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Born to Run

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Posts posted by Born to Run

  1. Just ended up at a hotel bar in California next to a guy from Temple who went to tons of good rock shows at the Austin Music Hall back in the day and then ended up being a Covid denier and a flat-earther. So that was fun. 
    He gave up the game really quickly though, when he admitted his dad died of “pneumonia” due to Covid and he thinks the hospitals were just being paid to say it was Covid. 
    There are a lot of broken people. He seemed like an ok guy. I had a couple drinks with him at the bar watching hockey and he was fine until his demons revealed themselves. 
    I've had that exact same experience in Port A, San Clemente, and Pittsburgh. I Highly recommend agreeing with them fully so you reach max altitude as soon as possible and know what you're dealing with. Buy em a few rounds and have some laughs, then ease out before it gets ugly.
  2. I just left a work lunch where we had a discussion about the maps issue with the younger generation. We have a new college grad in the group who was aghast when we were talking about navigating without GPS/GoogleMaps.  I was trying to explain to her about looking at maps, planning the trip ahead of time and then looking for highway numbers on street signs. 
    She looked like a lost puppy. 
    That's a common gender issue. Some people, often women, cannot read a map at all. They need step by step direction. My lady is Gen x and she Has to use the step by step function on Google maps with the map itself not on screen. Her brain doesn't process the map. This can lead her blindly following Google maps through all sorts of dumb assery. So, she drives, I navigate on trips. Unless she's premenstrual, which causes her to drive like a grandma then I do both.
    • Hook 'Em 3
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  3. Yes. Difference is you order the pizza online or calling it in, then picking it up in 15 minutes.
    At this place, people are looking at all the options, deciding what to get, and holding up the line behind them. The decision process should be made outside the line.
    The previous time I was there, they locked the doors because they didn't want anymore people coming in and ordering. Never been to a restaurant where they DIDN'T want people to come.
    Mod pizza does that here and it works fine for lunch, although I usually get the Salet which the serve up the same way-pick the ingredients and dressing and they toss it up. Works fine, not the best, not the worst lunch.
    • Hook 'Em 1
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  4. I don’t think anyone is whipping ass. Looks like a deadly stalemate currently. Although Russia is closer to winning imo.
    Today we found out Ukraine has less than a month’s fuel and needs more weapons to launch its counteroffensive that was supposed to give supporting countries confidence that the tide was turning. 
    I’m going to head out now, so y’all can shake your pom poms without fear of any divergent thoughts. 
    My bad fellas I had one of those crusty winter time boogers whilst riding my BMX bike back in 86, and launched a gnarly snot rocket onto the curb thus giving birth to this poster. my bad man
    • Haha 8
  5. So, do you just go stand at 24th and San Antonio and ask all the passers by, "Got any shrooms?"
    Some therapist will prescribe them.
    Cow shit ones are hard to dose.

    I just ask my friends and stock up on various types when someone harvests. Sometimes I microdose. Sometimes I take a low dose with friends, sometimes I need stronger dose to get through some stuck attitudes or issues. Maybe every 3 months or so.
  6. The only reason it’s been a rough year with regards to this war is that I think it’s clear we are going to have commit a lot more to it than people here are assuming. And that makes the range of outcomes bigger outside of being just a local conflict. I guess we’re all going to all find out. 
    I don’t look for Russian good news, I just marvel at the pretzels people twist themselves into here. 
    Ukrainian ammo depot blows up.
    They were doing Ukraine a favor! They couldn’t even get rid of those old weapons! Surely there was nothing new or useful there!
    Bakhmut finally falling. 
    Oh now they’re going to pinch them from sides! 
    Patriot system damaged. 
    That was just falling debris! They shot every single thing down!

    I like free lining a big mullet for Ling, but I don't think I care for your tone or your severe oversimplification and distortion of matters here sir.
    • Haha 2
  7. All that’s needed is a good guy with a gun…and a tourniquet and Quickclot pads.
    My son has a small first aid kit in his school backpack. Mostly moleskin and bandaids for sports, but also quick clot pads just in case.

    So fucked up.
    • Rage+1 2
  8. You don't like to fish while sitting in a pile of your shit?
    One time we were offshore about 45 miles and it was HOT AF.  I was getting ready to jump overboard to cool off and the biggest hammerhead I've ever seen to date appeared right along the port.   I'm almost certain I have not cooled off in that manner since.  I understand the odds, but still. 
    I swim out there all the time, I just don't do so while we have bait in the water, except the time when I was 15 and had to clear a net in the prop on a shrimp boat. It's pretty easy to tell a sharks skin from a fish even in shitty visibility. That's not fun, but open ocean is fine. I once had to change a fuel filter below deck and got sick as fuck from the gas fumes. Quick dip and I was right as rain. Completed the trip too. Cut rope out of the wheels many times- that shit sucks because inherently bait is usually around. Always bring a mask but still haven't seen a whale shark.

    We once hooked a mako on a big ass live hard tail that almost came in the boat, at night, Fuck That.
    • Hook 'Em 3
  9. Watched a short clip where the British PM was welcoming Zelensky in a room where Churchill made some of his war-time speech and I’m struck by one thing:
    Churchill literally spent his entire adult life preparing for that moment.
    Zelensky was a freaking comedian and actor that became a president and now all of a sudden finds himself leading a war for his people’s survival. AND. HE. HAS. BEEN. NAILS.
    He has been exactly the leader his people needed him to be. The dude stepped up to the plate in a way very few in history have.
    Well said, and in an age if instant media while juggling a war and all of his partner's skeptical red lines and limits on aid (and wide array of internal politics inherent with those partner's shifting political winds). While his people are dieing. While surviving plots to kill him, constant missle attacks, and genocide.

    Few men were up to this task and able to do so without losing there fucking shit and screaming "Hurry the fuck up!!!" and instead pleading for weapons and aid . Being able to navigate certain former Chancellors or Presidents without absolutely coming through the phone with rage is impressive in and of it self.

    He can play my piano with his dick anytime, I'll hire someone to clean it if I must.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. I'm appalled a member of Ukraine's Supreme Court has been arrested for receiving scandalous benefits up to $3 million USD as part of a larger corruption scheme among the court's leadership and judges. That such a thing could happen. 
    The good news is we're finding this out as he's under arrest.
    I don't think we can throw too many stones here, at least thier corruption is being resolved.
    • Hook 'Em 4
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    • Rage+1 1
  11. If nobody "GAF" then why is gang-land Chicago consistently parroted by hard-core gun proponents as an example of responsible gun law measures? (I would argue the "nobody" part of your argument. I think a certain segment of our society does not care. I'll give you one guess which segment that is. We can argue all day long how best to curb that violence but as long as you've got crippling poverty, you're going to have a segment that seemingly has no other alternative to get by than slinging drugs and playing the gang game.)
    Chicago is brought up to prove the point that we need more white people with guns to deter black people from committing crimes and being all uppity.

    Same weak shit when anything happens in a D area. Torrential rain in California means Dem Are Incompetent. (It matters not when Florida is hammered by a hurricane months later.

    This sort of conservative thinking may be racist, bullshit, but it is an intellectual step above the more common "well I don't know I just feel that way"
    • Hook 'Em 3
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  12. Not in an hoa was pretty close to the top of the list of things I wanted last time I looked for a house.
    I'm in a neighborhood with a very weak Hoa outside COA, be careful what you wish for.

    I suggest matching HOA to your personality. Do you go nuts if your neighbors don't arrange for thier cans to be off the street and hidden by 9 pm on trash day? Lakeway might be for you.
    • Like 1
  13. Well, we were too drunk to go fishing in lieu of starving, so there is that. 
    Yall heathens need to go Dublin and repent your anti Irish attitudes. Fine people. Singing Country Roads at 1 am at a bar was a fine experience, celebrating the first Astros WS ring on a bus at 4 am heading to the airport with a bunch of Dubliners heading to work who were happy for me was even finer.
    • Hook 'Em 5
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  14. Fv45Zm7aQAAEocQ?format=png&name=small
    Wrong! He'd go full rage and slam old fat orange boy on a money changer folding table full WWE style then flex, then turn all the water into domestic lager low in calories and smash a few and chug them, and then chug a protein drink because the heavily father provides spiritual nourishment but gainz is life bro.
    • Haha 1
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