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Born to Run

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Posts posted by Born to Run

  1. Fished the Guad with a guide for trout finally. I learned more today than I think I've learned in any single day fishing. I fucked up on a really solid fish and pinched the line just as it surged. If its A redfish and I survive that fuck up. Some dumb instinctual stupidity and broke off like a clown. Humbling. Inspiring. Can't wait to go back.

    Did get two on dry flies missed several

    Caught plenty.

    I suspect I'll dream more about that trout than than any saltwater fishI lost recently. Except maybe that plus 30 trout I lost in Galvatraz last summer.

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  2. I miss the Texas Burger....but doesn't the Moo-Moo kinda take it's place, what with a menu that includes fried gizzards and fried okra?  Doesn't get much better "drive back from fishing" than that.
    I do too, many meals there, and that Whataburger in Victoria is slower than hammered shit and wildly inconsistent. . I hit the one in Port LaCaca now with an online order.
  3. Aren’t conservatives supposed to be the ones who care about the military and veterans?   Huge disconnect on this. Why vote against getting veterans the help they desperately need?
    That also pisses me off to no end. The only support they have is a shit load of guns to blow thier fucking brains out and or eachother's after they serve. Get born; get forgotten, unless you serve, then get parades until you are out and a special parking spot at Lowes, then get fucked is the SOP.

    I do what I can to help, but it's pretty discouraging.

    Be kind to your blue collar folks like the cable guy, they likely got fucked up in our jobs program over in the ME.
  4. Every legislative session in Texas veterans storm the capitol hoping to get access to legal medical marijuana because it’s much easier on their bodies then the cocktail of drugs doctors prescribe to help with ptsd or war related injuries. Mothers of children with epilepsy come to the capitol to try and get access to legal marijuana for their children because nothing else has worked.
    Overwhelming evidence is presented in favor of the benefits of medical legalization and decriminalizing marijuana, but Dan Patrick listens to the Texas rural sheriffs association who use an outdated report from the early 2000’s that says marijuana will make kids stupid and violent.
    nothing fun will pass in Texas until bathroom Dan is gone.
    Every time I travel I mail gift packages back to veterans that have specific strains they prefer as medicine. It's fucking enraging that they can't reliably get what they need here today because the state they live in. But your average corner store has piles of truly unhealthy drugs that are unregulated. Its barbaric, a return to the past bullshit.
    • Hook 'Em 1
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    "I don't know for sure, I don't have facts, but I feel 100% certain without any facts that my opinion is correct."

    That's the whole GOP ethos.

    Gut feelings while railing about fucking your feelings and how stupid being woke is, which is essentially having considerate feelings for people that have been historically been fucked over.

    "I feel schools Groom kids"
    "I feel Marijuana is more dangerous than alcohol or other drugs"
    "I'm scared of George Soros"
    "I feel Hunter Biden is the Debil".

    Side note, that video, with those two freedom eagle warriors, could forever dry up a million vaginas and cause untold ladies to switch teams.

    Side note two: I would like to fight both of those fuckers with my fist, and that's not my thing usually, but they'd live to fight another day unlike the exotic animals and humans these flaccid dorks like to gun down at distance.
    • Hook 'Em 4
    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  6. BOJO as NATO sec general?
    Sure, in this timeline, sure why the fuck not.  Keep it coming, universe, you're not even credible with the gags anymore.
    You'd think with all the down time this bloke could finally get a proper haircut and stop looking like he got fully pissed at the pub yet again. I mean my beard is getting a bit unruly, but I'm not trying to run fucking NATO.
  7. I am pissed because we have a mountain of cluster ammunition in the calibers needed by Ukraine’s artillery. The US is not a signatory to treaties banning its use.  Moreover, Russia is using cluster ammunition.   The more important thing is, Ukraine has no qualms about receiving it and understands that those munitions pose a risk in future - as many smaller clusters do not explode and pose a danger to civilians.  That should be Ukraine‘s decision, not ours.
    What is more dangerous to Ukrainian civilians is allowing Russia to ethnically cleanse them all.   Ukraine need shells. We have millions of shells that we could send them. Ukraine has asked for those specific shells knowing the risk. As the US has not signed any treaties saying we cannot use them, we should be sending a mountain of shells and a smaller mountain of barrels that will need replacing after Ukraine expands hundreds of thousands of those on Orcs invading their land. 
    I am getting a bit rage-y reading about shell exhaustion when tens of thousands of Ukrainian civilians are being killed by Russia.   It’s like saying we are out of 5.6 ammo to send to Ukraine when we have 50 million green tip 5.6 rounds * that we have decided aren’t suitable to send.  Mind bottling, as it were.
    * yeah, I know there is a difference between green tip and  AP, I’m just trying to make a distinction without a good difference example. 
    I defer to better informed opinions, but I feel that cluster munitions feeds into a lot of the "both sides commit war crimes" false equivalency talking points? To the (even less) informed than myself it sounds negative and war crime adjacent.

    Also does unexploded ordinance not create a problem as Ukraine is trying to retake the very territory they must shell?

    (I fully understand the Russian atrocities, terror tactics etc.)
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  8. The only thing the differentiates Austin from other Texas cities is the cost of living and the excessive amount of homeless people. Beyond that, there isn’t much special about the city (with the exception of some natural beauty, most of which is outside the city limits).
    That's kind of an important distinction chief. I like Austin because there are dozens of bad ass mountain bike trails and two lakes within 30 minutes of downtown.
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