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Born to Run

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Posts posted by Born to Run

  1. Nope.  Makes you think about sitting back down and just throwing them legs up under the console after a long wade though…
    I had a smallish rattlesnek try slither up my leg in the middle of the fish pond. He was 100 yards from shore and clearly looking for any dry place. Damn near broke my rod fending him off. My buddy watched the whole thing and about died from laughter.
  2. They were still there en masse a couple of years ago.  Hit a nice spring day at the airfields and you’ll have your pick of rattlers hanging near the tarmacs.  I know pigs can swim like crazy, but I’ve seen hogs on some of the tiny little spoils with not much of anything close.  Crazy. 
    Snakes are thick on the Pennisula for sure. Crossing over to surf or surf fish is an adventure and they rarely rattle. Hogs are some swimming bastards they haul ass. Deer too. I once saw an 8 point buck crossing by the cost guard station and he was moving even with those skinny ass legs. I saw a bobcat swim across army cut and he looked less than majestic when got to land. Pathetic looking and annoyed.
  3. ^
    this.  He's a good guy with an ambitious legislative agenda who answers the question, "What if we ran somebody less accomplished than Beto with far less campaign trail appeal and 10x less name recognition.  Is that anything?"  
    You run one of the Castros, Nirenberg, Wendy Davis, or Watson.  Or don't bother.  I wouldn't fault any of the five of them for opting not to run.  If you're just looking for a place holder under the pretense of looking competitive, than yeah-run Roland.  And you may as well run him again in 2026 against Cornyn.  There is a way around Cruz through an R primary but few have the stomach for it.  
    YGIfS continues to be a GOP operative and supports the machine in Every way yet clowns on the Democratic Party having a shallow bench (fair enough).

    Insert -Principle Skinnner is it me? meme
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  4. I'm really tired of your constant attacks against Twice, who always provides very good legal analysis. The result of that analysis isn't based on what Twice wishes to be true. Your argument is exactly like when Trumpers condemn scientists for explaining how things like global warming and vaccines work. 
    You're generally a good poster. You need to get over this stupid vendetta. Because, it is extremely stupid and unbecoming of you. 
    Thanks for posting this. Agreed 100%. I'm also for any contrarian shit that is in good faith, which is in short supply supply these days. Especially the "good faith" portion of that.

    Thanks again for all your patience, resilience, and honesty Twice. Sincerely. We need you; I know it's a lot of crimes to comment on.

    Working in shifts etc....
    • Hook 'Em 3
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  5. Yep, this.  I keep it on the low setting which is much gentler on the eyes than a cell phone display (even if turned down low itself).  It's a warmer amber color than a cell phone.  And I don't have to worry about my old-school alarm clock sending me a damn amber alerts for Pampa at 3:20am.  And as somebody else stated, it guides you back to bed to avoid stubbing a toe, after a midnight piss.  
    In most hotels, I'll usually use the nightstand bose thing they all seem to have for a little music in the morning and then an alarm at bedtime.  Caveat though is always check to see the thing is set to the appropriate local time.  I mean the hour is always right, but those things are somehow like 7 minutes off smartphone time.  
    They make watches. I usually wear a Nixon. Can check the time without fully waking up. Alarm is set.

    I suppose I travel a lot.
  6. I'll actually take this seriously. It won't destroy us because we're an interesting part of the universe...unless it decides we're a threat to something else interesting to the universe, a goldilocks zone planet that supports millions of different life forms, and is a threat to those life forms. Or perhaps a long term threat to the universe who knows?

    What I do know, of course that dipshit would simplistically just assume his artificial intelligence would think just like him. It's not as simple as forcing it to read your tweets, knob. 
    I mean we are actively destroying every aspect of the planet and ending species at an alarming clip. We can also fire off some nukes and wipe out most life on the planet. Shouldn't take AI very long to figure out we are pretty big threats....

  7. Not in MAGA land. The laws flat out don’t apply to them, every accusation is a confession…all that shit you’ve heard before.
    Now now this isn't true sir.

    Let's check the facts.

    Grooming and child molestation, ahh fuck never mind.
    Corruption in media? Fox is being sued balls deep? Fuck.
    Russia hoax! Fuck
    Oh the NRA took Russian money and is Corrupt as fuck. Fuck
    Turns out women occasionally need reproductive care. Fuck
    Let's look at GOP platform for what are values and issues Really are. What do we stand for. Fuck

    Holy fuck can we discuss Hillary again or Bengazi??? That's a winner!
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