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Born to Run

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Posts posted by Born to Run

  1. Troph, I'd also suggest starting very early if blind casting shorelines particularly trout. Fish will often be tight to shore and skinny and showing signs at first light. By 8 they often get a little deeper or scattered and moving and much harder to target with a fly because its so much water to cover; but then you can switch to more sight casting or working lake shorelines and micro spots up shallow. Buddy of mine only fishes fly and when he goes with me he does best with this strategy. As morning progresses we may be a mile apart but both catching fish in different ways.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. I will say it seems like always the best strategy to catch is to cover a lot of water. Wading on your own without a boat is great fun but if that spot doesn’t have fish, you can cast til the sun goes down and you won’t get a bite. I probably waded 3 spots a total of 2 miles on foot either site casting (rare) or blind casting with a pattern almost like mowing the lawn. 2 miles x60 feet means I was tossing a fly across a lot of water.  In that time last weekend I had one verified red that’s it. Some black drum tails too. Fucking mullet tho… 
    Fly fishing Texas flats can be Very challenging. Even more so on foot. Kudos for grinding it out.

    Drum are hard to get to eat anything that doesn't stink- frustrating. You can walk a half mile and just about to be to fish when some Pendejo rips through in an airboat.

    I don't throw the fly as much as I want because I have to find fish so the people I fish with also find fish and catch some so I throw conventional 90% of the time especially once I had kids. Find the fish; put my rod away.

    I probably walked 2 miles Monday throwing mostly topwater conventional and landed zero slot sized reds. Tons of trout 16-23, kept a few for my buddy who likes to take home meat. I can cover way more water than fly fishing and blind cast miles of flats. But I caught zero over 20". Been fishing that area my entire life. No boat traffic. Zero slot reds.

    Fly fishing is so much harder, it's at times very cruel, but to see them eat and land one on a fly is next level. A 27 inch red on a conventional reel and top water is cool, but been there done that.
  3. There's a bunch of them not far from where you used to camp out and fish.  ANYTHING floating will hold them on calm, hot days.  DOA's or live shrimp, or nothing has been our experience.  They are fun to hunt in the doldrums of summer afternoons. 
    They like small live bait, jigs, bucktails and flies. They just don't like to move much off the structure in my experience. I'd choose a small mullet or shad over a late summer eating size live shrimp imo, a small shrimp would be first choice however. Smaller hooks too, dudes try and target with bigger offshore shit and it usually doesn't work. They Are like giant crappie. A small minnow or shrimp or lure right in the face or you aren't fishing.
    • Hook 'Em 2
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  4. I've fished my whole life various places in Texas and have STILL yet to catch a tripletail.  Good stuff.
    I have caught more nearshore and offshore than in the bay. In the bay they can get finicky and spook easily, and you generally need calmer days so it's hot as fuck and they stick tight to shade. But any floating weed patch or debris can hold them. Caught a bunch under a floating piece of plywood maybe a half mile off POC and few under sargassum inside the jetty. Clean like giant crappie.
    • Hook 'Em 1
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  5. "That's why we keep saying this" doesn't follow from your "yes."
    If y'all were paying attention, reading between the lines of what eg TwiceHorn is saying:
    Federal investigators have, and have had for a while, a recording of Trump admitting everything they need for a conviction. Federal investigators who are very, very thorough, and have a 90% conviction rate. Against a guy who is struggling to keep good lawyers and often hires inexperienced ones for their looks.
    At this point, any doubt about Trump getting convicted looks less like "don't give me hope" and more like parroting Kremlin propaganda. Because believe it or not, Moscow's social media agents work both sides. They want you to feel hopeless, so you won't act when needed.
    Of course, it could also just be that y'all are dumb as a bag of hammers.
    I'd believe that Trump would eventually face conviction in 3-4 years If he wasn't the frontrunner to be elected Potus. All it takes is a dip in the economy or a spike in gas prices and he likely wins, and then hes not getting convicted-ever. The slow ass justice system coupled with Trump's usual stall tactics makes the likelihood of conviction pretty small within the window we have. Then you have the GOP blatantly stealing elections, suppressing votes and Bragging about. Then you have Ken Paxton who was indicted in 2015 and still has not gone to trial.

    It's a razor thin margin here. The Republic may endure only because the Supreme Court went full 4 Loco with Roe, and women are pissed and will turn out in 24 to keep fat boy pussy grabber out of office despite the GOPs efforts to steal the election.

    I may be dumber than a bag of hammers, but I'm a UT grad. Consider how much dumber all the aggies and non college grads out there voting must be, especially compared to this board.
    • Hook 'Em 4
  6. Adults who make/collect Legos. I don't get it.
    But more baffling is $260 for an inoperable Lego Pac Man counter size "game" model that "works" by turning a crank to make Lego ghosts lurch along a track.
    An actual licensed playable Lego Pac Man counter video game, plus Galaga, is $40 cheaper.
    News flash: the sky is blue, and people spend money on dumb shit.
    My 16 year old son and I built a bad ass VW camper van and a Mustang in the evenings after homework and before bed. Relaxing way to end the day and shoot the shit.

    User name checks out.
  7. James VDB wasn't terribly political when he was consistently acting in Hollywood.  But a couple years in Dripping Springs will do this to a person.  Believe me, I watched my cousins move out there (our mothers were from Mexico) from Austin.  She was pretty apolitical.  Few years go by out there with a healthy dose of FoxNews and batshit neighbors, you'd be hard pressed to find a woman more anti-Mexicans than she.  I once reminded her, "Your mom is from Mexico, she worked until her dying days to help immigrants get help and educations!"  She's still pissed at me because I compared Herschel Walker to my sister because she has Down Syndrome.  Otherwise, I quit talking politics with her a long time ago.  
    I really think there is stuff in the water of certain municipalities.  
    The springs are shallow and the septic tanks numerous and not always well regulated.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. Can you imagine how boring life would be at 6 years old with all of your current knowledge. No pussy, and you couldn’t even spank your monkey.  You’d be spending 8 hours a day coloring.  I’d probably my just run out on traffic before I turned 7.
    Yeah that's a rather Faustian bargain. It would be challenging to make friends until early adulthood at minimum, if you raised daughters going back to high school is especially gross as well.

    10 million is enough for me to retire and travel. I'll take it.
  9. It takes some serious crazy eyes to be able to draw your gaze off of those great tits. But she’s done it. 
    Sign my dumbass up. I know better but I can't help myself.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. Lincoln went woke tho, and was shot by patriot Lee Harvey Booth who was a great patriot Founding Father that fought the war of Northern aggression and wokeness with the original AR (which doesn't stand for assault rifle) back before transgender beers were forced on us by woke media.

    Probably said seriously on our fine Redneck Reviera several times this weekend more or less.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  11. Snoopy first, Goofy and Clifford last. Definitely Clifford last. Nobody’s got time to pick up that amount of dog poop. And the Jar Jar Binks quality of Goofy would get old in half a second. 
    Plus Minnie is fucking Goofy. Gotta be loyal; bros before hoes.
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  12. Brian. Obviously. Snoopy for 2nd.
    Plot Twist hot shot.

    Scooby scored all the weed, lacking opposable thumbs, he relied on the gang to turn into his weed into snacks he could eat. He couldn't roll his own joints.

    Counterpoint he's lazy, and these days of edibles errwhere the gang is no longer necessary, so you better be cool af.
  13. And just dispel any rumors before they can spread that the audience is 100% white people…
    …I got a photo of the Asian fan in the audience. 
    I also saw that one black dude that plays bass in the parking lot and I believe on the street in Santa Cruz at the show inside, so extra diversity.
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