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Born to Run

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Everything posted by Born to Run

  1. Sun Tzu never got over Macho Grande they say. His war philosophy was not prepared for aerial combat.
  2. I'd kind a prefer an aging geezer that has a calm reflective demeanor that surrounds himself with competent professionals to do the work, to a deranged narcissist geezer with drug, rage and jealousy issues that can't hire anyone that is competent. Apparently I'm in the minority on that.
  3. These fake Christians clearly don't read the Bible
  4. I used to have to partially scuttle a shrimp boat in POC as part of hurricane prep. All that seawater in the forward hull sunk it to the shallow mud bottom and kept it from destroying the docks. Fun times
  5. Ah the mildly traumatic origin story to her journey into Crossfit.
  6. Could you maybe learn from that mistake and not forget that last step this time? Yankee ass jerkoff that spends hours daily on hair and make up, is idolized as a manly man champion for rednecks and blue collar guys nationwide. It's so fucking bizarre.
  7. And fuck his cross necklace on the outside of his pajamas to advertise his faith even though his faith explicitly says not to do just that.
  8. Prolly standing on a milk crate as well.
  9. I did fish Lake Austin right after the game at dusk on Sat. . I figured one last trip before it's cold. Glassy and quiet. Last week I SUPed a recon pattern around my neighborhood and found where fish were more likely. Went back last night with a 5 wt for blind casting into those spots with a fat grasshopper fly. Only had maybe an hour. Had a nice time and caught a lot of Very small bass and perch. Amazing sunset. Just dicking around. Hooked probably my biggest perch at dark 30, a nice slab blue gill, got him nearly to hand and a massive bass hammered him and then took me for a ride. Pulled my Sup probably 1/4 mile before she decided to spit the bait. Was really fun on the 5wt. I knew she would open her mouth and swim free, but getting towed around on a 5 wt by a bass that would make a tourney guy nut his shorts was fun. Realesed the blue gill after the fight, but he was pretty stressed out what with the ride in a bass's mouth/ stomach. Validation for going out dicking around. You never know what crazy shit will happen. Also one Osprey scored a catch right by me and a had flock of Blue Wing Teal moving through. Gorgeous night. I do recommend that technique for lakes. Paddle shorelines and find where fish hang out then revist and concentrate on high % spots and areas.
  10. My quote was a Nirvana Lyric. I thought it obvious enough given our high Gen X pop here. I harvest fish, but very carefully. And I'm all for more restrictive limits on the coast. I keep a few reds for dinner and have been releasing trout since the freeze unless they die before release. We flounder once a year with kids doing all the gigging. Other than that release. The coastal limits need to be more restrictive. Too much tech and guides fishing daily. There are less fish around and guides will admit that. Guys like Jay Watkin etc that study the fishery will tell you it's different. It's is . Less fish.
  11. Well that and the glacial speed that law proceedings move at is a wee bit frustrating. 4-8 years to get something through trial. Then another decade for appeals. Then actually enforcing civil penalties. Yall act like you are still using quills to communicate and having to traverse the many miles to ye old court house via horse and buggy.
  12. I saw an Alex Jones for president 2024 shirt at the gym tonight. Fat old white guy. Did not engage and could not even cropdust him sadly. Just stay away fat boy human personification of hot dog water Those alpha supplements or whatever, Do not counteract gravy apparently. If shit goes down I like my chances.
  13. It's okay to eat fish because they don't have any feelings.
  14. I don't know about that. Distrusting science, statistics or reputable news in favor of feelings and ancendotal evidence is a core principle of the GOP. Don't believe me, just ask them.
  15. Then you weren't paying attention. Trump just stumbled into that leadership role completely blindly. He's no Architect, or creator or thinker on Any level. He says shit and when people cheer he starts repeating it. That's it. This movement goes back decades. All the Robert Bork and Rush Limbaugh books that I threw out when my dad died say hi.
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