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Born to Run

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Everything posted by Born to Run

  1. You live in Belle's Beach Australia? Whoa!
  2. Enjoy the forcible self-taint eating party. It's what is best in life.
  3. I don't think I want to party with you cowboy. I guess if Trump takes you out with him, he wins again. Nah dog
  4. Lotta optimistic people up in here presupposing that Donald dies before we all do. That's likely, but not a lock. He'd kill us all to be the last man standing in his potus bunker and that's still very possible. It's kinda what he's worked his entire life for. I'll spike the ball when the game is over. Thank you. @ygifs , you ever done the death of a former Potus on shrooms man?
  5. Well it would ideal if we could end the war without so many dead Russians but they appear to be rather unconcerned and fatalistic about it from the top down. Lots of Telegram posts about " we have broken guns, shitty food, no plan, and we will likely all die but we aren't pussies and are going forward with our shovels.
  6. This is where I'm at. Most all of our global adventures were horrible failures and costly, excepting when we prevent or reduce Genocide. Ukraine was invaded by Russia, a country that explicitly declared Genocide on them then started murdering people. Pretty easy calculus when they openly state thier intentions.
  7. No we are left with the cult members. Smaller audience but all in. A lot of the OG Trumpers, like my brother, put the Red Hats away and are "too busy to pay attention to politics". It actually works well for the GOP, as people like him vote straight R and are uniformed as to the ghouls and hideous fuckery they vote for.
  8. I met a chick there once, accidently.
  9. Driving like your hauling explosives hoping it don't skip at the railroad crossing.
  10. The freedom to be bigoted malignant assholes without consequences.
  11. You do realize you'd be two hours from Tahoe right? I can think of worse travel destinations.
  12. They are the loser weirdo kids from high school all grown up still hating anything popular.
  13. He won't until enouugh rise up enough to matter. Populaces under authorities regimes tend to flip all at once.
  14. Medical professionals can help remove the crayons from your nose. Clown.
  15. Being the bigliest forest service expert ever, he is as usual, ahead of you. You rake, then remove dead trees, then flood the area with free available water to prevent fires. This is theoretically possible in The Fourest* in Central Park or Flourida* which is his entire world view, so it must work in the mountain west. Old manly bro has never been anywhere his base lives. *I hate how Yankees pronounce these words. Nyc is bad enough, Philly folk burns my ears.
  16. Do you know how much a complete border wall would coats. Do you want one running through BBNP?
  17. I put my chorizo in my wife's taco before breakfast so this hits close to home.
  18. It's a pretty immersive experience. Old broads, old films clips, old film quotes, AOL talk and FWD FWD emails from an old man that randomly capitalizes words.
  19. It's QVC Home/ Shopping Network run through a malignant narcissistic person. He can't help himself. Best ever, bigly quality, a deal never seem before, act now! God damn devil. And people still use TDS. Bro, his sins are all there, no need to be deranged. Rapist, Crook, Clearly he lies about everything like a fire hydrant. But we are overreacting or deranged? Run the tapes.
  20. Probably unrealistic, but maybe they want to shorten thier interaction with him, in a losing case, with a client that can't help but act against his own interest, and gtfo as quickly as possible while getting paid something. I have no idea why anyone would represent him at this point.
  21. I, personally, have the higher ground where I live, with an easy shot up to 300-500 yards from most all directions of attack so bring it on dorks. More accurately bring on the drone strikes when they attempt the next coup; they've been shittting all over military brass. They lost the Civil War, they lost thier guerilla war via the KKK, They lost on Jan 6, and they will lose next time too.
  22. I found out all I need to know about SEC fans in Omaha two years ago. Complete trash. MSU fans piss drunk and getting ejected around a bunch of kids. Piggy fan getting up in my face yelling and doing horns down nearly got knocked out reflexively. I wasn't mad, it was just so aggressive and sudden. And Arkansas didn't even make it to Omaha. Every other fan base was cool as shit, and it's Omaha not football vs a rival. I hate the move, but $$$.
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