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Born to Run

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Posts posted by Born to Run

  1. Hopefully you bike to work for the next 6 months.
    And wear tight roadie shit? I have many offensive proclivities sir, but I'm strictly shitty at riding mountain bikes . No need to bring down Lance with his one nut and clock.
  2. No, it would mean climate ebbed back to normalized.  The graph shows a collection of data points in a manner that only suits a particular argument.  Cumulative days at a temperature is cute, but it is not climate and it is not how data normalization works.  
    it’s an incomplete data set
    *whatever climate and resources we have left.

    Empty oceans, burnt forest etc. Fuck them kids amirite?
  3. Here's a handy way to illustrate the difference between "weather" and "climate" for your old people and friends of a certain political persuasion to like to say "it's always been hot"
    "I Feel that's inaccurate."
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  4. Had to be in the Zilker area last night and decided to jump into BSP for 45 minutes.  Oh man... I swear that water is magical.  You swim for a bit and then your body is cooled down and air conditioned for the next hour.  Amazing.  After that swim, I could've hung outside for a while.  Mind you, I was done at 7:45 so I wasn't dealing with the bonkers heat but it was still 98 or something crazy when I got out.
    Welcome to the party pal.

    I'm upper Lake Austin, water is 68. Soak in that after the gym for 30 min then feel amazing enough that yard work at 730 pm is fine. I do a lot of my cardio on the lake as well. Swim, various paddle techniques. Save running and bikes for fairer weather when I can.
  5. the paranoia of looking over your shoulder for whatever 18 other people might do. Hmm.  What might happen in New York, will he finally give a shit what his kids think of him?  What is loans started getting called in?  What if the capital stack house of cards of his real estate "empire" crumble?  What if his theft of top secret documents is an issue?  What if other people start selling him out to save their ass?  What if Georgia's case really begins to move the walls in on him?  What if being associated with the January 6th attempt to overturn a legitimate government may not have been a good idea?  What if Putin turns his back, his creditors call his bullshit, people realize the ruse and quit sending him money, and he's left penniless and no toupee?  What if just a couple of the things come crashing in him?  At his age, with his health, and his weight.  Most of you on this thread will forget more law between now and breakfast than I'll ever know.  But you're overlooking something.  We're out of time and legally exhausted with a non-starter SCOTUS.  
    The strategy is to box him in so we get to the new end game.  He's not going to sit in a jail cell.  MAGA nation will not be going anywhere.  He needs to be run around the country from trial to trial, fundraiser to fundraiser, con to con, fraud to fraud.  He is going to die much sooner than his people believe.  The macro strategy is run him so ragged and stress him beyond fucking believe that his body gives up in about 10-15 months that he dies.  He is not going to see jail.  He is not going to admit his faults.  He is not going to be up for appeal, parole, cajole, or Bob's Your Uncle.  The man is going to pass out and die in 10-15 months because even the most narcissistic sociopath can't embark on the physical agenda that his 78 year old cardiac fat fuck glop of shit soul is about to attempt.  This has all been engineered so that no sitting or former President ever has to stand inside Cell Block C.  But he can sure as fuck die within sight of it.  And we are, most of us, going to OD on the thrill.  Steel yourselves folks.  He's going to bend the judicial system like a child getting away with stealing candy.  But between all of it and the campaign, his heart will give out or his handlers will make sure he never opens his fucking mouth because he chokes out on his own tongue.  
    I just hope we have enough drugs to properly celebrate.  
    I like your optimism. But it's misguided. We have a dog here we love dearly but he is a dangerous asshole. We've expected he had 6 months left for 6 years. And we are talking about a dog that has feelings and is loved. That goes a ways. But Assholes tend to live a long time. And don't bow out gracefully.

    Dotard is the most loved human ever by himself, and many Americans. He should be dead based on weight, rage and age. He should be in jail. Somebody he cheated should have wacked him long ago. Russia should have poisoned him; or some Eastern Euro broad. He should be a financial wreck. He should have been a disgraced failed candidate not Potus. It should be laughable and illegal that he can even run again.

    Yet here we are.

    I tend to respect trajectories and will steel myself with the horrible notion this bastard makes another 6 years If nothing else just to suck oxygen to fuel his narcissism. It's going to suck balls and at times be tighter than it should, and will further lower our global standing- it ends how it ends though.
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  6. I don't know, but there is going to be an absolute traffic jam/horse race to get this sumbitch tried and convicted first.  
    And this Georgia thing is going to be a six-month white whale, especially if she tries to try any significant number of these people together, as is her stated intention.
    I figured Georgia would take 2 more years to try and Jack Smith has the least slow path forward?

    *Georgia is doing things correctly by the law, even though it's going to drag on for years.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. He's not gonna do real time in that prison you fucking naive plebs.  
    He will likely have to do a cosmetic 24 hours inside booking for legal optics.  
    Damn shame that month is when the food service provider to the mess hall is conveniently changed while he's there.  Hard to keep tabs on that kinda supply chain.  
    I know your play here.
    /swipes nose.

    • Haha 1
  8. Counterpoint - can you imagine the official duties of people in the Trump White House?
    Prosecutor: What official duties would you perform in the Trump Administration on a typical day?
    Co-Conspirator: My daily duties primarily consisted of making fake Time Magazine Person of the Year covers and framing them in the Oval Office.  I also was in charge of ghostwriting some of the President’s Twitter posts, but only the ones when he would talk about Kanye.
    Prosecutor: And what was your official title?
    Co-Conspirator: I was the Attorney General. 
    To be fair to him, Attorney General Kid Rock wasn't well qualified for the position.
    • Haha 2
  9. The joke was he wanted Harrison Ford to be the pilot. He’s a notoriously “error-prone” pilot and should’ve had his license taken away. I think he’s landed twice on the taxiway and multiple other fuckups.
    He was forthright about being able to fly a plane. Land? No
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  10. If an unborn person goes to work, doesn't the unborn person deserve pay?
    No, you shouldn't work until your 12 by law, then you can go full time. Under 12 you get to work, but without protections or guaranteed pay. Which is fair; those little kids are pussy bitches and can't fight for shit or pay for an attorney. Even that hard ass kid in Better Off Dead never got his two dollars. Even better, now a days if they try to get even and they come on your property, blast away.
    Aren't the schools already short staffed?
    Yes they are, especially Special Needs. And Teachers keep quitting for a variety of reasons that largely stem from state policies, state interference, STAAR TEST bs, shitty pay, lunatic GDQ school boards, book bans, stupid lawsuits and crazy Karen's see the Conroe diversity poster.

    Its sad. My son had three teachers he really liked, retire last year or pivot fields for all those reasons.

    The whole thing sucks and is getting worse.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  12. Aside from being a miserable person, which can in large part be blamed on the tree taking away his ability to walk, it seems he decided to make sure others also suffered. Taking out his anger on the least among us, as well as the precious gift that is a child, seems to be where he is comfortable inflicting pain. 
    I know this isn’t for everyone to believe, but if he doesn’t get repaid in full in this life I believe he will in what is to come. I believe hell has a special place for the Abbott’s, Limbaugh’s, Hawley’s and Trump’s of the world. I eschew violence, but if I saw him on the roadside on fire I’d be hard-pressed to not look for more gasoline to put on his fire. Sending an innocent child to their death is something he should be reminded of for all eternity.
    I agree with you mostly. I find it laughable the people get pissy with the use of "Hot Wheels" or the various " won't stand jokes" or argue the false equivalency of those jokes vs using retard or the n word.

    Abbot chooses to be a horrible, cruel fucker and celebrates and strives to worsem his shitty persona. Perhaps his next campaign ad will be him shooting tannerite under a water station for migrants.
  13. I think we can all agree that if there's one thing that Texas has too much of, it's definitely ... special ed teachers?
    Those special needs kids would make excellent armed school guards. Give them ARs, and lower the age to work to 12 and we can keep up our conservative bona files with Arkansas. It would be embarrassing if we are considered less backward than Arkansas. The Aggies do a lot of heavy to that end, but sometimes we need the Lege to get us over the Mississippi/ Arkansas hump and on to glory.

    Maybe hire a midget with a broom to sweep those teachers out of school.
  14. All the Olds I know and people of certain political persuasions: " sure it's hot, it's Texas, and its all cyclical. That's what I feel so that's the truth."

    I feel for the future of the utes.

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  15. My annus mirabilis was one time my ladyfriend and I were engaged in coitus in a hotel room after a few cocktails. Starting eating her out in 69, she came hard for a very long time, and her butthole starting contracting. It must have winked at me for a solid minute.

    Stunning sight.

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  16. Some asshole had Fox on two tvs at my gym today.
    I glanced at the Chryon a few times. Covering important news of the day as always: Hunter Biden, Migrant crossing footage, and Chicago Crime. The classics. How anyone can watch this shit is beyond me. How anyone can turn two TVs to Fox and not feel foolish or like an idiot blows my mind.

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