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Born to Run

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Everything posted by Born to Run

  1. War campaigns usually follow the lead of the General. So lots of terroristic online threats, lies, misogyny, overt threats of rape and pussy grabbing, whining about how unfair it all is, and some Big Mac dinners with, hopefully, no overt action.
  2. Against her parent's wishes too. Because Republicans are murderous freaks.
  3. Ha ha, oddly enough, I took my wife wife to a Taylor Swift show for her Birthday, the things Taylor did to that chair were something special.
  4. I brought my son every other weekend to help build his foundation (which is strong) he's pretty handsome and a solid athlete even when young. That didn't help my celibacy for a year plan. It was like being a hot chick at a club. I was there for his edification and some faith. Mercy me the temptations.
  5. I wasn't personally in it for tail, but yes. I think I tried dating apps for about 2 days, was too much bs, trash, spam, and unnecessary. I have several great female friends from Yoga, no sex. Much respect.
  6. Chicks love some self-improvement, so figure out which version works for you. Which you should be doing because who would want the worst version of you. Sub church for: Mountain bike meets ups (for beginners), paddle boarding, volunteering, cleaning up parks, weird art installs in public spaces, snowboarding, you could even work with regards if it's your passion. If you have a Hobbie, you are decent at some lady will be happy to get some advice if you are genuine. If not her, maybe a friend. My self-imposed one year hiatus from women sexually post divorce was impossible once I started doing healthy shit I wanted to do for fun. And I'm pretty introverted. My only "game" is being genuinely interested in people's experiences and listening intently. Fish in a barrel.
  7. Tracks. I got a steady dose of Fox News, went somewhere else, and got OAN in that airport. Alaska is beautiful but full of Alaskans.
  8. Gym, yoga studios, and church. When I was first divorced, I got swarmed at church. Freaking hyenas.
  9. More proof Republicans hate everything that is wildly popular for no reason other than to be contrarian. Some form of legal abortion, access to healthcare, football, Taylor Swift.
  10. Helping the poor, feeding the hungry huddled masses? That'll just make them hate her even more.
  11. I've yet to hear an explanation of what happens to the military bases on Texas soil that would need to be moved, let alone decoupling everything else. Very serious people. Brexit is a rather simple procedure by comparison.
  12. Anyone done the Devils River? Outfitter recs? Looking for Spring 25
  13. No, but the GF at the time did. Kinda scary but worked out my friends!
  14. Republicans refuse to pass laws, bills or even ideas on change, so they can keep you agitated. Stay dumb and agitated. It's what you vote for, a broken government that your people keep breaking.
  15. Been rooting for Michigan forever; hated the cheating. Dipped out
  16. Our media. Full stop. That's the reason for his low numbers.
  17. Fished the Guad Friday with a guide. Took a client with me. As always, I learned a lot, came home, and made a few purchases online. His line was so much better for nymphing-it was like skinny dipping versus. swimming in jeans. Just So much more enjoyable. Guide refunded Monday's boat ride in the rain; nice of him. My client had a better day, which was nice because I smoked him on the last trip we took together, so I was happy to see that for him. I think he had 10 fish. Biggest was roughly 17" but a few state fish also. I landed maybe 8 fish; most all were 14-17. I had a rougher time with my hookset on nymphing and missed so many. I fish pretty hard, so I was underperforming. Fish were eating everything and also nothing, but we did best on Pheasant tail. Water was up a bit and clear. We prefer moving water, but a lot of fish are clumped in slow stuff. The rain did spread them a bit. Caught a few on streamers again, both swinging and fast stripping- best part of the day. Crowds were ok. I'm sure it is insanity this weekend. General consensus is that it's not as good as years past, and we don't have the giant pellet hogs in the first three GRTU releases. I'm not seeing a lot of holdovers either, but some. The fish we have look great, though! GRTU is doing the last release this coming Sat at 0730 if you want to volunteer. They historically have the least numbers of volunteers on the last release date.
  18. Why are shithouse rats more crazy the regular rats?
  19. Or history of drug abuse. Or unchecked rage. Or STDs.
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