck your feelings." Its mean, cruel, shallow and selfish. I'm doing a project for two wonderful lesbians who both give back with thier careers and through volunteering to help Texans everyday and Texans loudly said Fuck You.
  11. The election was lost because a bunch of assholes voted and thier voted counts just as much as mine and we are a country full of assholes. Having it rubbed in my face doesn't make it suck less
  12. Ah yes, we need to be more like Afghanistan to fix this!
  13. I don't really have much to complain about her campaign, unlike Hillary. Our media is broken and to blame and that's not getting unfucked. Top to bottom fuck you NPR for normalizing Trump and Fuck you Fox News for sucking his tiny dick.
  14. We are more backwards and machismo than/ checks notes/ Mexico. Yay! good job fellas.
  15. Mine never did. My wife kinda taught him
  16. Old Freak Nasty brothers don't like strong women?
  17. Looks nothing like her. lol they aren't even trying anymore.
  18. Ashley Babbit sure as fuck is non-violent these days.
  19. When you want to pee out your butthole; come on down to Chiles!
  20. Agreed; if we somehow lose; its an indictment on our system and time to throw in the towel. Kamala has run it perfectly; if that's not enough; it's on us. And that will be a sad reflection
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