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Born to Run

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Everything posted by Born to Run

  1. Took health as a sophomore. Ended up messing around with a senior that worked at Hooters and sat next to me, was smoking hot, dumb as fuck and needed help to graduate. Great semester!
  2. I'm not sure I could do that lady either and I like em thick. The headstand is pretty easy though. Her poor neck with all that blubber to support.
  3. Yeah I felt that way for a fucking year. Maybe he's dead, maybe he has cancer, maybe he's so busy trying to make ends that the he can't bother to answer his phone or go to the DMV because he's hustling. Yeah hustling buying a superfluous dog he can't keep after a day. That's all I need to know. F you Rofl He knows about this thread. Dude has a million posts over the years and knows everyone on here. It weirdly was part of his identity. Delete thread and OP and move on. Hopefully my PI Brother Shamus handles it and isn't working both sides.
  4. I Was not in the friend zone this morning. Somebody rocking knocking the boorsc
  5. Ruebens, dogs with kraut, or german sausage and kraut (childhood staple) plus beer equals superlative cropdusting fuel. Watch out husky fans.
  6. We like biking that area, and the lady friend has been wanting a Rueben. Perfect; thanks!
  7. We talking liscences bro. Don't need no stinking badges. I used to have one, the legislature phased them out. I'm third generation in the residential industry, my grandpa did cabinets. You wouldn't believe the amount of shit Builders we have here, anyone can be a builder. It's all up to inspectors. I suggest everyone hire a good third party inspector and engineer if outside a legit inspection area like Austin, and even then hire a good third party and verify the engineer is legit. I routinely collaborate with other contractors and I can see them budgeting getting sued on occasion to cut corners on the rest. Fuck that. That said, plenty of great builders and subs all over Austin. Some real talent.
  8. Also looking for different areas of town to grab lunch in via bike. Done Pearl District etc, South Presa. Might just end up back at Mon Chou Chou because we love it. Also interested I'm Attaboy if we do brunch, but lady is talking Gym and yoga in am before we get shitty in the afternoon.
  9. Any tailgating at this thing? I have a gang of TX Tolls to hand out.
  10. Maybe write a restaurant review for the grill over there. Discusss what you ate. Etc
  11. I'll see you putos in the shadow of the Alamo dome basement by the Dom Rock este Jueves.
  12. You honestly sound like you have your shit together and will be fine. I usually bill between 15% to 25% on residential depending on how much design I handle and other factors. Builder's were getting 30% or more last year. I don't play that, I like working for good clients that value quality and respect people's time and are cool with working a brisk but honest pace. I thrive on repeat business.
  13. Bring an interior designer in at the planning stages, because your wife has shitty taste, and she's never looked at a set of drawings in her life. Yes that would be my biggest suggestion. And build pinterst, Houzz pages, and build a collaborative page with all parties- builder, arc, designer owner and trades. As early as possible, then get things on contract and allowances tight or more importantly, accounted for.
  14. That's great hear regarding Scottsins! We have an aggressive dog we've managed to keep alive for years incident free, excepting him biting the fiance and me, and let him live to his current ripe old age of 15 and now he's just a happy old mutt. Never hurt my kid, whose now in HS. We were just careful and trained a lot.
  15. Nail down your allowances asap, and really press for a formal change order structure and try not to make a lot of changes. Most of the times I've gotten sideways was on allowances (thinking they'd want $1000 bath fixtures and they select 20k insane shit for a 3-2 in Crestview. Dm if you want a 10 min phone call to make sure you have a smooth process. Track additional expenses as they happen and budget more for landscaping than you think. (And start planning and budgeting for that, plus furniture, blinds and all that shit.) Do you need an organizer, have you budgeting storing furniture and design choices, whose responsible for that? I mostly do high end houses, so we already have budget and multiple teams planed for; design, storage, delivery and installation of shit I'm not normally dealing with like outdoor furniture and rugs, and the final move in shit. And organizing it all. That all adds up.
  16. That's actually Truth. Marshall is an interesting cat, Burner as in Burning Man stuff so a bit eccentric, but super chill and amazing with Dogs. Also does SAR for missing animals as well as training. Really knows his stuff. Honest guy and oddly enough has superb locksmith training and never stole my shit either. Pretty sure Rofl burned that bridge too last I heard.
  17. Not my experience per se. I've have guys with me for 20 plus years that i consider to be friends, some choose a path of exclusivity, or a niche market, or get so high priced it doesn't make sense for me to hire them, some get into production level shit with less discriminating clients and that's not a fit. Some get too busy. Many are loyal and I'm loyal in return and it's beautiful. The biggest factor in subs going shitty is drugs and alcohol and Mental health issues. I Have had that shit sour relationships quite a lot. Typically not a lot you can do. Irrc; Rox was basically a teetotaller so I'm not assuming it's booze or drugs, and its not my place to judge. It IS my place to hire solid people, and that does evolve as alluded to, sometimes. It's too bad, buy not much you can do but move on. Figured.
  18. Then it's all neatly tied up when I show up to adopt the dog that he bought foolishly, feigning a limp, grab my plates and disappear. Poof.
  19. Yep lesson learned. Another subcontractor hit me up last week looking for help and a loan. Nope. It hurts me to not help; but people asking for help are often shitty.
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