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Born to Run

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Posts posted by Born to Run

  1. Mom. She knows I got shit to do and no time for the meat sweats or gettin the sugas. That’s a football/workin bfst. 
    That whole family needs to chill on the white carbs and mix in some fucking fruit. Grits and a half a loaf of bread?
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  2. Saturday was great (Help Slip Franklin to start the second set was outstanding), but we'll be talking about the Friday show for a while. Felt like an all-time classic. 
    Friday set list:
    Nice dude, how was sound volume. Was there last year and it could have been louder. Great time though, and a great city in summer.

    We are doing Nyc, Boston, and SF partly due to cooler weather.
  3. You’re supposed to piss on her foot. Duh. 
    I got smacked by two Jellyfish on my legs when I took a girlfriend fishing whilst catching bait. Pretty nasty welps, and I got the shakes and turned pale, so she asked is she should pee on me to help. That shit doesn't work but I entertained the idea for the lulz.

    I did have old school meat tenderizer on board, that we've carried for years, and that was a life safer.

    I did end up fucking her bent over the leaning post the next day. Her rod went off mid-coitus we finished up in a bit and reeled in a nice slot redfish.

    While we are on amateur First Aid, vinegar on fire ants is very helpful. The sooner the better as it neutralizes the venom. I get huge welps otherwise.
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  4. My wife stepped on one when and got hit on the ankle.  She's got a pretty high pain tolerance and it was clear she was in agony.  For future reference, the hospital filled a bucket with hot ass water, like 120 F and put her foot in it and it was instantaneous relief.  The heat breaks the toxin down.  If you get stung get whatever is stung in some hot water and you're good.
    Yeah when my brother got hit we immediately filled a bucket from water pump indicator stream ie the pisser on the outboard motot and that brought huge relief on the ride back in. He would wake up and have to soak it that night every few hours. The bigger problem was he waited to go to the Dr, as hes a dude, then went to a shitty clinic that didnt know the first thing about stingray attacks and got an infection that was hard to resolve and a bit scary especially as he was just in his twenties. High fever, return of pain, necrotic tissue. Sucked.

    Apply hot water right awat and Go to a good doctor or hospital just to be sure.
    • Hook 'Em 4
  5. 46 minutes ago, DixonHur said:

    To be fair, he's not saying he will get the documents back, just the boxes.  

    And who can blame him, boxes are expensive these days.

    Whats he gonna make a clubhouse?


    Fired on his day off.

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  6. Brings to mind a conversation I had the other day, wherein I realized that I’ve been stung by every damned stinging critter in texas….except a stingray (knock on all the wood). As I understand, even a smaller jab like that guy got hurts like an absolute motherfucker.
    Ex cop neighbor said he'd been stung by a stingray and shot with a 45. If he had to choose one to happen again he'd go with the 45.

    My brother went through hell when he was stung.
    • Hook 'Em 1
    I'm a bit concerned about the fishery.....been fishing POC since 97, I put in a lot of effort wading, topwater, spoon, croaker, whatever the situation called for, and up to the freeze, every trip was successful. Can't say that has been the case since. [mention=918]Mac8111[/mention] fair to say you're in the same boat too?
    It's been declining for a long time IMO.

    Its not the one thing, its the dismal tide. More pressure, more guides, and better technology. Used to be jack plates were a novelty and many flats were protected and inaccessible except for adventurous or hard core fuckers willing to walk or push a boat at times. I member, it was very fruitfal. You needed knowledge and experience. With Accurate Gps, drones, internet etc plus modern boats you can be an idiot and go just about anywhere easily and find whats left to catch with a bit of effort.

    - one Caveat, Harvey fucked up most of my preferred spots
    -second Caveat I tend to fish relatively close to Poc until I'm forced not too
    ~Third a lot of my crew relocated to Galvatraz so less intel.

    But I'm fortunate enough to get several guide trips a year with top guides, and they get skunked more frequently than ever. See Jay Watkins etc advocating conservation, and he used to try and kill em all.

    But it's inarguably harder. Large schools of fish are way less common. I'm smarter than I was 25 years ago and catch less. I do catch more 23-29 trout tho because I have more wading time
    • Hook 'Em 3
  8. So, are some of these shops selling actual weed now?
    If by selling "weed" you mean sell you shit that can get you higher than a cats ass; Yes. In gas stations even. "Actual weed" that term has gotten a bit complicated; I generally just buy in Cali or CO as I'm a low dosage, particular strains kind of user.
  9. Dunning-Kruger Effect on full display
    My kid's are tolerant and mostly progressive or unitinterested in politics. He's in Aisd. His cousins in Montgomery County are future Trumpers by and large save the smart few that got out and went to UT or out of state.
  10. Exactly 
    The "things will change when they die off" argument has always been invalid, but every generation, people keep saying it because enacting change is harder than letting someone else deal with the problem. 
    Also millions of new fucktards are minted every year. Go to any rural town, or Montgomery county, or Port A. See also Tex Ags. Or most every 20 year old blue collar guy be they white or Hispanic.
    I know more people that will vote for Trump than not, sadly.
    • Hook 'Em 1
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  11. Pepperidge Farms remembers acid rain and the hole in the ozone later and people took action to reverse course and it worked.

    Now we are back to arguing if its even possible for humans to alter the environment on this planet, not that we may or may not be impacting the climate, flat out its not possible. So no point in trying to reduce our fuckery. While Texas is enjoying smoke from Mexico. Plastic debris is Everywhere in the environment, but lets ban limiting single use bags even if our cotton is so contaminated with plastic trash blowing on the breeze that countries won't take our cotton or take it as a lesser value because it's so contaminated its not worth processing. Yay team.

    Hurr Durr.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  12. as someone who used to be married to crazy and then followed up that up with a double dip cone of crazy of a long-term gf (escaped that one too, thankfully), let he who hasn't fallen for crazy be the first to cast the first stone. that dgaf sex tho
    Are you me?
    • Haha 1
  13. Even as you drive north, past wine country on the way up to the Oregon border... it's still really beautiful. But also some really depressing dead/dying towns. Where hearing banjos playing in the background seems appropriate. 
    Lost coast is really affordable and gorgeous with very linited scattered pockets of hopelessness, decline meth/opiods. No different than Texas coast of other places in my experience, and in some ways better people in the small towns. SF is really bad for petty crime and theft right now but I grew up in Houston in the 80s. To me it's overblown. Homeless issue is out of hand, but if I was homeless anywhere in the US I'd take free bus fair to Cali for the weather. Urban camping paradise.
  14. Fished Poc Sunday and Monday. Great time but slow. I caught 4 nice trout 21-26 Sunday , but the rest of my group caught a very little, and mostly garbage on bait. My son grinded with a topwater and had a few rat reds to show but that's it. Often one bite per wade. yikes

    I could not find fish, worked and walked my ass and only found single trout here and there. The 26" was in maybe 12" of water, it burped up a slick and I smelled it and turned around, cast into the wind and stuck it on a jerk bait fished on top, saw it eat. That was cool, my son should have had that fish as I was fishing slightly deeper looking for school trout for our newbs but he fell behind. Maybe next time he will keep up.

    Monday over in West Matty with a sw wind was no bueno. I couldn't do shit right or find fish. Looked great, lots of birds and bait buy just a trout here and there but small. Pull up to action up close and it's ladyfish. Caught a gafftop on a skitterwalk in knee deep water. Weird day. Happens. Had fun, was humbled

  15. Except for impeachment, his pardon power is limitless 
    The current administration should do more to limit the executive branch instead of assuming the next guy in office will adhere to norms and not try to steal a fucking election and self-pardon. But here we are, praying Americans won't reelect a sexual predator lunatic and red states won't Continue to steal elections.
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