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Born to Run

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Everything posted by Born to Run

  1. Yeah, I was kinda excited about the internet shining a light through darkness and letting democracy shine. Whoops
  2. I just wish it worked for airlines, accommodations, and Epic pass tickets. I just ate $900 on the latter.
  3. A lot of people believe Biden banned drilling. Checks notes/ currently we have record production. Example of example of misinformation.
  4. Counterpoint. The brain drain and exodus of people because of this fuckery will finally propel us past Mississippi and to victory of being the worst state in the Union!
  5. The media is wholly to blame and irredeemable. They treat insane criminals as rational beings and give equal air time to lies. NPR drives me nuts. The equal time bullshit is essentially pro GOP. 'What do you think Trump meant when he said he wanted to murder Biden?" They had some hack on before NH just spewing GOP lies with no blowback.
  6. Maybe, but he also wouldn't do anything to disrupt Iranian weapon shipments to Russia. Then again might recall the carrier fleets and send weapons to Russia. We were really lucky in some ways to have so little unrest abroad during his term. Could have been worse.
  7. Yep, and "the economy was better under trump ; he kept us out of war: he's being unfairly harassed; he's being taken off the ballot; he would spend our dollars here instead of Ukraine; he would secure the boarder; (and my favorite) I don't like Trump but he cares about the working class." Inflation is enough to screw Biden despite the economic realities. Joe Blow doesn't understand GDP or global financial circumstances, but he does notice his dollar doesn't go as far. It was shocking Trump won before. This time it would be unsurprising at best.
  8. This tired trope irritates me. New Magas turn 18 every day. Blue collar folks, rural folks, children of fundies.
  9. This IS why our electorate is so dumb. My kid is AP honor level and I have to constantly suplement his education.
  10. I have a friend that propped up another friend that was growing a shit load of mushrooms. I'll give you a enough to get 10 dudes higher than a cats cunt if it keeps you happily off the sauce. My wife had mental health success with it and we moved on. Couple of epic doses, and we were good. Fuck pills or powders.
  11. I remember that day and, in real time, being utterly Gobsmacked that the insurrectionist were not mowed down with automatic gun fire in mass. I've feared cops my entire life, it turns out I can get away with a lot more than I ever thought possible. I'm a white male, so your personal experience may vary.
  12. Fair enough, I got a lot of movement after Beto from Dems, but nothing beats deleting 15 texts from a bunch of asshole GOP all caps fear mongering assholes daily for months. I know the rhetoric and propaganda, but getting bludgeoned by it gets stale.
  13. I did and now I get blasted by GOP grift constantly. Lot of frustrating texts for one vote that didn't make a shit
  14. I feel like the internet just shines a light into some previously dark corners. What it illuminates Is horrific.
  15. Meh. Erroneous take. He was a flawed and complicated individual who celebrated food and travel with a nuanced and unique voice and perspective. He was a terrific writer and, as such, a great narrator. He wasn't a backpacker. He loved high-end hotels and lavish meals. But he also loved street food and never got so famous that he forgot his roots. He was funny, kind and generous. And moody and full of demons. He was a champion for the little guy and a lot more interesting than John Lennon. He wrote many books and regretted much about "the book" after the fact.
  16. Would maybe, if she was fresh out the shower and had a winning personality.
  17. In for understudy- if he is offering.
  18. I've had some epic days when it's shitty. My brother and I site casted a pod of Redfish the day after a tropical storm with 2' or more of extreme high tides. Just taking turns with one rod until we had our fill. It was like a Tulip field except tails sprouting everywhere on a flat that's normally dry.
  19. Dammit. My phone keyboard toggles easily from Spanish to English so I get all kinds of auto correct fuckery that renders words erroneous in both languages. Still learned a lot today, had fun and was back at work by 1.
  20. Is it tho? Maybe. When did it start. But I couldn't even read the CR during Obama administration what with all the tan suits and escape goating him for Iraq- after we had a functional draft dodging former blow enthusiast for Potus that was a ninja at dodging shoes and " liked cutting cedar for fun. Or a B level Hollywood actor with dementia relying on his wife's Psychic for advice while courting Fundy voters? Or Carter being cast as a horrible president for things mostly beyond his control. Or that mother fucker Nixon? See a trend here? The reflection in the mirror of who we elect is horrifying. We are some dumb, selfish and sick bastards. Kinda always been that way. We find a little progress, pax, and peace. Then fuck it up over the worst of us for dumb reasons.
  21. Yeah, the runoff was worse than expected today. Muddy with lots of debree . Bailed early. Guide is going to give me 3/4 makeup up day soon. Only one other set of fools out there today.
  22. Nice work @troph In my limited experience sloppy conditions make for great days and low crowds. Drizzle, windy etc. I fished two weeks ago in gorgeous conditions and there a million mother fuckers on the river. Every decent spot was covered up. Wasn't hardly worth going to be honest. Fish are looking great this year. A lot of holdovers! Lots of plus 20" fish. They are bunched up still and not in some of the runs. I may have a spot available with a guide tomorrow as a buddy feels like he's getting sick. If anyone who isn't a total creepy weirdo wants to play hooky tomorrow-hit me up.
  23. Literally ran into him at one of the first ACLs. Sweaty as fuck, got up in my face and honked my dick before walking away. Horrible.
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