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Born to Run

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Posts posted by Born to Run

  1. Not an ounce of shame among them. Unreal.
    To be fair, its easy to pause in quiet reflection in a hardened facility crawling with LEO that's safe from mass murders unlike our schools

  2. lol it ain’t just dudes

    TMI - I’ve had IBS for years but something about the hormone changes after 50 and the whole menopause debacle has made my gut lose its grip.

    Getting old sucks.
    Genuinely sorry to hear that. If my schedule gets off, it's so unpleasant. I had to go with a different protein powder as my normal was sold out and it was fucking awful. I had to carefully schedule gym and yoga for a few days. I can't imagine IBS.
    • Like 1
  3. That Tanya Donnelly just never ran out of side projects, did she?
    Went with a girlfriend in 93? to see Belly at maybe the Vatican. So hot, Tanya, not the girlfriend, it's hard Not to be vanilla at 17. My car was not broken into that night as I left the windows down after learning the hard way at find establishments like Katal Hyuk, Numbers, Fitz.

    No tampons were tossed around to my knowledge either, at that particular show, unlike the Cougar High show were Snow got jumped.
    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  4. That's just Muff IPA
    eta: I want to add that, during my course in life as a trauma nurse, I saw way worse dick hygiene among the general population as compared to vaginal hygiene. And that has carried through in my course in life as a sex nurse.
    PPS - filthy dicks are generally the cause of "smelly" vaginas. So clean your fucking junk, dudes
    That's my understanding as well, iirc bacterial vagenosis often is caused by another women's vaginal fauna* being introduced via a dirty dick. And dirty dicks cause UTI infections.

    Wasn't meaning to cast stones at vaginas, I'm a huge fan. I start each day with a freshly washed pecker, or johnson in the parlance of our times, over time in the Texas heat, that shit gets funky.

    *Vaginal Fauna opened for L7 on the 93 tour iirc.

    Typical derail on the Kid Rock thread I suppose.
    • Haha 1
    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  5. Meh. Some douche wants to call me a disingenuous pos cunt, he can have a nice reminder that at best we equal each other out. And let’s be honest, if he lives in TX, his vote doesn’t even count as much.  So, in short, fuck him.  I hope he thinks everyday about how awesome Texas is, and spends his time hoping we are turning purple, and that maybe someday, he’ll get to enjoy Texas, too.  And during that time, I’ll continue cancelling that purple vote right the fuck out.  
    We know, and you'll vote for people that further disenfranchise minorities and women. Your vote does count more because they will make sure opposing votes are not cast or are thrown out.
    • Like 1
    • Rage+1 1
  6. Cross posting from surly / music 
    stick around. Wet mode fucks 
    Further proof I'm still a child. My lady are at the point in our relationship where I'll make eye contact and let one rip, across the room because I'm a gentleman, and laughter will flow.
    • Haha 1
  7. thats-not-how-it-works-sceptical.gif
    You made me look

    Per Wiki:

    Dance poles may have two different modes, spinning and static. In the spinning mode, the pole uses ball bearings to spin. This mode can be used to complete more experienced pole moves, make moves easier to complete, and add a more dramatic effect to the move. Most spinning poles can also be fixed to the static mode where the pole cannot rotate. The static mode is regularly used when pole dancing is first taught to beginners.[19]

    The more you know/Gif
    • Like 1
  8. This little lady jumped like 5 times, zigged, zagged, stripped all the way in and said nope and took 50 feet of slack line again and I had to bring it in on the reel. Easily as much fun as a red, pound for pound way more. Just wish it was on a 6 wt not an 8 wt. 
    no my knees and elbows for that matter aren’t even a 6 - too much boon docking and roughing it out there to be pretty. So we can go ahead and get that out of the way. 
    Nice they are a blast. For awhile as I kid I was targeting the state record. Hooked some pigs but lost them, PB is around 4.5 lbs. Bigger ones will shred your tippet, even 30lb. When my kid still fished bait I'd always catch a couple for cut bait before heading to the redfish spot. Best cut bait in the world.

    You cannot strip too fast for them. They will also Destroy surface poppers.

    Heard the surf was on fire this morning. I had to work fml
  9. Yeah, there's definitely a gender element to it as well. But it's also completely generational.  My kids are clueless about maps, despite my efforts.
    God help them if they are ever trying to go somewhere new and lose cell service.  I'll have to send out a search party.
    Navigation is a learned skill. Many adults aided in me learning it. Be it by the sun or moon or stars, compass work, reading trail and terrain hiking or running a boat in heavy Fog off memorized headings and run times to find a duck blind in the dark. Lots of men taught me those skills.

    I didn't just hop out the Womb and start driving.

    We are all guilty for these kid's skill level being shit including myself. My 16yo sucks at driving. At 14 I could drive better and launch a boat, trailer a boat , saddle horses, gaff fish, catch bait, and serve cocktails better than he may ever be able.

    Different Times.
    • Like 2
  10. Just ended up at a hotel bar in California next to a guy from Temple who went to tons of good rock shows at the Austin Music Hall back in the day and then ended up being a Covid denier and a flat-earther. So that was fun. 
    He gave up the game really quickly though, when he admitted his dad died of “pneumonia” due to Covid and he thinks the hospitals were just being paid to say it was Covid. 
    There are a lot of broken people. He seemed like an ok guy. I had a couple drinks with him at the bar watching hockey and he was fine until his demons revealed themselves. 
    I've had that exact same experience in Port A, San Clemente, and Pittsburgh. I Highly recommend agreeing with them fully so you reach max altitude as soon as possible and know what you're dealing with. Buy em a few rounds and have some laughs, then ease out before it gets ugly.
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