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Born to Run

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Posts posted by Born to Run

  1. You know what middle age is? Sitting around waiting for the fucking rain and putting the radar loop on refresh every 15 mins. 
    Fuck those putos 
    Word to that. I was sure it would have rained enough to fuck up the mountain bike trails or rivers for fishing when I planned my Friday. Nada. I had the afternoon off and no kid or lady friend, and instead of doing that, I'm doing ding repair on surfboards and Sups and checking the weather in my garage with a dry ass yard as well.

    Come on Rain, your wife says you only got an inch, don't last long and do not satisfy.
    • Haha 1
  2. I really think the psychological studies are going to be nuts. I think it comes down to wealth inequality and the leaving behind of the rurals by the corporations. We all remember when Walmart started coming into small towns and putting local businesses under. This is the result. People are angry that their lives aren’t what they thought they would be and they need something to blame. 
    They should get some bootstraps.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. Nobody blamed Trump for the coronavirus. It’s stupid to think that. They blamed him for his rank incompetence when it came to dealing with the pandemic. That was well deserved because he fucked that shit up monumentally. His reality tv presidency finally ran into a real crisis that he couldn’t just bullshit people into believing wasn’t happening. He was exactly the wrong person to have in the White House to deal with that disaster. Hundreds of thousands of Americans died needlessly because of his inaction,  lies, and mixed messages. 
    A large percentage of the electorate votes on a variety of stupid tangential shit that's partially or wholly unrelated to the office of the president. Gas prices, global economy, pandemic, my sports team lost FJB! It's alarming that elections often hinge on external circumstances but it's not new.
  4. these people voted for him in 2020 as well.  if we get the same turnout as 2020, we win.  there's no fucking way he's gaining supporters.  all the covids and almost-deads from 2020 are gone and there's no way he's picking up steam with people just turning 18.
    i'm sure we'll see some bullshit about how much money he raised last night and how "46% are from first-time contributors".  the fuck outta here.
    Trump lost because of Covid. That Covid existed was not his fault, and shouldn't be blamed on him. People are stupid. (Please let discuss his response it doesn't matter)

    If the Gop fucks the debt ceiling and destroys the economy Biden will lose. No matter what he does, he's toast in a recession. It's stupid but true. The fate of our republic hangs on a lot of variables yet to be determined. That sucks.
    • Rage+1 3
  5. I couldnt even get past the Sunday School thing as an adult. 
    I personally prefer deep dives of Bible study to Sunday service. History, study of scripture is more interesting and illuminating to me than singing and shit.

    That said I rarely make time.

    Also I'm extremely skeptical of church folk and have found some real pieces of shit hiding inside the church. Criminals etc that, maybe, turned it around and are just innately lazy, or maybe ran out of grifts to run in the professional world.
  6. Yeah, I'm still unpacking the "Young Single Adults Sunday School Class." With the married minister. I'll let you know when I figure that part out and can move on to the rest of the post.
    So, like, are they directly trying to hook people up with each other there? What's the cutoff for "young"? Are you deemed unworthy once your reach 30? Did statsman meet his fiancee in the class and was this allowed to stay on as a success story?
    After my divorce, I bounced around to a bunch of churches trying to find a good fit. They swarmed my ass, and having my kid every other weekend, meant I got hit with Singles and Divorced Singles "support groups."

    I'm not unconvinced that they also sent attractive ladies to sit next to me during service to make introductions.

    A filthier human could make serious hay bouncing around churches.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. Say what you will but at least "better than a democrat" is an honest answer.  The guy had no policy though.  You ask his acolytes to cite one and they can't.  Because the guy didn't have any.  Yeah, they passed some legislation but it was all McConnell's ideas.  Tax cuts and judicial appointments.  Any other Republican could have done the same thing with less baggage and bullshit.  Gerald Ford's corpse could have gotten that shit passed.  Trump, himself, has zero fucking ideas.  I guess we should be thankful for that.  He liked to talk and be adulated.  But the guy has no fucking ideas or plans.  One day he woke up and was like, "Hey, I like steaks and water.  What about Trump Steaks & Trump Water?"  And he still fucked that up.  
    His followers are like "Office Space"
    "Hey, what would you say your favorite Trump policies are?"
    -Oh, I like 'em all about the same, I guess. 
    "Oh man!  I am the exact same way!"  
    A lot of his supporters like the wall and cruelty to immigrants. That alone is enough for them.
  8. SpaceX?
    If he finds himself booted out of Tesla like what happened when he was kicked out as PayPal CEO, I'd imagine the first thing that gets chopped is the fucking CyberTruck and then the CyberShovels.
    I can't see a planet, Even Texas, where he can so robustly fuck all environmental laws and societal norms of decency and just thumb his nose generally at public safety so flippantly and people let it slide....
    A reckoning is coming.

    I feel like he's about to rightfully, get his balls sued off for his Rocket party on the beach in Boca Chica. We kinda already went through the whole unchecked capitalism thing bro.
  9. Wow. I had no idea bass ate aquatic bugs on the surface like trout. I assumed they would come up and hammer a hopper (or anything else that would make a splash), but had no clue they would sip big mayflies or other insects floating on the surface.
    They eat fucking everything. Total garbage disposals like all fish some days. I've been on camping trips where guys want a few bluegills etc for Catfish. Pretty quick and easy work with small flies then some 3-4 lb bass charges in like Leroy Jenkins to a fight. My second biggest bass was on a Small hopper targeting bluegill for brunch. Around 8 lbs.
    • Drool 1
  10. Exactly. I think he knows that if he caves then the Elmo fanboys that have been keeping Tesla's stock so overvalued will bail from both Twitter and TSLA and then it's all over. Meaning he will still be a billionaire but won't have his toys anymore.
    That's the end game, he's just a fucked dude trying to save a dead marriage; except his efforts are more cringey than the cringey shit that collapsed the marriage in the first place.
    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Like 2
  11. And, it does go to show you that a jury will "convict" Trump.   Even though Manhattan is about as anti-Trump as you can get (DC I'd think is worse for him), the royal we constantly worry about a magat slipping in ans spiking the thing.  Didn't happen here on what could be regarded as a pretty flimsy case.
    That is my victory for today, Pretty hard case to win, and it went well. Hoping the football isn't yanked by a Maga Juror on the others. Fortunately they tend to self identify and can't shut the fuck up. Cults do follow leaders, hoping they All find out.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  12. I hope he blathers so much shit that someone else sues him again.

    And I hope CNN is a co-defendant.

    Fuck them for giving him a platform.
    No fucking shit. It's one thing for me to be infinitely curious about the antichrist hijacking our country via a insane cult. Sure I check social media to see what TFG said. It's quite a bit different than "serious" outlets that keep pumping oxygen on this dumpster fire.

    I suppose encouraging him to self-encriminate might be a noble strategy if they have the hubris to do it, And avoid the mealy-mouth norm following shit NPR does- "what do you suppose President Trump meant by grabbing them in the pussy". Ugh he was bragging about being a serial sexual rapist, that is just tossed aside and no longer important. Dude brags about sexually assaulting women, two dozen come forward, recieves a 5 million dollar settlement and 40% of the country is swapping memes that Joe Vanilla Ice Cream basic ass Biden is the real Pedo.

    Kinda frustrating Jack.
    • Hook 'Em 3
  13. I don't think I know one person under the age of 40 who would vote for Trump over Biden. 
    May want to add Trump being a convicted felon (how many times over?) by November 2024 to the calculus. 
    My Ex Wife's nieces in Montgomery Co are all Trumptards. Save one, but she went to UT and didn't go back. 24-33. No picts.
  14. A few weeks ago I was in Lowe’s and I saw a man carrying (hiding) a nice sized box under his jacket under his left arm. As he walked by I just stopped and stared at him. I then turned and followed him out of curiosity down another aisle. He finally started towards one of the exits and I caught the eyes of a couple of employees and pointed him out. They all nodded at me with acknowledgment. As he approached the door they casually walked that way as well. Once he was at the door he bolted and all they did was watch him run. They told me that it is their policy to not confront or chase shoplifters because of the danger that it may present.
    The whole thing just pissed me off.
    Back in the day my old ass uncle got arrested for shoplifting at the Home Depot on 610 North in Houston. He bought a bunch of shit, but had put $35 worth of shit in his pocket, as his arms were full, and forgot to dig them out to pay. Class B misdemeanor as Class C at the time was $25 ( or whatever). Spent most of the night in jail over it.
    Saw the same store parade around a dude that attempted shoplifting and got caught, with a "I'm a shoplifter" sign around his neck as some sort of penance instead of calling the cops. Bizzare.

    In West Austin these days I routinely have to wait for a cashier to even appear- at the CVS, Lowes, Corner store. I could steal all sorts of shit, walk out with whatever, or only self check half my shit and no one gives a fuck. Crazy.

    I guess the liability and costs of preventing shrinkage is factored into operating costs and they've found cheaper to let shit slide. Or maybe most people are pretty honest.
  15. The Ticket is the ticket and there is nothing like it. 
    The Horn tries to tell me about liberty hill girls basketball. #Flex. They have/had pretty good talent with Bucky/Erin/Rod. The over the top local thing is a beating tho. That and weed man USA and camp bow wow. “Had lots of weeds, not anymore”. 
    Flex would be okay in limited efficient doses without all the talk about the talk we are about to talk about. Or maybe just on Craig's show. Granted I have a high school athlete at the moment.

    Turns out Weed Man did not provide the services I was hoping for. They wanted to work in my yard.
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