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Born to Run

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Posts posted by Born to Run

  1. I'm not judging whether he's good or bad, but I've had 40 years experience with construction people, and, it's been my experience that "good" ones go bad every 5-10 years or so.  If you get a REALLY good sub, chances are, at some point something shitty will happen.
    Not my experience per se. I've have guys with me for 20 plus years that i consider to be friends, some choose a path of exclusivity, or a niche market, or get so high priced it doesn't make sense for me to hire them, some get into production level shit with less discriminating clients and that's not a fit. Some get too busy. Many are loyal and I'm loyal in return and it's beautiful.

    The biggest factor in subs going shitty is drugs and alcohol and Mental health issues. I Have had that shit sour relationships quite a lot. Typically not a lot you can do. Irrc; Rox was basically a teetotaller so I'm not assuming it's booze or drugs, and its not my place to judge. It IS my place to hire solid people, and that does evolve as alluded to, sometimes. It's too bad, buy not much you can do but move on.
    I posted this on TOS years ago, but we had him do our roof and he ghosted us before completing the job and cost us a couple grand to fix his fuckups. He also took way longer than promised and was an overall shitty vendor. I got a lawyer buddy involved to get him to take care of his shit, but never actually sued.
    [mention=1009]ROFL BOX[/mention] is a real piece of shit.
    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  2. Quick Caveat: Don't do business with Roflbox.
    He is a real piece of shit with zero honor. His word is garbage and he will ghost you over basic shit. Full stop. Going on 3 years to get resolutions on something simple. I feel good about putting his shit on blast because I thought maybe he was going through some shit, but nah just more stupid shit with some poor dog.

    Turns out he is a crook and piece of shit.

    THIS is going on several years on my end over basically no cost to him. I've begged pleaded and tried as has my lady friend Do not do business or trade with him. He will steal and ghost your ass. If he did work for you DM and ill find someone to fix his shit.

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Haha 1
    • Fuck Around and Find Out 2

  3. We swing through Indianola from time to time going to and from family bay house in Palacios. Over the summers in Palacios, there's a summer camp for little kids and we've sent our oldest (9) there when spending the week in Palacios with family and they talk about LaSalle and his sunken ships. I want to say they have a mini replica for them but could be getting mixed up with something else. 

    I want to know what road you take through Indianola thats on the way to anywhere besides beautiful Magnolia Beach. it's the end of the road for sure but an alright spot.
  4. It's crazy the PTSD Feb 2021 has caused.  It's going to be in the 50s/60s today across the vast majority of the "grid"  A somewhat similar forecast for tomorrow.  Get pretty fucking cold Thursday night/Friday morning rebounding to above freezing by Sunday and back into 40s/50s by Monday and people are blowing out sprinkler systems.   This kind of 36-48 hour cold snap, where maybe 24 of it is really fucking cold by Texas standards, is a completely normal event and people going full apocalypse mode. 
    Now all that said, if that's the path you choose, I don't find fault with you at all based on the repeated incompetence we have seen.
    Meh, it takes 5 minutes and I have one zone that is fairly shallow, the rest I don't need to fuck with.
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