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Born to Run

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Everything posted by Born to Run

  1. This, for all the assholes who smugly claim elections don't really effect them because they don't earn enough, aren't brown, or female. Fuck you.
  2. You going to carry Ygifs torch and go on a wild bender?
  3. But some poor brown person unwittingly votes illegally once, and it's straight to the pokey.
  4. Local Maga precinct chair just knocked on my door. Had a golf cart with all the goofy flags including Vets for Trump. Told him I already voted; he then asked if I voted cruz and Trump. "Absolutely not, no way, Jan 6. Thanks for your service." He looked incredulous. You are white and didn't vote for Trump Had a big ass Doberman with him so I only spoke through the speakeasy. Never had a door knock before in 15 years of living here.
  5. Agree 100% except firing live rounds. Might as well do it now while Biden is still Potus. Word will get out.
  6. I hit two deer in one night returning from Santa Fe. I didn't stop as I was in the middle of nowhere near Brady. Why wake my wife and son up? The deer were toast. Truck was fine.
  7. Saw a dude with a "Dark Maga" shirt on yesterday with trump having the lazer eyes. They even grift and steal our memes. Unfunny, Uncreative dork ass losers.
  8. Forever ago, movie crossover to boost attention, wild outfits. All we lack is coffee table book for Todd Snider to casually check out.
  9. Don't wheeze the juice Mr Stoney, no wheezing the juice!
  10. Duh, primo is mexican for cousin. Ol Donnys saying it right.
  11. I deactivated my account. Don't have to see shit. Glitch fixed.
  12. Yeah I ate at the recently opened Four Points location (walked over from Discount tire)and got a massive case of food poisoning. From a salet. That location shut down Hard pass.
  13. Not me. I'm totally happy to go wherever you want to go in Europe. I'll wear whatever you want, carry your bags and be a perfect gentleman. *As long as you pay. The me paying part makes it a little too much like my marriage. And I'm already paying for that and the first go round.
  14. Was at an event with the wife today. Groups of girls: organized, respectful, cooperative, happy, positive and supportive. Boys: disruptive, rude, breaking shit, shit talking eachother, unsupportive, wild swings between joy and rage. vindictive.
  15. No empathy says the, checks notes, highly autistic sociopath.
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