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Born to Run

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Posts posted by Born to Run

  1. Not in MAGA land. The laws flat out don’t apply to them, every accusation is a confession…all that shit you’ve heard before.
    Now now this isn't true sir.

    Let's check the facts.

    Grooming and child molestation, ahh fuck never mind.
    Corruption in media? Fox is being sued balls deep? Fuck.
    Russia hoax! Fuck
    Oh the NRA took Russian money and is Corrupt as fuck. Fuck
    Turns out women occasionally need reproductive care. Fuck
    Let's look at GOP platform for what are values and issues Really are. What do we stand for. Fuck

    Holy fuck can we discuss Hillary again or Bengazi??? That's a winner!
  2. I think some minds actually are changing. Specifically, middle class and upper middle class white women who’ve generally voted Republican because they thought the GOP was just using abortion to drum up votes. And they figured that even if Roe was overturned, THEIR daughters would still be able to get an abortion, so who cares? But with the GOP passing full and 6-week bans and going after mifepristone nationwide, the leopards are eating their faces now and they really don’t like it.
    That's my experience with women in Lakeway. It was always whores and blacks having chronic abortions and a lot of " I never thought it would happen to us".
  3. 1) I didn't clean up shit at that time.
    2) It was far, far worse than the nastiest shit I have cleaned up.
    3) The nastiest shit I have cleaned up was in my son's diaper, not at work.  Damn, he had some disgusting turds.  I know we didn't feed him anything that nasty.
    On this Sunday let us revel in the mystery of Shit. How can xyz In be so foul coming out. The lord works in mysterious ways indeed.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. my feet have never felt cold while skiing, or otherwise being outside in winter.
    then i realized it might have to do with my recent occurrence that ive got no sensitivity in my goddamn toes.  the outside half of my 2 big toes, they have a slight tingle-to-numb feeling when i run my nails over them.  theyre normally looking toes, not completely calloused or anything, so i dont know when this started or for how long. its as if theyve got flash frost-bitten or something.
    ya'll have full sensitivity around your entire toe?
    I buy really quality socks and have my own ski and snowboard boots because my feet freeze. Also my hands get cold easily but my core does not and my helmet vents are almost always open.

    No idea what that means tho
  5. I have 3 Yuenglings that have been in my fridge for fucking ever that someone left behind . At one time I had 4 of those bad boys, until I gave them a try. I did not finish ol #4 and used the rest as a trap for slugs. I suspect the last three will meet a similar fate unless a Yankee Maga Bil rolls through. He lives in Philly , loves drinking that piss, and rolling his buggers into balls, and maybe some light domestic violence afterwards too. But he's kinda not invited anymore so if yall need free beer hmu..

    I'd rather be dry forever than drink that shit.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  6. And let's stick a fork in the double standard:  12 year olds are too precious to view Michelangelo's David, but they're not too old to get legally boned by a pedophile.
    These micro dicked freaks just don't want kids having unrealistic notions of penis size before they try to molest them.
    • Haha 2
  7. Getting thrown out of the [checks notes] LEGO Store to own the libs.
    Soooo, my buddy moved to Harper/ Fredericksburg during the pandemic with his kids. Semi progressive and his wife is half Mexican but they look white af, but two of the kids are pretty feral and tan easily and look kinda brown (despite having blue eyes). Moved this winter break because it was unbearable. Racism, outright misogyny, let's go Brandon shit etc.

    Out there, and this is anecdotal, they encourage dating in grade school. Kids are dating and kissing in 3rd grade. This is pushed Hard by parents. He found it unsettling compared to Aisd. My kid I think is straight, but hasn't dated much really. And that's okay, and typical of his peers. It's His life.

    Add grooming to every accusation is a confession. If they get pregnant on thier first experience of intercourse they lock in vanilla sex for life like mom and dad did!

  8. Ah yes, the hating God who hates his creatures. Why don't more people want to be Christians? Doesn't God also hate slothful people, Victoria. Like your fatass? 
    I mean his son basically said, if yall dumb fucks get confused, remember to love one another. It's pretty front and center.

    Love one another. Just as I have loved you, you must also love one another” (John 13:34

    Ol Victoria clearly wasn't acting back in the day. Dumb as dirt and now ugly af inside and out.
    • Hook 'Em 4
  9. Self help books get a bad rap. You can actually learn some things about how to be a better human from time to time from them.
    All joking aside I've had great success with a variety of self-help books especially unwinding some serious anger issues. Best investment I ever made. Probably made more progress on my own than in therapy and I spent a lot of time and treasure there too.
  10. They've been great for me.  Helped me be a better human, less neurotic, no more fear of public speaking.  I'm chill.   But, when someone cuts in line at the airport, I'm still pissed
    Have you tried the self help book that shows you how to make a lethal dart from a common ink pen?
    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Like 1
    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  11. I agree and take it a step further. I will only eat a steak if it’s a bone-in ribeye. I’ve gone to many corporate and social functions with a set menu and when it’s a choice between the filet mignon or the chicken or fish, I’m never choosing the filet. Why waste the red-meat allowance of cholesterol and fat on anything but a medium-rare bone-in ribeye, I say.
    Because one can get a really fucking high quality well marbled NY strip or Porterhouse as well???
    • Like 2
  12. Other than my in-laws, who are cattle ranchers (or were before retirement), I don't trust anyone who eats a steak well-done.  A1's not a big deal to me, I don't like it, but it's not a deal-breaker.  But yeah, its usage typically follows a poorly cooked steak.  That, or ketchup.  I honestly don't get it.  What's the point of eating red meat if you're gonna turn it into a wallet with shitty sauce on top to take the edge off the fact it tastes like ass?  Why not just eat something different and save yourself the calories, heartburn, and cholesterol?  If you're gonna do a steak, go big or go home.  They just sit down to these charred, dark brown hunks of shit, like 4 days a week just to eat "Beef."  And it looks fucking miserable.  At least they use A1 and not ketchup anymore, but still.  
    Is it just as you get older?  Because I used to go medium rare, and now medium rare+ or medium.  I guess if this continues, I'll do well done after 70 years old?  But who goes through the trouble and expense of a steak to get it served like rubber dog shit covered in crap sauce?  
    Well done steak is the same deal as Mc Donald's "food". Its just a sauce delivery vehicle. Try eating a Big Mac dry or a plain chicken nuggets. Zero flavor at all. Pure trash. It's only edible if your Tremendous pallet and Huge appetite and Bigly knowledge of food favor ketchup.
  13. "delicious"
    If you have this in your house, I ain't eating there.
    Cool bro, my girlfriend likes it on her steak and I like sexing her. One less perfect steak I have to cook over mesquite reverse sear and finish with butter.
  14. What Perry was expressing on social media and in texts with his friend Holcomb is no different than what thousands of right-wingers have been openly expressing and normalizing for years now via their wartime Come And Take It flags and decals. It's not "I wish to live in peace but shall regretfully have to shoot you if you infringe what I believe are my rights". It's "I HOPE you infringe on what I believe are my rights so I can kill you and my fellow Americans".
    "I hope one of those woogy boogy son bitches step on my property so I can shoot that jungle ass saggy pant wearing dancing eating all the chicken."

    It really is Just a racist dream of many many people.

    I think my brother's racism stems from getting his ass whipped by some black dudes in school for a couple years and never getting even. Full stop a life time of voting R because he ran in the regular classes with dumber people including his white trash friends and only experienced black folks that whipped his ass.

    I got into fights with a whole rainbow coalition of folks so I realize there are assholes of every race, especially drunk girls from Laos. The will scratch your fucking face off.
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