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Born to Run

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Posts posted by Born to Run

  1. To be fair to Iowans, when I drive 600 yards from my home...I realize I'm in the dumbest fucking state save for maybe Florida.  We're just Mississippi Morons with oil money who can't wait to show off how fucking macho moronic we are.
    West Austin Drivers are the worst and we really enjoy killing eachother in horrific fashion. Worst anywhere I've ever lived. It's insane out here.
  2. It used to tickle me shitless that I regularly outshot my NRA-member right-wing co-workers. 
    It drove them fucking crazy. 
    I grew my hair out during the pandemic, and it just made my homies more annoyed when I out shout them at ths Dove lease or at the range. I may meditate or do yoga next time and just really go full libtard.
    • Like 1
    • Haha 3
  3. lol, well, if the oppressive fuck you heat outside didn't give it away, there's no doubt that it is officially august on surly!  we graduated a once in a decade talent that won us all the games we won but quinn cut his hair so we will be............better.  it's funny, even though i have been leaning hard on oline/dline talent and experience and db/wr experience in addition to the best te in the country to believe it myself.
    gifs may be an unstable lunatic with some sort of bizarre dissociative identities and delusional grandeur pathologies but i'll be god damned if his violent disdain for pat green is not overwhelmingly well founded and supported by the objective evidence.  that dude should be shot to mars.  hearing his name innately triggers a psychologically violent reaction inside my soul.
    You sound like you need a little hill country, maybe some of that ol top down...
    • Haha 2
  4. While none of his stuff was riveting, all of it was better than the wave on wave and anything past that nonsense.  Dancehall dreamer, George’s bar, etc wasn’t terrible, especially when there was considerably less regional/local music easily available. Cory M carried him a bit, too.  Then again he was blowing up the local halls when I was a yoot, and those memories will always be beautiful, yet fuzzy memories. 
    I saw Pat Green at a lot of places not by design, CBB, Gruene, the Austin Rodeo etc. Whichever one of you Assholes that is responsible for rearranging his face in Padre should take a bow. Bravo.
    Do not equate PG and Cory Morrow. Cory is great people especially since sober. Nice approachable humble guy just a little high on Jesus juice but super kind.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. Noticed that, too.  I would imagine all those reflective surfaces up there make it 10x worse than anything we can imagine in our yards.  God bless those guys especially since once they got down off the job, they are afforded almost no legal protection and shit on by a huge portion of our state.  Because you know...all of us dying to work 500 feet off the ground with an ambient temp of 125 degrees.  
    But yeah, the mosquito thing is really pissing me off.  I've got two neighbors, one in town who is lazy as shit and one out of town, and both of them have errant sprinkler heads that just leave pools of water in nearby planters or just low-lying parts of the yard.  Sits there for a couple days and makes a mosquito sex club.  They keep saying they'll have their yard crew look into it.  Six weeks later.  Fucking amateur hour.
    You should go cap off those sprinkler heads. Takes a couple minutes and when shit starts dieing they might actually call the irrigation guy.
  6. One place I'd like to eventually try is Ski Santa Fe.  I've heard that with a good base of snow it has a lot of great skiing... really want to check it out sometime.  Plus you're next to SF which kicks ass.
    Skied and Rode Santa Fe a gazillion days since College in the early 90s. Love that place on a powder day/ storm event. Keep going back; if it sucks we just head on to Wolf Creek.
    • Hook 'Em 2
  7. Wrapped up West coast escape the blast furnace for a month with 6 days on Kodiak Island. Fantastic weather! even swam one day in the strait after we had full boxes. Not my dream trip but it was amazing bottom fishing with a great group of friends and family. Me and the boy are bringing back 200lbs of Halibut, Ling Cod, yellow eye, black sea bass, and silvers.

    Hoping to go back next year for river and hike in fishing. Amazing place.

    Outdoor workout Friday morning is going to suck

    • Hook 'Em 5
  8. Watching this show “ survive the raft”’ And it’s hosted by Nate Boyer. Nate fucking Boyer. When he introduced himself he said he was a green beret and a former football player that played in the nfl for the Seattle seabitches.


    What the fuck Nate, I felt fucking betrayed!

    I’m not a big money booster yet, but when I become one this type is bullshit won’t be tolerated. He should have listed family first, employment second.

    Will someone make this its own threa? I’m too drunk to reliably get that right, otherwise I may tomatoes
    Discretion may have been a prudent mindset given your mindset down to your toes.

  9. ecd01a7376e564d2e89dd9ae0e8df8e6.jpg
    “Didn’t we just spend like 300 bucks on wireless headphones?” Little GoPokes, “I don’t like to wear them in the car, it messes up my hair. ”
    That's on you homie. My kid is forced to rock wired headphones. And he has nice shit otherwise.
  10. Bowling, and it probably isn’t even close
    I love watching skiing whenever it's on at a bar. Especially if on a ski trip.
    I'd never watch bowling. Even at the lanes. I'd wager a beer you are wrong.
    So the men incorporate drama into their play style, but the women are naturally dramatic?  
    Blockage with extreme prejudice for that clown. Diarrhea fountain of bad takes if iirc. Don't quote him either. I have a low enough opinion of my fellow man without willfully reading stupid shit.
  12. Yeah, longtime Dead fan (first show in 91) and in hindsight my mind is blown how Mayer pinch hit for such an iconic figure. Yeah, not the same with just Bob and Mickey but what a fun reinvented ride.
    I was Skeptical myself and opted out of a second show in Boulder in 2016 for that reason. 20 or shows later all over the country and it just got better and better. This year was fire. Boulder, night 3 in Boston, and the SF shows were amazing.
    • Like 1
  13. How's it going fellas?

    WEEK 2 OUT: Cool 70 this am when I went for a swim in 60 degree local waters. Surf the AM; mountain bike the PM. Surf is flat this week; so mountain biking, fishing and snorkeling. Two more weeks away from Satan's butthole hot ass Texas. Best summer ever.

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